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Port Perry Star, 17 Mar 1987, p. 6

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lr I, ae 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 17, 1987 Letters -- ------------ Traffic lights are necessary To The Editor: [live in Port Perry and | am very upset about the community plaza. It was not prepared for more shops, especially when the town is not ready to put stoplights up: Saturday morning you might want to stop at the Canadian Tire or any other store there. Parking is terrible, those little spots are inade- quate If I had a big car it would be most difficult for parking. I serious- ly don't think it is fair! People coming into Port Perry don't know of this problem and come off the causeway (7A) as if they have been in a race. Someone is going to get hurt, then what are they going to do"? Last year in the summer the plaza had one lonely of- ficer directing traffic -all day He might be getting paid well, but | wish they would put traffic lights up. I admit that 1 am really scared about traffic in the morning on Saturday Sorry, if this letter offended "anyong, but I had to say something or nothing will happen and things will get worse. | hope something is resolved from this letter Yours sincerely. Deana Sims, Port Perry Easter Seal money at work To The Editor: A fund-raising campaign is now underway in Scugog Township by the Port Perry Rotary Club on behalf of the Easter Seal Society Our 1986 campaign was a success with some $8,000 raised locally, and we are hoping to mateh or even in- crease that amount this year. We thank the people of Seugog for their generosity in helping us and Easter Seals help children in the community The following are two letters of appreciation from Scugog families We think they are of interest to the readers to let them know where and how their contributions are used | George Stone, Chairman, Childrens Services Committee, Port Perry Rotary Clyb ~~ Iam writing on behalf of my son Joe Stalker to thank the Rotarians for their great generosity in con- tributing toa computer screen and a commode chair for him. He has - spent a lot of time lately in hospital out is home now and is making good (From page 5) Scugog Historical Society is con- - cerned over the dexlining number of canoes entered each year. I know the race is a physically demanding event, but with a little pre-conditioning, jogging. pre- running the course, weight-training etc . it could be a lot n.ore enjoyable for most paddlers Do they shorten the Boston Marathon because three runners out "of 3.000 drop from exhaustion" Therefore, as chairman of the race committee, | have decided to resign my position, for I will not be responsible for the downfall of "Canoe the Nonquon," which has been a tradition in Port Perry for so many vears Sincerely Rudi Jammer. R R 2. Blackstock € use of them Thank-you again for all the special things vou do on behalf of the community. Yours sincerely, Joe & Joan Stalker, Greenbank. We would like to take this oppor- tunity now to thank-you for the generous financial support your club has given us over the past few months in purchasing the special equipment our daughter, Sherry has needed. This list includes as follows, a shiny new red motorized wheelchair, a wheelchair insert, a stander used for obtaining her balance and now a new ultralight manual wheelchair. Chosen fair site You will be pleased to know she has masterminded the power chair and drives it around just like a pro. Also the stander has helped her a great deal to strengthen her muscles for maintaining her balance. The in- sert is due to come anytime now as is the manual wheelchair. This chair will now enable us to put her in "Brownies in the fall as there is not a ramp at the Scout Hall and we will - be able to transport her with ease. Thank-you all again so much for all the kindness and support the club has shown us. It is very much appreciated. Yours truly, Gene. Yvonne & Sherry Spofford, : Port Perry. L IS not appropriate To The Editor: I wish to express my views about the local disagreement regarding the Port Perry Fairgrounds. I think the area chosen would not be a particularly good one for a school. If a school was placed there, we would lose a historical landmark in Port Perry. If the Fairgrounds are placed somewhere else, there could even be a problem of moving the Fairgrounds again because of the current surge of homes being built, with every available space be- ing used. My suggestion for the people who . take care of the Fairgrounds would be that when the lease of the grounds runs out then, they develop | a public park. In ten years, this place gould be the center of town. In doing" this, we would keep the - historical aspect and provide a - recreational place for new people moving into the town's developing areas. : I hope my views on this topic will generate more ideas regarding this present. disagreement. Yours sincerely, | 'Michelle Kiezebrink, R.R.4. Port Perry. Capital punishment To the Editor Return to capital pumshment" You bet' Statistics say it will not be a deterrant Those figures were ac cumulated from another place and president of the organization at the Monday night meeting Yesterday's Memories # 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, March 16, 1977 At the annual meeting of the Durham Region Family and Children's Services, Vernon Asselstine of Blackstock was elected It was a hapless Scugog mayor who cast the tie-breaking vote in favour of allowing another three-day deer hunt in the township Scugog Township Council approved a bylaw approving the re *zoning of the "Murray House' property across from the IGA to ac commodate a Chimo Youth Services home for up to six emotionally | disturbed youths, but not without the opposition of two councillors ---- / / time Besides we are talking about REAL people. not numbers' There must be regulations on the use of the death penalty of course Farst of all. the, jury in a first degree murder case would decide on a guilty or a not guilty verdict » The next would be to give the sen. tence of hfe imprisonment or the death penalty. based on that case alone There may be murderers who can be rehabilitated. however there are those who can not be Even though, they are car cerated for brutally taken another's hfe, they enjoy access to recreational facihiies as well as an OPPORTU to further their educ ation. all at the taxpayers expense Money better spent on the families of the victims or for police mn vestigation techmques etq If the return of capital punish ment deters on person trom committing murder. then saving that one person's hfe would be wor that' Jane DeCare Caesarea. Ont One Woman's View by Chris Carlisle Things aren't always what they seem. Sometimes they even close Take the television preacher who claims to have talked with God If the preacher doesn't raise so many million by the end of March, God'll call him home. . Where is home? A condo in Miami Beach? Hawaii? Home is where the heart is. It's where you hang your hat So just where is this guy going? Suppose the preacher falls short. He has led his viewers to believe he'll die. I doubt very much that he will. But what great television it could make. There he is attached to the heart monitors. He has gone into a coma. The monitor beeps out his slow, meandering heartbeat We see the little green or blue blips on the screen beside his bedside in the studio. Fighting till the end, he is. They play his old impassion. ed speeches begging for dollars to save his life while the blips and bleeps slow down. But the dollars just don't come in'and the beeping stops. Silence on the screen while a million heartbeats across the continent speed up. He's dead. But wait, thirty seconds later, the blips start up again. They get faster and faster. Yes, it's a miracle! He's not only been home, he's left it. He has been spared for another- month. One more month to try to reach the magic figure. Maybe as he lies there in his "coma," the calls will pour in ang instead of weakening, the heart will speed up faster and faster. up. til, in a frenzy, he awakens to thank the world for saving his life ~ Afriend watched a religious show, the minister pleading for funds to save the earthquake victims in some far off place like Peru. The viewer searched his mind for recollection of that particular earth. quake in which thousands were to have perished. He asked around, checked files. Found no record of an earthquake. Which leads me to a very deceptive money-making scheme - or is that scam? -- we folks in this winterland of frozen lakes could easily begin. Our motto: Bleed the World. ' As the cameras roll over.the scores of tiny fish-hut villages on the ice, the sad voice begins. "These people had homes. Jobs. Cottages. Retirement homes But the levels of the lake rose, flooding those homes. Then winter came. Froze the waters." "These poor homeless people are forced to live on the ice in tiny four by six-foot shacks. Some are without heat. All are without food and water systems. They are forced to fish for food through a hole chopped in the ice. They can't even afford proper fishing rods, but must fish with these crude little rigs. reeling in their catch hand over hand." "There is no tap water. They get their drinking water from the holes or these little brown bottles from the mainland. Contaminated. the bubbly amber liquid makes many ill and incoherent." "There are no sewers. Raw sewage enters their water supply through another hole in the ice out back. They brave blizzards and Arctic temperatures to take care of their personal needs." "These brave, struggling Canadians have no electricity and after dark they rely on the lights from flashlights donated by us. They are arent ~ without books, schools or churches." ""We want to send them Bibles for hope on those long, dark Czna- dian nights. We want to build them a church. Using the most modern farming methods, we want to teach them to grow their own fruits and vegetables in the snow." "*Help us to help these valiant Canadians in their struggle. Send your money to: Bleed the World..." a co ~ Don't get me wrong. There are many legitimate charities and Teliginus organizations out there. Thank Heaven and whoever for that. But they aren't all what they seem. The miracle of television can confuse at times. When in doubt, think of the great Canadian sport. ice fishing. And ask questions. ff i Starting this Friday. March 13th ... the sounds of GORDON GIRVAN, Pianist to enhance your evening at ... EMIEL'S PLACE DOWNTOWN, PORT PERRY M&I AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS TO: Motorcycles (Stock & Performance) Snowmobiles Outboard Motors ASK FOR JOHN ENGINE PARTS -- Domestic & Performance REBUILT ENGINES -- Domestic & Performance ASK FOR MERV 9345 179 Casimir St, Port Perry 985.

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