SERGE Tl MAT iio { PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 9, 1987 -- 29 Classified Ads Notice Card of Thanks Coming Events - Coming Events Yard Sales Yard Sales GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For book- ings contact Patti Fletcher 985.3489. TF ONE-A-HEAD A Mobile | Hairstyling will cut, perm, frost, streak, col- our, or "crimp" your hair in your home( by. appointment. Call 984-01 for further infor. TF CARTWRIGHT Union Ce Cemetery Decoration Day, Sunday, June 14th, 2:30 p.m. Rev. Fred Swann guest speaker. HERB & JEAN SWAIN will be Celebrating their 50th wedding an- niversary June 21, 1987. In honour of this occasion, friends & relatives are invited to attend an 'Open House' on Sunday. June 21, 1987 from 2 to 5 p.m. at Blackstock United Church C.E. Room, Blackstock. Best Wishes Only.J 16 1000 ISLANDS Sparkle Tour. Plus bus trip. August 19th. Cruise Boldt Castle Tour & more! Infor- mation 655-4652 evenings. J 16 "NEXT BINGO, Thurs. June 18th, Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry Jackpot $1000. Must Go. v Merrill Van Camp Chairman Notice Swimming Lesson REGISTRATION BIRDS EYE POOL June 23rd to June 26th 1:00 to 6:00 PM COST ... $25.00 per Session SESSION 1 ... July 6th to July 23 SESSION 2 ... July 27 to August 13 Call 985-7058 during registration times for more information. = Come One, Come All to ... BLACKSTOCK CENTENNIAL Senior Citizen's EUCHRE Blackstock Rec Centre TUES., JUNE 23 - 8:00 PM $2 00 Each PRIZES Mens 1.2.3; Ladies 1.2.3. Skunk Youngest; Oldest, Door Prizes T&M TEEN DANCE Latcham Centre FRI., JUNE 12 8 PM to 12 $4.00 per Person NOTICE TO CLIENTS OF DEPARTMENTS OF SOCIAL SERVICES Due to the impending postal strike, all general welfare assistance cheques will be picked up after 2:00 p.m. on the due date effective, June 8, 1987 in the office representing your area. All main pay days being the 1st and 16th of every month, the hours of cheque pickup will be 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. inclusive. - This practise will stay in effect until such time as the postal disruption is settled. PORT PERRY PARENTS' ~AFSOCIATION OF SCOUTS & GUIDES MEETING Kinscout Hall JUNE 15th 7:00 PM All Parents Welcome. ANNUAL MEETING Community Memorial Hospital in the Hospital Library WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1987 - 8 PM The Annual Meeting shall, in accordance with the Bylaws Taceive the reportsiof the Committees, receive the report of the auditors, consider Bylaw amendments passed by the Beayd of Directors since.the last Annual Meeting and elect Governors and shall con- sider such other business as properly comes before the meeting Copies of such Bylaws may be examined at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital at any time uring office hours, prior ta.the Annual Meeting Members eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting shall be those members who were members during the membership year (February 1. 1987 - January 31. 1988) plus any member who has been a member throughout the period of thirty days immediately preceding the date of the Annual Meeting Every member of the Auxiliary of the Comm unit ty Memorial Hospital who holds a currently valhld membership in the Hospital Auxiliary shall be a member of the Hospital Corporation and en titied to vote gt the Annual Meeting No person shall be nominated-at an Annual Meeting for elec: tion to the office of Governor. whose name has not beep submit Notice WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS for help call AUBERGE TRANSITION HOUSE FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN ToLL FRee: 1-800-263-3725 or WORLD RADIO Missionary Fellowship presents a MUSICAL CONCERT by The Jordans & The Springers from Quito, Ecuador, Wed. June 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Port Perry Baptist Church. Free ad mission. All welcome J 16 THE UTICA Union Cemeteries will be holding their decoration service at Utica United Church on June 14, 1987 at 2 p.m. Speaker: Rev. Nancy Waterman & special music STRAWBERRY Supper, Blackstock United Church, June 20, 1987 starting at 5 p.m. Adults: $6.50; 12 & under $3.50. For tickets 986-4769. J DEUTZ-ALLIS hay equipment demonstration, this Thursday (or first day weather permits), at Nelson Reader farm on Hwy. 7A - 1 mile east of Port Perry. For confirmation, please phone Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283. HAPPY {: -TIME - NURSERY is now taking ISTRATIONS ~/ for September For information drop in or call MULTI tamily yard sale, Sat. . June 13th, 9 a.m. on'Shirley Road, Ist house east of Greystone on south side SATURDAY, June 13: Rain Date June 20. 8 am. to 4 p.m_, 3 Old Scugog St. S,, Blackstock. Something for everyone GIANT farm yard sale, Sat. June 13th. Antique chairs, wrought-iron bed, piano. B&W TV, bathroom fixtures, stove, barbeque, roller skates, some farm machinery, hay wagons, household items & lots more. South of Manchester, east on Scugog 2nd Line or south Oshawa Hwy. west at Ridgeview Rest. 985- 9682. SATURDAY, June 13th, 8a.m. -- 16 Crestview Ave. Blackstock. Lawnmower in excellent. condi. tion, electric fan, ecologizer, many items. Weather permitting. YARD SALE, June 13& 14th, 9 fo' 3 p.m. Rain or Shine. Simcoe St. North, Port Perry (across from soccer field). Sale of cottage fur- niture, dishes, (spin washer/dryer), dressé#, drawers & much more. Coming Events TENNIS Camp for Kids. 3 weeks July 13-July 31. Mornings 9-12. Watch for further detalls. Nn MORNINGS 985-3795 & EVENINGS 985-7871 Hey Kids! ERIC NAGLER In Concert FRI., JULY 10 6:30PM Festival Yent Palmer - Tickets $4.00 Each Available at Scugog Library, Stedmans, Children's Den, and Ted E. Bear Toys ~ Co-sponsored by the Scugog Chamber of Commerce and Scugog Memorial Library HOSKINS STABLES Summer School Horsemanship Course JUNE 29: to AUGUST 21 Each course lasts 2 weeks Riding - Grboming Practical Horse Care & Management Car Pooling may be available. 416-986-5558 COMING SOON Seagrave United Church Annual Yard Sale, Sat. June 20th. If you wish to donate any article please contact Bill Barr 985-7239 or Fred Puckrin 985-2627 M12 YARD SALE. Trailer, canoe. lawnmowers, truck cap, roll away cot- & numerous items household & otherwis@? 2 mile south of Blackstock on Old Scugog Road, Sat. June 13th, 9 to 4. SATURDAY. June 13th, 8 am. "Four family yard sale, 247 Union Prince Albert. Baby items. Bargains Avenue, needs, misc. Galore! COMMUNITY YARD SALE Nestleton Community Centre SAT., JUNE 13th 9 AM to 2 PM VENDORS WANTED | Call 986-4788 or 986-5580 Yard & Bake SALE St. John's Presbyterian Church SAT., JUNE 13th 8 AM to 3 PM For pickup call: John Dodds .. 985-2679 Henry Smits .. 985-2872 Coming Events Conhdentaiily Assured 728-7311 MOVING IN OR OUT ... LET US MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! - Our Equipment MAIDCLEAN [Maid Service) - Quality Work - Affordable Gift Certificates v= ~~ - Insured -- Great Gift |dea for Mom a985- 72042 COST All Inquiries ... COUNTRY CAPERS presents .. CHILDREN'S FOLK ART CLASSES * WHERE: Country Capers Classroom Tuesday thru Friday mornings 10 AM to 12 Noon RAINY DAY CLASSES 1 to 3:30 PM commencing July 6 "WHERE: Country Capers Classroom WHO CAN COME: Anyone interested in a fun afternoon ' ° No painting experience necessary $10.00 per afternoon & purchase of a brush All other supplies provided COUNTRY CAPERS ... WHEN: Weeks of July 6 to July 20; COST. $25.00 per child, includes all supplies (We prefer children 8 years ang up.) also ... WHEN: Rainy Afternoons 985-9185 The Constituency Offices of SAM CUREATZ Member of Provincial Parliament It | can be of assistance please call, or come by A at RR lt Rm ami . of the Annual Meeting ted to the Secretary of the Board in writing. signed by two qualified members of the Corporation at least thirty days 'before the date David A Brown. Secretary Treasurer Board of Governors PORT PERRY - 192 QUEEN ST. PHONE 985-9968 Bowmanville Queen's Park 623-6663 965-4186 Oshawa 571-2084 DALE & PAT PROCUNIER wish to announce that they" have sold their interest in Blackstock Country Hardware to PAT & BOB SMITH Many thanks to all our friends and Customers for their support Best wishes and good luck, to Pat & Bob. EE ------ DALE PROCUNIER wishes to announce the continuation of his construction business with DAVID WINGER SPECIALIZING IN: -- Custom-built Homes & Additions -- Restoration -- Renovation -- Solar Energy Building OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE TEEN DANCE at the KINSMEN HALL FRI., JUNE 12th 8 PM to 11 PM music by BAKERLINE Admission $3.00 - Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Port Perry All proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis ~ Township of Scugog DATE: FEES: LOCATIONS: 1987 SUMMER PROGRAM (All Children ages 4 to 10 are welcome. ) July 6th to August 14th, 1987 HOURS: Weekdays 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM " LUNCH SUPERVISION * $11.00 per Week per Child; $ 6.00 per Week for Each Additional Child. Cocoon $60.00 per 6 Week Session; $30.00 for Each Additional Chilgh Port Perry, Prince Albert, Blackstock, Scugog Island, Greenbank Advance Registration may be made at the Municipal Office, Perry Street, Port Perry Program Co-ordinator, Carol Lewerentz 986-5045 - -- nn -- >" 5 FIT Tata orb bh coin v ob : TF a --r-- p------