MASA il A SOO A rt tame gg GE § Pal0l) Ul CEN WE - DN w-a AT a ll 2S, n- er, om ls. ox yd ge an ate ISS her The are 891. /ing ford y to best DOM ter- ft. ord, ter! 7 Bi- ina, oled Sam ock, hain | .No 1-6; ser 4 pers. M17. a SE Rm i ni Rn Port ided anti. ols. Auction Sales THURSDAY MARCH 2¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Holsteins March Consignment Sale selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario including fresh & close cows, bred & open heifers & calves featuring a (GP) Feb./84 Sir Christopher from a (GP) Dam with 3y 14312 Ib. of 4.2 per cent, 2nd Dam (VG) with 15121 of 4.1 per cent due in April to Lonsfarm Revelation. If you wish to consign fo sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. Help Wanted GREENSKEEPER for Port | Perry" S new lawn bowling club. Excellent job for a retired man. For more information phone Gord 985-3304 or Bill 985-2566 or Mel 985-7004. M10 CHURCHILL MANOR Equestrian Cen tre Hunters-Jumpers requires stable help on weekends. Call 986-5618. M 10 WAITRESS/WAITER for busy restaurant required immediately. Apply to Barbeque Heaven 655-8911. M17 HERBALIFE Independent Distributor: Call for products. Call for opportunity. Susan Yandt 985-8155. M 25 PART TIME help wanted, adult or stu- dent. Must be able to work weekends. -Apply- Feed Bin Bakery. BABYSITTER required for four month old baby beginning April, my home or yours. Either on Scugog Island or in Port Perry. 985-2752. EXPERIENCED welder required for local welding shop. Write to Box-8, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, LOB TNO or call 985-2589. PART TIME help, weekdays only. Counter or kitchen help. Apply Bayshore Take-Out, Port Perry. M 7 PART TIME Gas Bar attendant. Reply P.O. Box 1170, Port Perry. EXPERIENCED hairstylist for salon in Uxbridge. Salary plus commission. Call 985-7232 or 1-430-0518 evenings. M7 FULL TIME truck driver needed. Most- ly local runs. Must have 'D' licence, 25 years or over. Apply to Box 14, c/o Port Perry Star, P.O. Box 90, Port Perry, On- tario LOB INO. . . M17 PART TIME 24-30 hours per week, retail store in Port Perry needs a good part time sales clerk-delivery person. Apply Box 13, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. STORE CLERK to do various duties, evenings & weekends. Experience preferred, but will train. Apply 9 a.m. - 4 p.m: to Greenbank Store. A CAREER in trucking. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class 'A' licence. For pre- screening interview and job placement information, contact Merv Orr Transport Driver Training, Brampton. 1-800 265-1260. TF FLORISTERY Business complete train- ing. Large profits, work from your home or shop. Keep your present employment. Day or evening classes available. Phone Oshawa Career School of Floral Design 436-0194 or 576-1026. M10 LOOKING for a position with excellent financial rewards? You owe it to yourself to call Eric F. Auliff now and get the. facts about a full time career as a real estate professional. Bowes & Cocks. Limited, Realtor, 576-2421 Res. : 728-4050. TF Iv F PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 10, 1987 -- 41 $.S. No. 2 School, Cartwright Our thanks to Ginny Masterson of Blackstock for the loan of this fine photograph of S.S: No. 2 School in Cartwright Towriship. Mrs. Masterson found the photo last year while completing renova- tions to the Country Store in Blackstock. The photo was likely taken in the late 1890's at the school which was then located north of Blackstock. The school later burned and was rebuilt of brick in downtown Blackstock. When the photo was found by Mrs. Master- son, there was a list of names attached. However, the names do not correspond to the rows of students in the photo. Maybe some of our readers can help shed more specific details about this photo and the identities of the. students and teachers. Call the Star of- fice at 985-7383. Obituary--John Waterworth One of the last remaining Vimy Ridge veterans from the World-War 1 J Mr. John Leonard Waterworth. Born May 9, 1890 Manchester England. Died February 19, 1987, age 96. He left his Fathers paper and twine company in Manchester England to come tc Canada, in 1913. Settled in the Redfield area of Saskatchewan as a pioneer farmer. Enlisted in the Canadian Army, 1916. 96 Battalion in Saskatoon. Served in France in the 13th Bat- talion Royal Canadian Highlanders, Black Watch. 1st Division. Fell Help Wanted next 073 hod SERVICES CONTRACT PROGRAM STAFF For the Sunnydale Tri-Ministry Project, Sunderland, Ontario _ Responsibilities of this position include participation in the implemen tation of programs within the Sunderland Life Skills Program for individuals with multi-handicaps. Hours are 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m This 1s a six month contract position QUALIFICATIONS Community College or degree in Child Studies, OT /P T training and/or experience working with individuals with developmental han _dicaps preferred with good interpersonal skills Please reply in writing by March 20, 1987 to - Personnel Officer, ADHOD Services. 39 Wellington Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3Y1 L] wounded at Farbus Woods ---- Vimy Ridge, 1917 Hospitalized and ship- ped back to England, Military Hospital at Buxton, Derbyshire. Returned to Canada in 1918 to Wanganui Saskatchewan. Later to work for the C.N.R. in Northbat- - tleford. Came east to Toronto in 1925 working for the C.N.R. until 1930. Then moved to Greenbank, Ontario . with his wife and family, of three sons and one daughter to once again farm. The years spent in Greenbank were very happy ones, living among some very fine people. In spite of the "Great Depression," life was hard, John Milton Howsam passed away suddenly at the Port Perry Villa on the 1st day of Februry 1987. Milton Howsam was born at Marsh Hill on December 24, 1900. He was the son of the late John Howsam and Matilda Nugent Howsam of Marsh Hill. He attended school at Marsh Hill and worked ih construc- tion and then farmed. He married Della Marjorie Gib- son Howsam on January 4, 1922 They had two children, Lorna Howsam Brown, who resides in Port Perry and the late Claire Howsam of Port Perry. In 1941 he went to work in Oshawa at General Motors, where he work ed for 25 years and retired from - there Milt and Della built a house in Port Perry on Carnegie St. in 1948 and eight years later helped their son build a home right across the but mi Sailed to England with his wife and family in 1938: Bought a large grocery store from a friend, and was appointed: post master for an adjoining sub-post office in the city of Carlisle, Cumberland. Returned to Canada in 1974, after the death of his wife Mary Pearsor| Waterworth, to live with two of his sons Ronald and Jack in Whitby, Ontario. Then moved with them upon their retirement, to Victoria Place in Bob- caygeon in 1979. Memorial services were held on February 23, 1987 at Trinity United street from them. In 1953 Milt joined the Oddfellows Lodge and was a member for 34 years. After retiring from the Motors Milton and Della enjoyed 11 winters indlorida and returned in the spring to Port Perry for their summers In 1984 they moved to the Port Perry Villa. *" On January 4, 1987 they had celebrated their 65th Wedding An mversary at the Villa with friends and relatives at an afternoon tea Milt 1s also survived by four Church, Bobcaygeon. The Minister in attendance, the Reverend Larr y Wiegand. Among the many who attended were five members of the local Royal Canadian Legion Branch 239. At the conclusion of the service lan Watt, the former Pipe Major of the Lindsay Pipe Band, piped Amaz- ing Grace, Going Home... and the salute to an old soldier, The Flowers. of the Forest, Mr. J L. Waterworth is survived by three sons, one daughter, 10 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Obituary--John Howsam grandchildren, Sharon, Glen, Gary and Cindy and 9 great- grandchildren, Shawn, Kelly, Kylie, Paige, Ryan, Kevin, Jennifer, James and Daniel. He is predeceas- ed by brothers Freeman and Harold Howsam and sister Winnifred Howsam A Funeral Service was held at the Wagg-McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home in Port Perry on February 3, 1987 with interment at Hillman Cemetery, Utica. Rev - Glenn Jackson officiated. IF YOUR AD WAS HERE ... over 12,000 people could have read it this week! That's alot of potential customers for your business Advertising made easy find out more about it! sl CALL 985-7383 for INFORMATION