lub a . " il {i} a GRRL SFE RIN vo oh Eh SSE HL SR GC a BR CH PR ii rey iii cn hs Sb EL i Sar dN a iy JW ir | : All-round Cords were presented to the following Guides at a ceremony held Sunday afternoon at the Anglican Church. From left to right: Sarah Hobbs, Megan Thinpson; Eiley Dearling, Sarah Sroxal and Emily Smith. The following Guides received All-round Cords in the ceremony last Sunday at the Anglican Church. From left: Annette Stainton, Tammy Paxton, Cherrie Evans, Charlene Kyte and Laurie Gladish. Drainage loans The Ontario tile drainage loan program will be continued at the eight per cent interest rate this year. The maximum loan av ailable, increased last year from 60 to 75 per cent of the cost of the work or $20,000 per farmer whichever is less, will also be continued this year Under the tile drainage program. municipalities issue debentures to cover the cost of approved projects The province purchases the deben- tures and the municipalities lend the proceeds to the farmers whose drainage projects m.eet the program qualifications This year the ptovince will con- tinue to purchase debentures on a first-come first-serviced basis. eliminating the process of allocating and monitoring budget amounts to each participating municipality About 200.000 acres are tiled each year by 4,000 Ontario farmers Drainage systems ailow farmers to drain fields of excess moisture and increase the land's productivity Research shows tile drainage can increase yields by 15 to 80 per cent STABILIZATION PAYMENT FOR THE 1983 & 1984 APPLE CROPS Minister. John Wise, has announc ed stabilization payments for the 1983 and 1984 apple drops For the 1983 crop vear, a total of $5 3 million will be paid out hased on a rate vf-1.09 cents per kilo_ For the 1984 crop vear. a total of $7 2 million will be paid out at a rate of 1 66 cents per kilo of marketed crop. The level of payment is based on the previous five year market price adjusted for changes in the cash cost of the pro- duct. Government bdfficials are working with growers and the pro- vinces to develop a national tripar tite stablilization program PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 28, 1987 -- 27 N The Thursday Night Mens Bowling League wrapped up its season on Saturday with a ban- quet and dance and the presentation of trophies to the winning teams. Top team, the IGA squad, The Brian Ss Towing team took the Consola- Cox, Brian Evan tion trophy for the Thursday Night Mens From left: Dale Hunter, Greg St. John, Wayne Vay SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL MAY 7, 1987 Oil and Filter Change * Install up to 5 litres of Autopar "Warranty Approved' Motor Oil and an Autopar Oil Filter « Inspect C-V joint boots (where applicable) '24.95 plus tax MOST CARS 8 LIGHT TRUCKS cap, rotor, coll, PCV valve, belts, PEPE EEE ETE EERE EEE EE EH *44.95 4 CYLINDER *49.95 hoses and compression 69.95 Engine Tune-Up = install new Autopar spark plugs * Check plug wires, distributor * Adjust timing and idle * Service air cleaner and hattery 69 8 CYLINDER ---- ANY ADDITIONAL PARTS OR SERVICES REQUIRED WiLL BE QUOTED FOR YOUR AUTHORIZATION BEFORE WORK IS STARTED Scugog Chrysler ) | DURHAM'S BEST CHRYSLER DODGE & PLYMOUTH DEALER Vv 4 witt. total pins is as follows. From left to right: Don Francis, Brian Bray, Joe Stone, Jim Januck and Glen Wilson. Absent fron: Photo Nich Thompson. s and Rick Prosser. Absent from League. photo: Ernie Smith and Terry Bell. His eSioppe\ = EFA =, = You can depend ou it! FOR MOST NORTH AMERICAN BUILT CARS & LIGHT TF \ . " - fi HTH Wheel Alignment * Adjust caster (where applicable), camber and toe-in ¢ Set torsion bars (where apphcabie) « Check ball joints, steering links, shocks and tire pressure * Centre steering wheel * Inspect C-V joint boots (where applicable) *24.95 Front Disc . Brake Service * Install new pads * Resurface front $ rotors * Inspect front calipers, C-V jont boots (where applicable), master cyknder, brake hardware and brake hoses 84.95 LEER EERE EERE LEFT EEL 1 ! (HESIER. « HEYMER a8s- 7354 000ge § Posi 655-8826 M* wv