JER Be TE Hr 18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 25, 1987 4-H group ready to start in Se Utica and Area News by Vera Brown Church service this coming Sun- day willbe held at 10:00 a.m. in Ep- som Church with the UCW. in charge of the service. Our local 4-H group will be star- ting in mid September. The project for the upcoming session is 'Ontario Fruits & Vegetables' and anyone who is 12 or over by July 1st and in- terested in joining is asked to con- tact Cathy Acerra or Gail Kerry. The meetings this year will be held on Thursday evenings. Jack and Nancy Skelding, Karen & Jackie spent Tuesday viewing Niagara Falls and Marineland. Saturday dinner guests with the Skelding family were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Roy, Joy & Amanda of Picker- ing, Mrs. Roy Sr. of Nova Scotia and Mr. and Mrs. Terri Deonarain & Kayla. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hooker and girls of Greenbank were Saturday supper guests with the Hillis Wilbur family. NG -------------- [Cou niry Lane Hwy 7A & High Street, Port Perry, Ontario "A wise man is like a straight pin -- his head keeps him from going too far!" FEY [IM The Croxall girls recently receiv- ed the results of recent exams from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Julia had 78 percent for Grade 8 piano and Sarah 81 percent for Grade 6 piano and 92 percent for Grade 2 Theory. Congratulations girls. Visitors at the Croxall home this past week were Miss Gina Man- cini of Barrie who likes to visit with her cousin Shelley and friends of Julia & Sarah who they met at the cottage at Caesarea, Leigh, Laura & Drew Wagland of Burlington. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding were Sunday supper guests of their son Jim, Carol & boys at Sutton. Irene's brother Mr. Jim Foreman of Oshawa called at the Fielding home to visit recently. Mrs. Hilda Bailey & son Alan recently attended the funeral of Greta Allsop at Minden. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Crosier were Dale & Karen Beare of Burlington. Mrs. Mildred Thompson recently attended the wedding of Helena Halsey and Jake Kron in Columbus United Church. Mildred & Phyllis Clarke visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee and family at Woodville. Congratulations to the Mite baseball team coached by Judy Annuals Show ptember MacSween who won the champion- ship of the league. Members of the winning team who are from Utica are Trevor & Travis MacSween, Aaron Stiller, Michael and Melinda Saunders. The MacSween"s have heen hav- ing a busy weekend with members of Doug's baseball teams. On Saty;- day they attended a corn roast i Cannington and on Sunday travel]. ed to Fenelon Falls for a barbeque and fun on the water. Ashburn and Area News by Florence Ashton MACKEY & BAILEY BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Saturday Mornings - 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Oshawa Rd., Port Perry Lake Scugog Lumber Building we) 989-7391 uP ING W RANTS FOR BETTER SAFETY, STORAGE, "MANAGEMENT 00 AND REPAIRS ON YOUR FARM. The new Ontario Farm Management, Safety and Repairs program could well be the best place for you to start if you want to make important improvements to your farm. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to farmers for projects begun and completed, or items purchased, between June 1, 1987 and May 31, 1988. But you should apply soon, since funds are available on a first-come, first- served basis. The program consists of four parts: Management. A $300 grant for partici- pation in the Ministry's Farm Manage- ment Analysis program. Farm records must be submitted by May 31, 1988. Safety. A grant of 80% of the cost of eligible projects designed to make your farm a safer place to live and work. Repairs. A grant of 50% of the cost of replacement parts for field machinery and farm shop equipment. Storage. A grant of 40% of the cost of improved grain and feed storage facilities. This is a one-year, $50 million program - and applications are now being accepted. You may have received an appli- cation form in the mail. Extra copies may be obtained from your local OMAF office. @) Ministry of Agriculture and Food ONTARIO APPLY NOW FOR THE ONTARIO FARM MANAGEMENT, SAFETY AN) REPAIR PROGRAM The Annuals Show and General meeting of the Brooklin Horticulture Society will be held on Wednesday night of this week at Brooklin United Church Hall, at 8:00 p.m. The pro- gram for this meeting will be presented by Veronica Colangelo on "Flower Arranging." The Chrysan- themum and Vegetable Show will not be held this year at Fairview Lodge. Members are asked to watch next month's newsletter for the location. Harvey and Sandra Bath hosted a corn/weiner roast for the Pickering Skaters on August 20. Over 50 peo- ple were in attendance. Patricia and Robert Van Dusen are happy to announce the arrival of a baby girl. Marissa Catherine Ann was born on Wednesday, August 12, weighing 7 1bs. 5 ounces. Ted and Rose Heron attended the wedding of their grandson Scott McAndless to Dominique Carignan at Eglise Baptiste d'Ahuntsie Church in Montreal on Saturday, August 15. The happy couple will make their home in Montreal. Harvey and Sandra Bath recent- ly entertained daughter, Judy Witort, her husband Roger and daughter Tiffany visiting from Pompano, Florida. Doug and Florence Ashton recent- ly visited Cecil and Jean Vicars of Fergus and Mrs. Ruth Purdy of Orangeville. Frank and Margaret Mitchell from Deep River visited with Muriel Fisher and other relatives in the area this past week. Miss Peggy Graham of Thunder Bay is visiting with Ted and Rose Heron this week. Also on Saturday, visitors were Brian and Lenore Lowes and daughter Andrea of Pickering, Robert and Jane McAndless, Michael, Ariana and Christopher of Ottawa, Faye and Drew Leper and son Ian of Mississauga and Doris and Bill McAndless and Linda of Don Mills. We were pleased to welcome Miss Lois Powrie to Burns pulpit again last Sunday morning. During the service we enjoyed the quartet with Barb Porter, Ron Ashton, Hugh Knight and Harold Fisher singing "Softly and Tenderly." Miss Powrie delivered a fine sermon titled "Building for Tomorrow.' So many people today, have lost their vision as to what we can do to build a bet- ter tomorrow. Miss Powrie will be returning to us again next Sunday. Looking for A Place to Advertise Your Business? LOOK HERE! Where consumers in need shop for the professionals in business! Call: 985-7383 for more information.