Li ¥ CHL A al rags oy A A a LS aiid a Tune HMR hrs, ED A AIAG © " OE ne ts hig EE EEE Kids enjoyed maple syrup Seagrave and Area News by Ann Sandiford Everyone who visited Purple «Woods this past Friday, Mar. 20th with the Seagrave Playschool would like to extend a very special Thank You to Patty Williams whe once again made the outing a super syc- cess for everyone. The young kids especially enjoyed the trip on the "big kids school bus" and then went on the tour of Purple Woods to see how Maple Syrup is really made. 1 hear that an upcoming event of the Seagrave Playschool will include pancakes topped with the maple syrup acquired on this trip. Thanks again to Patty for an excellent trip Birthday wishes this week go out to Katherine Cooke who will be celebrating her 4th birthday on the 23rd of March, and to Jay King. Stephanie Knutson and Mr. Larry Taylor. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Seagrave UCW there will be a special service at the Seagrave Church on Sunday evening March 29th at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker 1s Lois Wilson, the past moderator of the United Church. The topic will be "The Wonran Who Talked Back To Jesus." not be a morning 'service at the Seagrave Church on this day The annual Seagrave United Church Beef Dinner will be held on Wednesday April 15th. The sittings 'will be at 4:30, 5:30 6:30 and 7-& The cost will be adults. $7.00 and children under 12, $2.00. For tickets. please call 985-2627 or (705) 357-3534 Since there were many people away during the March Break I am. sure many of you were not able to register vour children for baseball in Seagrave. There will be a late baseball registration at the Seagrave United Church on Friday April 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:0 p.m and on Saturday April 5th from 1-0 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The following age categories are offered for the minimal fee of $5.00 per child. Please remember when you register your child, your OHIP number will be 1 equired. T-BAll -- Please note: There will - mixed boys & girls teams -- age 5 & 6. Mite -- mixed boys & girls teams -- age 7&8, Squirt -- mixed boys & girls teams -- age 11 & 12. Pee Wee -- separate boys & girls teams -- age 13 & 14, Bantam -- separate boys & girls teams -- 153& 16. If there are any problems or ques- tions you would like answered, please call Wayne Addison at 985-8776. There will be a Scout Paper Drive on Saturday March 28th. All Cubs and Scouts participating are re- quested to be at the Seagrave ® Church at 9:00 a.m. We would real- Iv appreciate the assistance of anyone who has a pick up truck to help us with this paper drive. Your help would sure be appreciated by everyone. Please be sure to keep Saturday May «2nd open. The Seagrave/Greenbank Cubs/Scouts/Beavers will be holding a dance at the Greenbank Hall. Dance music will be provided by an excellent disc jockey at a minimal fee of $15.00 per couple. For' information about tickets, please "all Betty Williams at 985-8563 or Terry Crawford at 985-3547. There are a limited number of tickets for this dance. so please call and book - ea arly "On Monday. June Ist is the Boy plus one pot luck dinner at the Greenbank Hall. More details will follow in upcoming columns. On April 3. 4 and 3. our Cubs and Scouts will be enjoying a winter camp together at the Haliburton: Scout Reserve. We are all hoping there will be snow for the kids so they can enjoy snowshoeing and some tobogganing. The boys will . also be doing a lot of work on their badges during the weekend. Congratulations to Jasen Williams. Bobby Crawford and Jeremy Williams who won 2nd place for their construction of a winter shelter at the Pine Ridge District Scouting Event. Two of the boys N&R BUSINESS SERVICES 1-263-8323 Services to Businesses * Accounting * Payroll * Tax Planning & Preparation * Consulting Services to Individuals RICHARD LOWE, BA, MA DIRECTOR & CHIEF CONSULTANT * rinancial Management © Firm Management aX4a SALE 1982 JEEP CJ7 RENEGADE 6 cylinder, 4 speed. hardtop, Black on black ........... $7,495. 1986 AMC EAGLE WAGON 4X4 | 6 cylind to, tilt, cruise, | AM/FM stereo, one owner _.. $ 10, 300. 1981 WAGONEER age - were new to Scouts this year Con gratulations again. That's it for this week and what a super week it has been. I know our thermometer this past Sunday was 60 1n the shade and lots higher in the sun. This has been a super beginn- ing to spring, Jets hope it stays that way For news items next week, please call Diane Cooke at 985-3722. VIPAT -- he ¥ GA x LLL ff March into Spring with these Savings from ... 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