-- 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 21, 1987 The Scugog Choral Society's pro- duction of "South Pacific" opens this week at Town Hall 1873 in Port Perry and patrons are going to notice something a bit different about the music. No, they haven't tinkered with the words of the famous songs by Rodgers and Hammerstein, but for the first time ever, the Choral Socie- ty is 'going electronic' with South Pacific. Instead of the usual piano, musical director Tom Millar has assembled an "orchestra' of five key-board synthesizers, electronic drums and a computerized gizmo that will bring out-all kinds of dif- ferent musical and special sound ef- fects at the push of a button. There will be three mikes on the stage plus the lead characters will be fitted with wireless mikes during the performance. All of the music, the songs, the dialogue and the special sound ef- fects will be wired through a huge ALL TYPES -- ALL MAKES -- STEREOS & HI-Fl's South Pacific opens this week mixing console operated by Dr. John Stewart. He'll also be adding some in- teresting special sound effects like a World War 2 radio'communica- tions complete with the back-ground "sound of machine gun fire. (South Pacific is set during thie last war on an island in the Pacific Ocean) Last Wednesday night, Dr. Millar, Dr. Stewart, Kim Dick, Carol McGrath and Steve Smith were rehearsing with the electronic sound system for the first time. "What we are trying to do is create an orchestra sound for a small audience in a small hall," said the always enthusiastic Dr. Millar. He of course will be playing two of the key-boards. Other key-board work will be handled by Kim Dick and Carol McGrath, while Steve Smith will add the percussion on a set of electronic drums. @ «It will be fascinating to see if it all works. I think'it will. I hope it will," said Dr. Millar with a wide " MODULAR4 SERVICING PHILIPS THIS COUPON WORTH $5.00 OFF YOUR NEXT SERVICE CALL! 214BLOORST.E. | 723-5341 STEREO 7° FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTRE FOR: PHILIPS RCA - ZENITH - TOSHIBA - HITACHI - LLOYDS UXBRIDGE MEMORIAL MICROWAVE OVEN SERVICE COMPANY MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION GRANITE - MARBLE BRONZE Cemetery Lettering & Renovations Custom Designing o FOR PERSONAL SERVICE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM HOME APPOINTMENTS & TRANSPORTATION BY REQUES! 38 YEARS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. & Lettering Quality & Satistaction Assured by our own Written Guarantee. 852-3472 108 Brock Street West The camera appears to have caught John Stewart slightly off guard during South Pacific rehearsals last week. John will have the task of & grin on his face. The Choral Society's production of 'South Pacific" is being directed by Nina Foxall, with the lead roles handled by Debbie Dejong as Nellie; Don Taylor as Emile; Jean Kennedy as Bloody Mary and Bill Bagshaw as Lt. Cable. There will be nine performances starting April 23 and- tickets for some nights are still available at Ir- win Smith Music in Port Perry. The staging of *'South Pacific' is an ambitious under-taking for the Choral Society and going electronic with the music will be a first for: Town Hall 1873. But some things just never change including those marvellous songs " from South Pacific which are classics. : "Nothing Like a Dame," "Some Enchanted Evening" and " Younger Than Spring Time' will grab hold of the audience just as they have every time *'South Pacific' has been per- formed on the stage. For more information about tickets, drop in to Irwin Smith Music on Queen Street in Port Perry. CHESTERFIELD SUITES - LOVE SEATS SEGTIONALS - MATTRESSES -- A Large Selection -- LESS THAN 1/2 3 PRICE! == * MCcKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa - 725-5181 NN. Highwa High Pe Ph. 985- 'Kim Dick, Carol McGrath and Steve Smith. (See story for details operating the large "mixing console" which con trol the electronic sounds from the keyboards. t 2 Town Hall 1873 will be filled with the electronic sounds from several keyboard synthesizers when the Choral Society's produc- tion of the famed "South Pacific" opens this week. Going electric is a first for a Choral Society production and musical director Tom Miller (at_left) says it will be fascinating. Also providing music are and for ticket information for "South Pacific"). ODDFELLOWS & REBEKAH LODGE TRIP OF THE MONTH CLUB WINNERS FOR THE FIRST 6 MONTHS Arrangements made by MARLIN TRAVEL, PORT PERRY SEPTEMBER 1986 -- Venezuela (one week) - Charlie Taber, Brooklin Free Ticket - Richard Young, Port Perry OCTOBER 1986 -- British Airways London, Eng. (one week) - Jay Williams . Free Ticket - A. Downey, Brooklin NOVEMBER 1986 -- Puerto La Cruz (one week) - Rick LaRocque, Port Perry ~ Free Ticket - Sandy & Sue Garvock, Pert Perry DECEMBER 1986 -- Las Vegas (5 days, 4 nights) - Phil McBride, Port Perry « Free Ticket - Sue Adderly, Port Perry JANUARY 1987 -- Barbados (one week) - Norris & Frona Doherty, Port Perry Free Ticket - Phil McBride, Port Perry FEBRUARY 1987 -- Dominican Republic (one week) - Fred Taber, Brooklin Free Ticket - Pierre LeDuc, Port Perry . i, LO bid oh