34 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 5, 1987 REDUCE OVERHEAD BY MAXIMIZING THROUGH-PUT by Jim Walker, Port Advisor It may be possible to reduce overhead costs in pork production by using barn space to its maximum capacity, according to Dr. Gordon Bowman. In a presentation at the recent Guelph Pork Symposium he suggested producers examine the following points to achieve max- imum through-put : UCW Bay of Quinte conference report . The Living Legacy was the Theme of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference U.C.W. 25th Anniversary, which was held April 7th and 8th at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, with 193 people attending. Mrs. Marion Minifie, President of the Bay of Quinte Conference UC. W. welcomed all present. Mrs. Margaret Lamb, President of Reducing production cost 1. Set weekly production targets based on a constant number of lit- ters farrowed per week, and plan the use of facilities based on these targets 2. Use farrowing facilities at peak capacity plus. You can always sell surplus bred sows or weaner pigs. 3. Allow for flexibility in such areas as breeding or weaning age, or culling age. Keep a large gilt pool. Oshawa Presbyterial and Mrs. Helen Crawford, President of St. Mark's U.C.W. brought greetings. The meeting then started with a brief Communion Service conducted by Rev. Brian Gee, Minister, assisted by the Women Elders of St. Mark's Church. Our guest speaker for the after- noon, was Mrs. Margaret Nix. Mother's Day Specials HYDRANGEA - MIXED PANS BEAUTIFUL HANGING BASKETS SPECIAL - 12 Sweetheart Roses ... $12.99 100's of FRESH & SILK ARRANGEMENTS TO CHOOSE FROM. GARDEN CENTRE NOW OPEN! Come in and browse. " WE DELIVER WORLD-WIDE Buy Dircet from the Grower and SAVE... 220 Main St. N., Uxbridge = ALLAN UNDERHILL FLOWERS & GREENHOUSES -- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- -- Serving Durham Region for 50 Years -- 852-6395 or 852-6283 = J hilo 'A SIGHT TO DAZZLE YOUR EYES? I ------ AToun( ' pn SPeciaLty Hops ! a-- : MOTHER'S DAY o "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" "COTTAGE ROSE to select a gift for your special mom! * DECORATIVE SOAP DISH SETS ...........ccccvvevvrnnennnnn. $9.98 * FRESH SPRING BOUQUETS * MANY SPECIALS OLD & NEW Complimentary Gift Wrap Fresh rose with purchase on Saturday ang Sunday 143 Perry Street - Port Perry - 985-8341 $1.98 ea. Open 7 Days ---- the 'AT HOME' for our young adults only at EMIEL'S PLACE RESTAURANT & DINING LOUNGE DOWNTOWN PORT PERRY Dinner for Two 1) 8 oz Mushrooms and Onion Rings 2) Heavenly Sole topped with Parmesan Cheese 3) Veal Cutiet topped with Mushroom and Tomato Sauce ) Boneless Pork Chops & Apple Sauce includes Salad Roll. Potato or Rice ANY COMBINATION New York Steak. Coffee or Tea "19.95 Crepe Dessert FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 985-2066 or 285-2857 4. Plan feeder facilities so there are some small pens for small groups of pigs by size and later sub- divide to use pen space more effi- ciently as the pigs grow. 5. Consider your strategy on when to market slower growing pigs, keeping in" mind there are high marginal returns in the last 10-15 kg increase in carcass weight to 75 to 79 kg. Consider. net returns per pen, rather than cost per pig. Media Consultant for Avel at the Na- tional Office who held a workshop on Audio-Visuals. She was also a part of the team which helped to organize the U.C.W. by uniting the W.A. and the W.M.S. She mentioned that as our world is changing we have to find teaching tools or challenge to help with Bible Study. She showed three Audio-Visuals, the first one was on Capital Punishment and whether it should be brought back. The second one was on Volunteers in the Church, and how we must get to know the skills they have to offer. The third one was on selling Charitable tickets to people and if you approve of this. The Memorial Service was presented by Kingston Presbyterial. It was said that God has a purpose for all of us and until we prove this ourselves we cannot reach out to others. We remember many devoted women whose life touched ours, and we should be thankful for their help. Their ownership is not ours, but Gods. Life is a Living Legacy. Mrs. Betty Turcott of Bowman- ville was our guest speaker for the evening. She said that it was a privilege to celebrate the 25th An- niversary of the U.C.W. and see what all had been accomplished. They compared the'former W.A. & W.M.S. as well as the U.C.W. with the Women of the Bible. They had the same skills only some of them could not read or write as the peo- ple of today, but they had the joy and love to serve and reach out to others to bring them joy. Through it all, God was in their lives and if we open our hearts to God! he will bring us peace. She mentioned how Jesus had healed Mary Magdalene, and she was one of the first he appeared to after the Resurrection and he has left us Faith, Hope and Love. Mrs. Nora Bagshaw and Pat Her- ron had an excellent book display which could be visited at different intervals. Rev. Gale Clover of Peterborough was our speaker on Wednesday ~ morning. She spoke on Gifts for Leadership explaining how the new Guide Lines book explains the work of each Portfolio along with ideas for Community Planning and Workshops. This was followed with Bible Study. A skit was presenied by the Ladies of Marion Minifies Home Church called the Marriage of the W.A. and the WM .S. Rev. Margaret Erry was our speaker for the afternoon, who spoke on Memories. She was a . member of the Board of Women when the U.C.W. was first organiz- ed before entering the Ministry. She said that many things we are help- "ing other people with, such as the Handicapped and Sr. Citizens were being studied, while she was on the board. Our Past Presidents were then honoured for their many services over the past 25 years and were presented with a token of appreciation. The Rev. Ed. Bentley, Pres. of the Bay of Quinte Conference who was with us conducted the Convenanting The music by Mrs. Jean LeGrand and Mrs. Bev Holmes was an in- spiration to all. sob ARNOLD KERRY ELECTED At the 41st Annual Meeting and Convention of the Ontario Retail Farm Equipment Dealers' Association (O.R.F.E.D.A.) Mr. Ar- nold Kerry of Utica Farm Equipment Ltd., Port Perry was elected President of O.R.F.E.D.A. for 1987. O.R.F.E.D.A. is a non profit voluntary Provincial Association founded in 1945. O.R.F.EDA.is the recognized voice of the Farm Equipment Dealers, making presentations to the Provincial Government, supplying trade publications, regular Dealer bulletins, conducting training seminars, insurance counselling and legal representation to it's members. O.R.F.E.D.A. through it's "Computer Division" is sell- ing, installing and servicing Dealer in house computer systems. O.R.F.E.D.A. is affiliated with the Canadian and National Dealers LOSE WEIGHT ... and look great this summer: = 985.9833 FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION HOURS: Monday & Thursday ... 8:30 to 1:30 PM Tuesday & Friday ........ 1:30 to 6:30 PM -- The Affordable gp Loss Centre -- - in JEN indwidual Counseling by Professional Nurses & Nutntiomists A "A Proven Program based on Sensible Nutrition CENTRS 238 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY Clmry lassics ANNIVERSARY Sale Starts Thurs., May 7, 1987. All Sales Final. No Layaways. ountry™, Jlassics 2 237 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario 985-8221