1y SO d as n his | was ittee e of Cl to mit- le to the N : or at "eSS. olicy ition the and this ted, liev- nce. the ly to hool 'mal e to hout and is it con- -& TE There will bs 8 Special meeting hel i Raglan United Church this coming Thursday, March 26, to decide what is to happen to the old building. The church has been closed for the past year, and the Meeting. which will start at 7:30 2 pF i coe Street. p.m., will hopefully decide its fate. Kay Brown stated all interested parties are invited and she hopes there will be a good turnout. The church is located on Myrtle Road, just to the west of Sim- Master plan unveiled The cultrre and recreation master plan that has been the sub- ject of study over the past few years has finally been unveiled to Whitby council members. And it includes a number of recommendations for ad- | ditional facilities in the Brooklin area. During the past two years, Jean Monteith and Associates Limited of London, has undertaken the preparation of a master plan for the future recreatibnal and culture needs of the municipality. This "Plan" was instituted to provide a commentary as to the appropriate culture and recreation opportunities and facilities to be considered for the residents of Whitby. ~The entire plan is in excess of 200 pages but a brief summary follows as to the sections that pertain to the North Ward. It was suggested that the town alleviate existing deficiencies in present softball d'amonds by 1988 in order to make them of a high quali- ty suitable for competitive play and adult leagues. It was also recom- mended that consideration be given to building four additional softball diamonds, one of which should be developed in the Brooklin area. The report also recommended that the town, in association with local service clubs, consider the feasibility of constructing and operating an outdoor pool and possibly a wading. pool. in the Brooklin area. It was suggested this be done during 1987-88. However, the parks and recreation department stated that although they are aware of the concerns pertaining to the availability of children's facilities 'and programs in the Brooklin area, the capital and operating costs of an outdoor pool were questioned for the area. They did say that in recogni- tion of the concerns, the 1988 capital budget will reflect money for a 'spray pool." Through a three-year program, which 'was initiated last year, money has been set aside for jm- provements and upgrading of Spencer, Ashburn and Brooklin Community Centres. ~- Several local areas have also been addressed in the proposed parks and THE DURHAM REGION R.C.S.S. BOARD invites parents to complete an application for registration for kindergarten. To be eligible as a Separate School Supporter, one or both parents must be Catholic. REGISTRATION FOR JUNIOR & SENIOR KINDERGARTEN FOR SEPTEMBER 1987. Applicants for registration will take place as follows: BROOKLIN: St. Leo Cathelic School, North Street, Brovidin DATE: Thursday, April 2, 1987 TIME: 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM -- ONLY! PLEASE NOTE: 1. Children to be registered for Sr Kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before Dec. 31, 1987 2. Children to be registered for Jr Kindergarten must be 4 years of age | on or before Dec. 31, 1987 3. Proof of age is to be presented mn the form of Baptismal Record, Birth Certificate, or Birth Registration 4. Please have available health records on immunzation, allergies, etc it was' open space development program. In Ashburn Park, the recommenda- tion calls for the installation of players benches and bleachers at the ball diamond. In Kinsmen Park (located behind Brooklin Library), -the plans call for the upgrading of the fitness (rails already there, and suggested that the playground equipment in the park be relocated onto Meadowcrest Public School property to maximize its use. In Brooklin Memorial Park...in stall new fencing along the east side of the park to keep out motorized vehicles; install additional fencing running east and west between the existing balldiamond and the race track' consider the acquisition of property located south and west of the park for the purpose of enlarg- ing the facility; provide additional playground equipment; construct an outdoor pool; and develop a se- cond lighted softball diamond. It was also suggested that if more land was acquired, the race track be relocated to the south so that addi- tional athletic fields could be developed. The report also recommended that the town consider acquiring the "lands that Cashway Park now stands on from private enterprise, and install park benches at the location. Park benches and lighting were recommended to enhance Grass Park in downtown Brooklin. They would like to see a small ac- tivity play area, such as horseshoe pits, in Myrtle Community Park, Parks and Recreation Director Larry Morrow concluded that many of the recommendations made in the report will impact on the operating and capital budgets of his depart- ment, but added that through a com- bination of the Goals and Objectives exercise and particularly staff reports, costs associated with the various areas considered for im- . plementation can be addressed. \ PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 24, 1987 -- 21 Mayor angered From page 17) have the nerve to turn around and sell that land and run off with the money without a' thought to this municipality," the mayor told the Profile in an interview. He said he was appalled that the government would amass' such large amounts of land, sit on if un-, til the price had inflated and then "dump" the property at an ex- cessive profit. Attersley made a motion to refer the application back to planning department staff for an investiga- tion of the corporation's overall plan for their land disposal. His motion was supported by councoillors Gerry Emm and Marcel Brunelle who sit on the administrative com- mittee. Councillor Joe Bugelli was absent from the proceedings. The mayor stated the move by OLC did nothing for the town, and actually would represent an addi- tional expense as neighbouring roads would have to be upgraded to accommodate such development. Several property owners in the vicinity of the proposed subdivision were on hand for the meeting, and although it was not classified as a public meeting, the chairman allow- ed them to speak. One nearby pro- perty owner stated the corporation was '"'the worst neighbour possible,'" a comment that met with full agree- ment of the mayor. A full public meeting was held last June and was attended by neighbouring property .owners on the west side of Cochrane estate " by proposal Street and both sides of Country Lane and Brawley Road in the ° vicinity of the property. Several of the residents express- ed concerns that the development of the 50 acres would have a serious ef- fect on the water table in the area. In a letter to the town, the Vander Zwet family stated they would con- sider it the sole responsibility of those involved to replace well systems no longer functioning to re- quirement because of any distur- bance in the water table. They also concluded it would be difficult legal- ly to prove the water table had been upset five years down the road. "It's evident we're dealing with more complications than just what's before us," said Brunelle. Wilson said the corporation pur- chased acreage north of Highway 7 in 1973 for what was supposed to" have been a complete community, but said the land had now been reduced to scattered lots, some sold as farmland in the past year. __ He indicated the corporation in- tends to sell 1,200 additional acres in the proximity of the 50 acres under discussion, also as farm land. Attersley concluded the proposal for the estate development being ap- plied for was "'piecemeal develop ment" that could set a precident for similar applications in the future. He suggested the corporation shoulc have developed the entire 1,20( acres and, if they were serious. should have brought sewers anc water north from Whitby to the Brooklin area. Brooklin Horticultural Society April 11, 1987, District 17 Annual Meeting The District Annual Meeting is be- ing held close to home in Nestleton this year. The location is the Nestleton Community Centre on Hwy. 7A. Excellent speakers are lin- ed up and of course a flower show is planned. We would like as many of our inembers as possible to at- tend. It is an opportunity to meet and talk with others of similar in- terests from the different Societies. - If you are unable to attend but would like to enter in the Show, we will make arrangements to get your en- tries there. Betty Van Buuren can "be reached at 655-4937 and she will take care of this. The following is the Show Schedules: A - Specimen - African Violet - Single - 1 crown - any colour; African Violet - Double - 1 crown - any colour; Miniature African Violet; Houseplant - grown primarily for foliage; Pot et Fleur - maximum container size 10". . B- Decorative - "Happy 10th An- niversary' - Fresh arrangement, front viewing, suitable for a buffet table, not to exceed 15" in any direc- tion; "Picnic Time' - Exhibitional design, to fit into an 18"x18" table space. Must include fresh flower ar- rangement; 'Spring Has Sprung" - miniature arrangement, not to ex- ceed 5" in any direction, fresh materials; '*'Madame Butterfly" Oriental design using three only fresh flowers; 'Lasting Beauty" Design using dried materials, in- cluding fungi, not to exceed 18" in height. ~ Monday Evenings In April Landscape Design Course Hy Ken Brown Ken has planned a practical four evening course that will take us through some principals of Land- scape Design as well as how to ex- ecute our dreams and ideas. The cost is $25.00 for members and $30.00 for non-members. Please call me at 655-8945 to register. Brooklin Park Study (From page 17) | These were expressed during the process of interviewing municipal staff, community residents, interest groups and members of the Brooklin Spring Fair Board. The Master Plan contained recommendations for passive open Port Perry, Ont. [PRECISION AUTO ELECTRIC Durham Rd. 8, 2 Mile West of Arena LOB-1NO 985-8406 Parts - Sales - Service - Testing Of All Electrical & Fuel Components Tune-Ups - Air Conditioning - Trouble Shooting - Brakes Owned & Operated by Tim Bartley OPEN: Mon. Fri. 8 AM. 10 6 PM. Saturday 3 AM. to 12 Nos space, an outdoor swimming pool, a softball diamond (lighted) and two soccer pitches. But the question was raised as to whether these facilities could be considered in concert with the annual Spring Fair, and for that matter, whether there was suffi- - cient lands to incorporate them in- to the present park at all. There had also been inquiries as to the feasibility of a hall facility ac- commodating 300 people, but the parks and recreation department has stated there is little doubt such a hall will not be constructed in the immediate future. Morrow feels that a feasibility study, when completed, will repre- sent the framework for the develop- ment of Brooklin Memorial Park, and serve as a primary support document for application of Provin- cial Capital Grants should the op- portunity be available to do so.