18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 30, 1987 » Tears, smiles, gr handshakes and CRE C7 = some fine times E Student council president Kristy Armour reads a message « irivg the dedication « of the k Memorial Gardens. a ) ; 3 she wore in 1961. The dress, along with a lot of other dresses, jackets and uniforms, was part of the nostalgic memorabilia in the * Teacher Paul Arculus, who was instrumental in creating the "decades room.'" Memorial Gardens, the site of the original school which burned i in 1926. The Memorial was officially dedicated during the Reunion | on Saturday afternoon. A i EE i i lb cats Ka | Donna Sandison (Bray) of Port Perry with the wedding dress EL ia LE | [) { ' Former math teacher Jim Kerr (1934-41) with her husband Frank. They are from Fort Joyce Willis (Beare) of Sarnia and Phyllis Moase (Anderson) with his wife Mary Kerr (Stone) his former stu- Sask. Alberta. Mary and Ruth had seen each ) of St. Catherines were classmates from 1939-42 and until Satur- dent. At right are Ruth Smith (Brent) 1937-38 other just once since leaving school 40 years ago. . day afternoon, they had seen each other just once. With them is Reg Moase.