¥ El lai clan, 3 ap a : . | : | 44 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 22, 1987 DOWSON'S PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Street (Hwy. 7A East] OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8 AM to 9 PM; Sat. to 6 PM Prices effective Monday to Saturday at Dowson's Valu-mart excluding meat items. We reserve the right to limit quantities 228 2 18 product of Canada Canadano 1 a product of California nk. chiah rec english wl 49 meats nectarines v.99 cucumbers cn 99 Ulaf of barbecy product of Argentina 22.18 roduct of Canada Canada fancy 50g 199 99 w1.74 wieners oo bacon 'N oranges in. pears i. u Maple Leaf boneless ne 6.59 product of Canada Canada no 1 roduct of New Zealand picnics». 2.99 [Rocks re ole Leaf 22.29 ste resh chic leg quarters n1.74 Wj: one 5.99 1.99 product of Canada Canadano 1 no], 74 | 6" pot assorted tropical camots _ n..19 cr OGY selected varieties MA (gus x Tuller favour microwave cnacks 1 1.99) popcom no 2.99 Vir Camp's varieties 14 oz. tin ll g i i i hn Aadoch Sane MEM | oF Mars or Twix, Snickers, McCormicks selected varieties fla Water 0g 2.gg [Pes pars 2 = 3.49 | crackers 1.69 bars pkg frozen pepperone deluxe of mecrowave (4's) selected v. Humpty Di Dumpty Vania na £2 2.49 pas pizza wo Maw pads or% McCain selected frozen vanebes Sigs automatic dishwasher Quikki hes +: 1.48 |po potatoes i 549 bags ti 99 fries cont bags of Joo selected ready 10 serve vanebes Palvioive large ziplock sugar substitutes with ie 99/3 bogs 4 1.59) Sigartwin tu4.4 tn bags 15°20 100 dog selected varieties varieties 7239 4 ow 8 89 tin a Canada Bry soft drin 24 x 280 mL tins 799 deposit 11.9¢/ 100 mL 6.5¢/100 mL 750 mL btl. -- LE Presidents S i ish pastries x 99 freshly baked freshly baked chocolate = 2 89)" uy 150 rolls rolls selected \ Harvest Granny ves, = 19 butter pk 1 49 loaf tarts of lo [] Quaker selected varieties Crunch cereal ©: 3 GQ stant regular marshmallow or bie chao: 1::1.99 30genv chocolate powder or syrup Nestle 750 mi / ik 7 2.99! cont Graves selected vaneties concentrated juice Jam 99 cont Tha bathroom tissue sw Tang fruit» - i | oro selected colours. ph. drinks 1,20 ERE, § Port Perry Plaza "I love - be viel cookware" Scugog Street | OUECT ADETERENT PECE EACH WERK Ff WEE (Hwy TA East) Of THE WEEK SOMERSET 1s COMPLETER PIECES Prices effective until Saturday, September 26, 1987. We reserve the right to limit quantities. FEATURED COONWARE PIECE Y MADE OF NEAVY GAUGE STEEL, TO INSURE EVEN NEAT AVAILABLE AT SPECIAL | os FOR NATURAL TAS TING; FUWOURFUL FOODS SAVINGS - SEE OUR INSTORE | "ove somes AND YOULL LOVE 11 00°" DISPLAY.