PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 2, 1987 -- 39 Mortgage Auctioneers Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales . tgages., debt consolidation, mn terim financing, cottage financ © ing. Private funds for unqualified % deals. Brenda Harrison The Mor © tgage Factory 985 2702 or 666 4986. ; J2 f FIRST, Second & Third Mor 3 Work Wanted PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. © Call Roy#ovey 985:9408. TF COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Housenold - Rea! Estate Farms Equipment - Livestock OON 985-2788 Port Perry PHIL 433-5055 Oshawa Work Wanted K. Dave Muir Registered Industrial Accountant - BOOKKEEPING - - INCOME TAX - - ACCOUNTING - For individuals - Small Businesses - Farmers and Companies - Phone 985-8494 F. SHERMAN MASONRY CONTRACTORS SINCE 19585 BLOCK - BRICK CONCRETE New Work & Repairs Complete Foundations a Specialty '| Phone 985-3111 30 ft. CONVEYOR & DUMP TRUCK FOR HIRE. GREENBANK T.V. TOWERS Installation & Repairs Colour Heads, Rotors, Boosters & FM Heads. hi ESTIMATES zg | Hn 1AM. to 11 PM) on 985-8387 LAKESHORE LANDSCAPING & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Design & Construction : Interlocking Stone; Walkways & Patios "- Retaining Walls & Steps - FULL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE including fertihnng gardens & lawns) - Tree & Shrub Pruning | 725-9368 'Serving Port Perry!& Area" New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns {NORM"S | GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 '| Basement Sealing. BACKHOE will travel, no job-too - small. digging in confined areas - call Harvey Parrinder 705-748 28482 Call Collect J 30 ELECTRIC Fencer Service repairs to all CSA approved makes. Alobile repair shop at Lindsay Sale Barp every Friday. Come early for same day service. Waiter Wright, Blackstock. 416-986-4818 TF CUSTOM roto tilling. 985-9064.) 2 PROP & SKEG Repairs, fast ser- vice, boat repairs. Durham Region's largest suppliers of fibreglass, epoxy & plastic material. Oshawa Glass Fibre- Rayplex. 341 Durham St. 579-1433. 027 MOUNT DENY Home Im- provements will help you on all your needs. Aluminum siding, sof- fit, fascia, eaves, doors & win- dows. opening patio doors. Call 985-3437 or PRS-B648. TF DOG GROOMING. Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located in the Port Perry Pet Shop. 985-8065 or $85-7&31. M3 PROFESSIONAL painting & paper ing. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 TF HARRY MORRIS handyman specialist. Work fully guaranteed. References. No Job Too Small -- Give Me A Call. 985-3663. TF ~~ SURhAM STEAM AEANING carpets & couches NB aT ses ios Jf NESTLETON R & R Driveway Sealing Welding Repairs & Fabrication 986-5318 986-5580 CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Sent Systems, Trenching, Basements. Drain Tile, Wz mes, Sand. Gravel, Gradimg. Concrete Flooring. 986-5601 BOBCAT SERVICE Backfilling Barn Cleaning Excavating Landscaping .Basements Dave Bacon 416-985-9829 ISPANKY'S HAULAGE Sand - Gravel Stone | Limestone - Fill | TERRY GATCHELL | 986-4917 {HAULAGE RON VOKINS Sand & Gravel Fill 986-4273 RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 Auction Sales SATURDAY JUNE 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM Auction 'sale selling the household furniture of GEORGE BRAY in the Village of Raglan. Itemized list to follow. Auctioneer Don Cochrane 985-2788. THURSDAY JUNE 11 SALE TIME: ¢:00 P.M. © Large Auction Sale Antiques, Household Furniture & Appliances 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby Auction sale- 3 households: WALTERS ESTATE, Bay Ridges; MRS. MILLER, moving to Florida and 3rd household. In- cluding: 2 refrigerators, 2 stoves, washer, bedroom suites, round bed,| wall units, chesterfields, dressers, kitchen suites, dinette sets, console TV, portable TV, several large plants, children's toys. bodks, records, stereo, stuff- ed animals, chest of drawers, cedar chests, night tables. pariour tables, sets of dishes, glassware, crystal, vacuums, lawnmower, hundreds of articles- antiques in- clude Seth Thomas clock, Dresdan figurine lamps, crystal, magnificent oil paintings (W. Harisch), fern stands, tables, dressers, oil lamps, chairs, floor lamp, drop leaf table, glassware, collector's plates etc. etc. Very large sale- 2 rings selling- 6 p.m. sharp. Lunch available. Viewing from 1 p.m. Thursday. Ross McLean Auctioneer 576-7550 -- 686-3291. J9 WEDNESDAY JUNE 10° SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Machine Shop Auction 799A Farewell Ave. S., Oshawa Having received instructions from the principle, we are clear- ing to bare walls, the assets of MILNER MACHINE SHOP (owner retired) including Beaver vertical milling machine "c/w vise, all accessories for m/c, 14" Cardiff engine gap lathe c/w 2 chucks & 2 steadies, Brown & Sharpe vertical milling m/c, 18x60' table c/w holders, fly cut- "ters, lathe dogs. 24" swing Pren- tice lathe, 9" bed, 34" Taper at- attachment &'18"'4-jaw chuck & 2 steadies & miscellaneous boring bars, 10 ton Bliss Horne press c/w adjustable bed- 110 volt & ai- tachements, Canox AC-DC welder 250 amp, Miller 230 amp welder, 14" drill press, Watker Turner 16" bandsaw, Bertram drill press 9 throat 112" cap, "2 HP grinder, 12x24 Lodge & Shipley internal & external grinder c/w coolant & at- tachments, Elliott 8-18 Ac- curomatic surface grinder fully hydraulic c/w coolant, Lindey 6x13 (110 volt) vertical milling m/c, jig bore type c/w cullets up to 12" & vise, approx. 12 Moore & Wright & Mitritoyo inside-outside micrometers etc., misc. milling cutters. stamps, misc. hand tools, taper reamers, tapes & dies, 5" vise, hand grinders, large selec tion drills, tapered drill chucks, A- frame 1 ton chain hoist benches- steel & wood, welding bench & vise, 2 sets welding torches & carts, angle reducer 7% HP (1730-25), misc. arbours, 7/8 to 3" 126" sq. tubing, misc. tools, steel approx. 12C clamps, 15HP air compressor, Demco 6 brake, misc. assort. of 'alum. bar, S.S. pipe. pipe '@" wall, 2" wall tub- ing etc. Viewing Tuesday 2 p.m. to 7 pm. & morning of sale. McLean Auction & Liquidations 576-7550 -- 686-3291. J9 THURSDAY JUNE I SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M Furniture & Antiques Auction sale of furniture & an tiques. the property of CORA & GEOFFREY CHAPMAN. Ux bridge. selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge including maple kitchen suite, violin. cedar chest, antique miniature chest of drawers, antique wardrobe, anti que drop front desk, rocker, chest of drawers, dressers, bunk beds, vanity, set of dishes, linens, 3 guns, SHP leaf muicher, roto tiller, Toro electric snowblower, electric lawnmower, wheelbar- row, quantity of hand tools. bicycles. Also 'Coldspot -fridge, Kenmore stove, plus many items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Limited, Uxbridge 416 852 3524 J9 ¢ 'suite, SATURDAY JUNE ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Clearing auction of household effects for MRS. HESTER MUR RAY. R.R. 2, Whitby at 3125 Cor onation Rd.. between Taunton & Rossland Road. Partial list in cludes: 4 plece walnut bedroom suite, 3 piece chesterfield set, drop---leaf tables, blanket box, trunk, pie safe, salt box, wash stand, Renfrew cookstove, Viking fridge-1 year, Viking stove & freezer- good working order, small appliances. old glass & china, hooked & braided rugs. old games & books, mirrors, pictures, crocks; old plow, bird bath, lawn chairs, gas lawnmower-1 year, disc sander, vises, Skil saw, drill press, large assortment of good tools, fire door. tractor pulley. garden tools & much more. Refreshments available. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. No reserves. House Sold. G&H Kahn Auctioneers -- 683-0041. J? SATURDAY JUNE 6 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Machinery Snap-On Tools & Furniture . . Auction sale of farm machinery, Snap-On tools & fur- diture, the property of PETER" KOWALOW, selling at the farm, 1 mile north of Manchester on Hwy. 12, then '2 mile east on Conc. 6 to farm, or 2 miles straight west of Port Perry- in- cluding J.D. 2950 4 wheel drive tractor with loader, cab, air-700 hours-excellent condition, M_F 410 combine with grain head & 2 corn heads, White 598 5-furrow plow, . Weber 21' cultivator with wings, Weber harrows on wheels, 2V disc, Allied 41' 6' auger, hay elevator, 3 hay wagons, Gehl hammer-mill, Burns gravity box, 1963 Ford dump truck, 1974 1-ton GMC van, M.F. seed drill with grass seed box, quantity of straw, 3 HP air compressor, upright drill press with 2 HP motor, Bluepoint tap & dye set No. 4to 1""- like new, LARGE QUANTITY OF SNAP- ON TOOLS including open & box end wrenches, fuel line wrenches, air compression tester, vacuum gauge tester, ratchet set, screwdriver set, torque wrench, air ratchet, air chisel set, deep air sockets, several Snap-On socket sets including 3' drive set up to 234", elect. system tester, timing | light, ometer, flaring set, Snap-On Tool box on wheels, vise, grinder, Skil saw, pullers, Ridgid E xtrac- tor set, air sprayer, ignition tester, chain saw, bolt bins, engraver,jacks, chain hoist, wheelbarrow, gas lawnmower, barbed 'wire, large quantity of ~ scrap. FURNITURE: including fridge, wicker basket, books, bed. picture frames, new Cascade 60 hot water tank, plus many, many other items. NOTE Viewing Yor this fine too' & machinery sale will be Friday, June 5th from 1 to 6 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd. Uxoridge 416-852-3524. J2 SATURDAY JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 10:00 AM. Complete clearance of all farm machinery including 2 tractors, poultry equipment, feed & other miscellaneous for CLUARAN FARMS, Columbus, GhYario on -the Columbus Road, '2 mile west of village.~Machinery includes: M.F. 265 tractor with cab. & heater; M.F. 20 tractor & loader; M.F. 300 self propelled combine with air conditioning; NH. haybine; M.F. baler; N.I. hay rake; Fahr Centipede haymaker: bale stooker; 2 rubber tire wagons; spring & heavy duty cultivators; 4-furrow plough; M_.F. 33 seed drill; seed packer; 2 N.H. manure spreaders; G.E 10HP motor {550 volt); G.E. 1'2HP motor (230 volt); 200 gal. sprayer; Farm Hand mixer grinder; scraper blades; Cyclone power. seed sower & fert distributor; 2 round bale feeders; hay;elevator; grain augers; chain harrows; 2 rubber grain hoppers: bale elevator; disc. harrows: stone boats; GMC dump truck with 2 sets of racks; 1976 Pontiac Sedan (only 68,528 km) ; diesel oil tank with pump; Ingersoll Rand gas driven air compressor; Int TD-9 bulldozer with Bucyrus Erie blade; antique 'Common Sense' grain cleaner & fanning mill; poultry picker; brooder lamp fix: tures. quantity of poultry feeders & nest boxes; Craftsman table saw- like new; Poolminder automatic chlorinator; approx. 70 tons barley (1986 crop). hay & other items PLEASE NOTE This sale offers a good clean line of machinery. Terms cash or che que (with 1.D.). No reserves Refreshments available Henry Kahn Auctioneer 985816) / J9 . Poney harrows-trail; ow SATURDAY JUNE ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Aoction sale: the property of DON & SHIRLEY SWEETMAN of Lot 13. Conc. 1, Mariposa Township - 3 miles south of Little Britain to County Rd. 28 - turn west, then first turn to south on Port Hoover Road. First farm on right side. J.D. 1030 diesel tractor with J.D. 145 hydraulic loader- approx. 40 HP, J.D. .3x16 trip beam plough, Int. 510 13-run semi- mounted seed drill, MF. 12 baler, 3 pth. Allied cultivator, J.D. 6 ton wagon with 200 bushel Turnco grain box. J.D. 3 pth. side delivery rake, Int. C287 mower, 3 pth. Bogbelle fertilizer spreader, wagon with hay rack, J.D. 3 pth, wood splitter, grain elevator, 32 ft. bale elevator, 250 gallon fuel tank with pump, 4 section har- rows, maple syrup pails & spiles, 2 wheel trailer, hydro & battery electric fencers, approx. 1000 bales of hay, quantity miscellaneous items. YER NITURE: French Provincial chesterfield & chair, French Pro- vincial coffee & end tables, Westinghouse automatic washer, bronze Coldspot 21 cu. ft. freezer, Kenmore electric stove with self- cleaning oven, occasional chairs, swivel rocker. roll-away bed; maple dresser & mirror, card table & chairs, stereo, brass plated bed, TV, coffee & end tables, fireplace utensils, china & glassware. GUNS: 12 gauge Rem- ington Wingmaster shotgun, 12 gauge Cooey shotgun, 22 Ranger rifle, 2303 Le-Enfield sporting ri- fle. Farm Sold. No reserve. Lunch available. Furniture at 11 a.m. Machinery 12 Noon. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. ), Little Britain 705-786-2183. J2 SATURDAY JUNE ¢ SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Farm Sold Auction sale the property of BERT & MARY VISSERS, Lot 21, Conc.7, Emily Township, 3'% miles north of Fowler's Corners to Windmill Farm. MACHINERY: White 260 diesel tractor-3662 hours, bought new in summer of 1980; New Holland 273 baler PTO; 1984 New Holland 707 _forage harvester-3pt.-1 row header & pick-up; Hustler 56 forage blower PTO; Cockshutt side rake; Leon heavy duty blade 3 pt.; 1982 Int. 400 Cyclo 4 row corn planfer 4-34-36; Allied 13' cultivator 3 pt. Stang: 1985 Triple OK Overun § furrow semi-mount plough 14-18"; Spray motor trail sprayer 30" boom; G.T. 40'6"* auger PTO; M_F. 50 tandem disc-trail 14'; 16 tandem wheeled hydraulic 'dump trailer with racks; Cockshutt 16 disc seed drill-grain, grass & fertilizer; New Holland 512 manure spreader PTO; bale buncher; New Holland self unloading forage box-10 ton gearing; H.M. self unloading forage box-10 ton gearing-roof; 2 plywood calf hut- ches; 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; 2 sets of clippers; breeding wheel; moisture tester; 4 door filing cabinet; electric di-harness; old school desk; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, On: tario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. The Auctioneer or Proprietor will not be held résponsible for public in- jury. public liability, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. J2 SATURDAY JUNE 6 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Large auction sale of farm machinery & furniture, the pro perty of DARCY & SUE FOR SYTH, Conc. 3, Fenelon Twp., § miles west of Hwy. 35 on the Glenarm Road or approx. 8 miles east of Argyle. John Deere 2130 tractor with cab & dyals to fit, MH. 30tractor, J.D. 95S.P. com- bine with pickup head, J.D. «0 manure spreader-new bottom, J.D. 5-furrow semi-mounted plow, Pittsburg disc 12°, Allied cultivator 17° manual wings, M _F_ 10 baler with thrower, N.H 67 baler, Calsa weed sprayer, Allied hay elevator 50" with under carriage, bin dryer 12° wifh rhotor, 3 pt. ferfilizer spreader, J.D. forage blower-good, J.D 2 row (Plato) corn planter, | H.C . 7" snowblower, quantity of other malhinery, quantity of pipe, shop tools etc. FURNITURE: maple dining room table & 4 chairs, china cabinet & buffet-oak, buffet & hutch, Singer electric sewing machine, antique sewing machine, Spanish style chester. field & chair, dishes & quantity of other furniture -- furniture sells first. Terms cash or cheque with I.D. Lunch available. Reg & Larry Johnson Auctioneer 705-357-3270. / SATURDAY JUNE 3 SALE TIME: 10:00 AM Furniture & Bee Equipment Auction sale of furniture & bee equipment, owned by DR. JOHN T. GILMOUR. RR. 2 Claremont selling at the property, including Rosewood wall unit, love seat, bed chesterfield. oak cabinet, finge« lamp. dishes, garden tractor, bee equipment with active bees. Full details next week. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd. Uxbridge 416 852 3524 WEDNESDAY JUNE 10 SALE TIME: 7:30 PM. Victoria's Monthly Holstein Consignment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena. RR. 2. Lindsay, On: tario. Approx 90 Head of Registered & Grade females in all stages of lactation. A good oppor tunity to find a typy female to upgrade your herd For con signments or further information contact Sales Office 705-324 8311, Johh Buckley 324 4017. Gail Snod den 357-3237; Clitt Lillico 439-2380 or Carl Hickson Auctions 324-9959, 'Reaboro. Ontario. Our next regular sale is Wed July sth at 730 pm._ | THURSDAY JUNE 4 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Large assortment of Evergreen shrubs, trees, Blue Spruce efc. 6:30 PM. SHARP estate of late CECIL TILSON. Bobcaygeon & estate of ART SMITHERHAM, Fenelon Falls. 76 Chev 4 door, only 56,000 miles. almond frost free refrigerator dike new. 30 auto electric stove. apt. size player, brown 30°" auto stove, Inglis auto washer, good dryer, wringer washer, trunks, secretary desk, antiqué dresser, bedroom suite, parlour chair. console colour TV, large rug. quantity new kitchen cupboards, tiling cabinet, maple dining table & chairs, chests, 54" bookcase bed: chesterfelds, etc. NOTE TIME: Shrubs 6 pm. ESTATE 6:30 pm To list your sale call 324-2783 Lindsay TUESDAY JUNE ¢ SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Corneils Auction Barn A very large sale, the estate of a prominent Peterborough fami- ly. a large quantity of good quali- ty furniture. antiques, china & glass including Mason & Rische plano, 5 piece mahogany bedroom suite- (2 single Pineapple beds). Victorian settees. oak high boy dressers & double bed, walnut games table. Victorian gentiemen's chair, Butternut chest of drawers, walnut tea wagon, china cabinet, secretary combination, walnut writing desk, Ladderbatk rockers, Pressback rockers, walnut & mahogany chest of drawers, - parlour tables, wainut Spool bed, wash stands, indian rugs, walnut nesting tables, Victorian side chairs, walnut swing mirror, cast iron bird bath, lime Westinghouse refrigerator & stove, automatic washer & dryer, gas & electric lawnmo S. a very large quan: tity of quality china & glass, Including cut glass, carnival, cranberry, depression, R.S. Ger- many, comports, crystal, sterl- - ing, coal oil lamps, prints, pain tings. books, sheet music, quilts, picture frames, also a good selec: tion of every day cooking utensils, small electric appliances, pots & pans, linen. bedding, towels etc. This is one of the largest & best quality sales of the year. Viewing Monday. June 8th between 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. Don Corneil Auctioneer, " R.R.1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. SATURDAY JUNE 20 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of complete carpenter shop. Brand name fools in excellent condition, from radiat arm saw, 10°" table saw to nails &: many other items at Oddfellows Hall, Part Perry Watch for details. Pearce Auctions 655-8073. "SATURDAY JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. FARM SOLD Auction sale farm machinery, tractor, standing hay, Fiding mower, tools. car, motorbike, an tique furniture etc - the property of DON & HELEN WRAY, R.R. 1, Beaverton, Lot $5, Conc. 1, Thora Twp. - from Stop Lights at Hwy 48 & 12, go east 2 miles then north fo farm. See signs. NOTE : Partial list only. John Deere 2120 diese! tractor. 60HP, 2300 hours like new, remotes & extras. STAN DING HAY : 15 acres. Full line of machinery. New Holland haybine 488; N H._273 baler etc. Lots of an tique furniture etc. See Bill for listing. Lunch available. CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS, Cambray 705 374-4500 Je v .