T oo - ee ee oo Letters Proud people To The Editor: A Why don't you stop and take time to look around and see how loving, caring and understanding some of us oversized, fun-loving and proud people are. You know they say it takes all kinds of people to make up this world, and it sure would be a pretty boring place if everyone look- ed alike. I sure am glad to be alive and liv- ing in this area where you can be PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 14, 1987 -- 7 C.R.C. SHINGLES 10 Year ........... 9.64 15 Year ........ 11.74 25¢C BUNDLE DELIVERY (CASH PRICE ONLY) P.T. Notched STAIR STRINGERS 3 Step coon... 11.59 4 Step TTT 14.59 ] yourself and not what others say you CN 3 FB : by g x - COLONIAL SPINDLES hould be. It sure isn't right to hurt ER Wan NW B72 Saad X 1 89 Some one youdon't oven know, et 2) SS \\etr7772 SN ry L Reg. 2.25 ................. u be there is a littl f 1s aa A | fog ob pm == a Az Who knows, someday you could have this problem and I am sure your friends won't take offence of you or make you want to hibernate. Yours truly, a Ct ei A A LLH-dL. Sandra Day & 'B' Shift- Flamingo Vachon =| SUPER SAVINGS! Slow Co rae 215.99 | GLIDDEN down | | Plain P.T. Post Caps... ea 1.69 OIL STAIN . Redwood, Walnut or Cedar 1 1 Round Ball Style - 5.25 4 litrecan ......ocoeviiiiiiiiiiii 98 | (From page 5) : young children. For the-handyman ... I ask all drivers to remember that EXTENSION LADDER 7 0 our country roads are not highways. 24' 'No 3021 Reg 99.02 o' * For your own safety, and out of con- ' : ' ee : ] sideration to those who live along All Unfinished 0 Jip ond, plose chow dow su FURNITURE & CUPBOARDS } 15% OFF List Price Yours truly, a MOON RAY GARDEN LIGHTS RR, Port Perry Set of 4... 89.99 | Ee DRIVEWAY SEALER Al voviroivone | | Fair on 17 litre pail vooeeeeeeeeenen 8.95 pee Ju ly 16 Mid-Summer Panel Clearance! rem RE . - a oo i L Back - reg. 20.69 ......... 18.62 The Oshawa-Whitby Fair will be | !mperial on Luan g 18.68 holding their 9th annual exhibition Colonial Pine - reg. 1849 ........................ . on July 16th to 19th. Promotional Oak - reg. 16.55 ................. 14.89 Located ono? fares 2 Gavan Fantasy Linen - reg. 20.69 ...................... 18.62 oad just north of Conlin, Boao last Directors are looking for- Natural Ash on Luan - reg. 14.35 ......... 12.92 ward to an even bigger and better Rusticana Hickory - reg. 18.20 ................ 16.38 event than last year. 1930 2d Antique Pine ........cccoooiviiiiiiiiieiee 6.99 Between the years of 1921 an res 699 6.50 1974. the Oshawa Fair was located Chevron reg. 6.99 ........... smote anrmnas BO at Alexandria Park. At our present Pink Panel - reg. 6.99 wratezein 4 + wasaecsassin o § 8 snisceusiek 4 § Bhi . location we have enjoyed the : benefits of a real country setting, Western Canadian P T . : . ) 24 98 ample parking aud the atmosphere CEDAR L ATTICE Alkyd Semi-Gloss ...................... . f that 'old tyme' fair o ] yesteryear. ' 2x4 - reg. pe SS 23 : Polyurethane Floor Enamel ....... 24.98 Making the public aware of our 2x6 - reg. .90 ...... 103 1x8 4.99 Gel-Fl 28 08 present location has been one of the 2x8 - reg. 1.17 ... 1. 8 49 el- 0 a seve onmens non smss . struggles, and there have been a few 4x4 - reg. 1.20... 1.05 2x8 ........ . H Paint 25 08 ' Spred House Paint ................... 5 to say the least. We look forward 1x6 - reg. 47 ....... 41 14 99 each year with ever increasing an- INCLUDES DELIVERY 4x8 ..... . Spred Latex Gloss .................... 28.98 ticipation and excitement, to this ty and those who wish to be a part - of this Canadian tradition. Some of the events this year in- clude demolition derby, tractor pull, baby show, horse pull, bingo, log sawing contest, Pineridge Cloggers, light and heavy horse shows, dairy and beef cattle show, sheep and sheep shearing shwo, old time fid- dle contest, Hoskin Stables musical ; y v rides, midway, exhibits, conces- : _ | | | sions etc. A new event this year is Pn 1 1 VANEDWARD DRIVE (OSHAWA ROAD) Sly toh andof course. Johnny One wary] PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 Man-Band will be performing centre ROOF TRUSS DIVISION - PHONE 985-3121 throughout the entire fair. Don't forget the Bavarian e QUALITY PRODUCTS * QUALIFIED SERVICE COMPETITIVE PRICING Gardens with entertainment provid- ed for your enjoyment. See you there! | our gift of heritage to the communi- .