_ uni wma es } 44'-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 29, 1987 Work Wanted Work Wanted Mortgage Auction Sales Auction Sales EXPERIENCED mother of 2 will babysit in her home, nutritious lunch & snacks. 4 miles eas! of Caesarea. 986-4308 DAYCARE provided by warm & loving mather in my home, nutritious snacks & meals provid ed. 985-0582. O66 PROP & SKEG Repairs, fast ser vice, boat repairs. Durham Reglon's largest suppliers of fibreglass, epoxy & plastic material. Oshawa Glass Fibre Rayplex, 34) Durham St. 579-1433. 0 27 HARRY MORRIS handyman specialist. Work fully guaranteed References. No Job Too Small -- Give Me A Call. 985-3663. TF BOOKKEEPER: 25 years manual experience Including G/L posting A/R, A/P, payroll elc References. Box 1371 Port Perry WILL BABYSIT in my Seagrave home, full or part time, nutritious lunches, weekdays only. 983023). 29 DOG GROOMING. All breeds. Professional grooming by Lynne: located in the Port Perry Pet Shop. Call 985-8065 or 985-7681.0 13 STEAM CLEANING carpets & couches _ 852671) 965.7105 I Ce NESTLETON R & R Driveway Sealing Basement Sealing Welding Repairs & Fabrication 1986-5318 986-5580 LEAHY'S MINI HOE + BOBCAT * Backfilling * Trenching * Grading * Driveways a0 985-0361 | ANTENNA MAN GRANT NOBLE Satellite Dishes Wo, Installations A fy - Repair Work ' - Comb. Colour Heads A - Rotors e is - Power Boosters vy ) - Towers JY Re New Homes Pre-Wired -< wonoce 852-7717 SUNDERLAND 10397-2419 KITCHEN cabinets, vanities, trim work. 986 4937 TF FRUSTRATED with doing your own books, need help getting your small business going? Comeau Bookkeeping will help. Fast, reliable & accurate. Reasonable rates. Call 655-3572 S29 EXPERIENCED mother of three has large backyard, good food & tons of patience. Raglan area Any age & shift work okay Call 655-3572 S29 HOUSECLEANING reliable mature lady with references will clean your home. 9850584. S 29 ELECTRIC Fencer Service repairs to all CSA approved makes. Mobile repair shop at Lindsay Sale Barn every Friday. Come early for same day service. Walter Wright, Blackstock. 416-986-4818. TF CUSTOM round baling, 4-5 or 6' bales, hay or straw. Call Mark 986-5689 or 985-7568 or Wells Pehlemann. 985-9842. Jy 28 PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 986-0371. TF PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF PAUL'S ALUMINUM special of- fer for Fall on windows & caulk- ing. To seal all cracks with MONO. Windows free installa- tion, caulking 20 per cent off. Of- fer expires end of Sept. 985-3657 or 985-8646. : S29 CARING mother of one will babysit in my home. Non-smoker. 985-0335 Prince Albert, by school. RON VOKINS HAULAGE 'Sand & Gravel Fill 986-4275 434-075 (MOBILE) CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching. Basements, Drain Tile, Water Lines, Sand, Gravel, Grading, Concrete Flooring 986-5601 Tenders Personals , KAREN E. HUNT, Electrolysis. Permanent hair removal. Medically approved. Fully qualified. Free confidential con sultation. 985-9085. TF DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDER DRP 2/88 POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Vehicles. Friday. accepted. Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 1000 hours, Friday, October 16, 1987, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent R.F. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1700 hours, Monday through Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or 'any tender quotation not necessarily Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police PRIVATE FUNDS Mortgages arranged & purchas ed. For confidential quote, please call 416-723-462). Anubis In vestments Ltd TF MORTGAGE Funds available. Prompt service assured. Scugog Financial Services 985-3832. TF FIRST, Second & Third Mor tgages, debt consolidation, in terim financing, cottage financ: ing. Private funds for unqualified deals. Brenda Harrison: The Mor - fgage Factory 985-2702 or 666-4986. S29 NECKLACE, blue & silver colour, pear! butterfly pendant on Tues. Sept. 22nd. 985-3711. Found BLACK leather jacket, set of keys In pocket, found behind police sta- tion on Sat. Sept. 26th. 985-8537. Auctioneers COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock ooN ... 985-2788 port Perry PHIL ... 433-5055 Oshawa Auction Sales FRIDAY OCTOBER 2 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale the property of MR. RUSSEL BROOKS of Beaverton, plus others. 9 piece Pecan dining room suite-excellent condition, 3 modern bedroom suites, table saw, 2-door Kenmore refrigerator with ice-cube maker 8 matching Kenmore 24" stove, Woods upright freezer, antique dressers, chesterfields, modern hutch, modern dressers 8 chest of drawers, Skil saw':, chrome kit- chen suite, Pequegnat clocks, school clock, hanging Ginger- bread clock, 1870 British rifle, wash stands, Quebec heater,-odd wooden kitchen chairs, parlour tables, pocket watches, walnut china cabinet, 1978 Plymouth Horizon, 1978 Renault station wagon, 8HP Lawn Flight riding lawnmower with snowblower, 250 Yamaha Exciter motorcycle, quantity of china 8 glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. THURSDAY OCTOBER SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Selling the balance from movers-new lot plus others. Good sale. Plan to attend. Most things in boxes plus some good furniture. Ross McLean Auctioneer 576-7550; 686-3291. SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Sold Large auction sale of antiques, furniture, china, car, riding mower, gun, tools & a variety of farm machinery, tractors etc. Property of CLARENCE & MYRA PAGE, R.R. 1, Bethany, Lot 11, Conc. 8, Manvers Twp. on the corner of Hwy. 35 & 7A -- 12 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35. See signs. Don't miss it. Full contents of home. No reserve. Lunch available. Call CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS, R.R. 1, Lindsay 705-374-4800; 374-4435.S 29 HEREFORDS East Central Ontario Hereford Zone Annual Fall Show & Sale Registered Herefords PETERBOROUGH FAIRGROUNDS Sat., Oct. 17/87 SHOW at 5:00 PM SALE at 6:30 PM ~The Sale that Breeders Recommend. Selling: Herd Sires, Cows with Calves, Bred & Open Heifers. CATALOGUES AVAILABLE John B. McLauchlan Secretary Treasurer P O Box 35, Carrying Place, Ontario KOK 110 Auction Sales SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 SALE TIME: 10:30 AM. Selling by Public Auction, the Real Estate, Farm Implements & Antiques. contents of a century old home, the property of the late BRUCE REESON, R.R. 1, Oshawa. | mile east of Raglan on Conc. 9. to Ritson Rd. N., then south "4 mile. (6 miles North of Oshawa on Ritson Road). REAL ESTATE: 75 acres of good level, productive land with large painted 40x80" hip roof barn, 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick home plus other out buildings in a set- ting of mature trees. IM- PLEMENTS: A.C. tractor & cultivator, bale & grain elevator with undercarriage, manure spreader, platform scales, side rake, old turnip drill, steel roller, single plough, 2 furrow horse- drawn ploughs, seed drill, old binder & other horse drawn im- plements, 2 fanning mills, hay loader, rubber tired wagon, har- rows, mowers, cream separator, cream cans, bag trucks, Sears 11 HP riding lawnmower-42"" cut, ladders, tools, roto tiller, gas lawnmowers, gas motors, weed- eater, wheelbarrow, counter scales, old pine flour bin. FUR- NITURE: old sideboard with mir- ror & carved top-good condition, curved glass secretary with bevelled mirror, 4 wash stands, drop leaf table, many antique chairs including Pressback rocker & high chair, caned chairs & rocker, parlour table, 2 piece gramaphone, sewing machine, brass & stell beds, wicker baskets, dressers, pine chest of drawers, old paintings, oll lamps, Tunstall dishes, Carnival glass, basin & jug bath set, Limoges cup 8 saucers, old Eatonia wooden hand wringer-washer, mantel clock, trunks, butter boxes, quilts, books, old magazines, old clothes suitable for theatre groups plus many more old & interesting items. NOTE: This sale is "one- of-a-kind" as there has never been hydro in the house. Most of the items listed have been in the house since early 1900. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Real Estate will sell at 1 p.m., with $10,000 down on day of sale -- balance due in 30 days or less. Farm will sell sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid & "will require recognition of a re- maining 2 year lease on land on- ly. Viewing of property on Oct. 1st & 2nd from 2p.m. t0 4:30 p.m., or by appointment at your conve- nience. All other items: Cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale time: 10:30 a.m. Lunch available. Owner or Auctioneers will not be responsi- ble for accidents or injuries in connection with this sale. For complete information call Auc- tioneers Don Cochrane 985-2788 or Phil Cochrane 433-5055. S29 CARL HICKSON AUCTIONS Fall Stocker Sales Calendar 1987 At Hoard's Station Sale Barn R.R. 5, Campbellford, Ontario THURSDAY OCTOBER 15 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Quinte Cattlemen's Yearling & Calf Sale. For consignments con- tact Pat Quinn 705-653-2018 or Dave DeNure at sale barn 653-3660. . THURSDAY NOVEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Quinte Cattlemen's Calf Sale & Yearling Sale. Special feature: Pre-conditioned calves. For con- signments contact Pat Quinn 705-653-2018 or Dave DeNure at sale barn 653-3660. At Lindsay Community Sale Barn . R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21 SALE TIME: 10:00 AM. Lindsay Sale Barn Mixed Sale. For consignments contact sale barn 705-324-2774 or 324-9959 (Ap- prox. 1800 head). WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Peterborough & Victoria Coun: ty Cattlemen's Yearling Sale. Consign to Wayne Telford 705-292-9531 (Approx. 2000 heqd). WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Peterborough & Victoria Coun ty Cattlemen's All Calf Sale featuring pre-conditioned calves. Consign to Wayne Telford 705-292-9531 (Approx. 2000 head plus). WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER I SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Peterborough & Victoria Coun ty Cattlemen's Mixed Sale. Con: sign to Wayne Telford 705-292-9531. (Approx. 2000 head) We expect to sell well over 8000 head in these four sales. Sales managed & sold by Carl Hickson, Reaboro, Ontario 705 324-9959 or 324-2774 013 THURSDAY OCTOBER 8 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Guernsey Dispersal Complete Guernsey Dispersal owned by FRANK W. & JOHN D. FRY, Janetville, Ontario selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux: bridge, Ontario. 100 Head with full pedigrees, 50 cows, 25 bred heifers & calves, 3 Excellent, 20 Very Good, herd will be reclassified before sale day. 1986 Herd Avg. 174-169 BCA. Featuring an (Ex-2X) daughter of Housleys Fayes Future, 2nd Mature cow Markham Chap. Show 1986 with 6y (182-191-171), from (Ex-3X) Dam with 7y (200-185-170), selling fresh since August with a heifer calf by Fayette, Inter. heifer by Challenger, & 2 year old by Fayvor fresh in Sept. A (VG) Amos with 2y (159-150-154, & 1st 2 year old Markham Champ. Show 1986 from (GP) Fayvor Dam, 2nd Dam (VG), selling bred in July to Fayette. Her Jan./86 & Mar./87 daughters by Captain also sell. A (VG) Deacon with 4y (201-173-188) from 2 (VG) Dams bred in Aug. to Amos. Several with high genetic indexes. Daughters of Telestar, Fayvor, Champion's Claude, Captain, Amos, Prince Extra & Fayette. 18 due Oct., Nov., & Dec. A fine op- portunity to boost your fall milk supply. This Is a completely homebred "Master Breeder" herd with several Honour Roll producers. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. 06 THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture & Antiques Auction sale of furniture & an- tiques for the Estate of MARGARET & FRED PHILIP, SHARON & MEL KENNEDY, Sandford, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario including 9 piece dining room suite-excellent condition, 8 piece dining room suite, Victrola gramaphone, record cabinet with bevelled mirror, 4 bedroom suites, 5 piece kitchen suite, library table, dressers, chest of drawers, wicker fern stand, organ stool, rocker, General freezer, Simplicity spin washer, Kenmore dryer, portable Inglis dryer, dehumidifier, lamp table, hang- ing lamp, dishes, picture frames, sheet mig floor lamp, Pressback chairs, rug, Ariens 11 HP riding lawnmower with elect. start, self-propelled lawnmower, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. About 200 Evergreen shrubs, blue & white spruce trees etc., 6:30 p.m. Furniture, appliances, Sealy bed chesterfield, beige sectional chesterfield, carriage, Sony com- ponent stereo, green 30' auto stove, mates bed, chests, 2 good swivel rockers, humidifier, 2 wall units-like new, chain saw, dryer, safe, gold frost-free refrigerator, gold 30' auto stove-Frigidaire, console sewing machine, chrome set, colour television, antique rocker, windows, power mower, good chesterfield, telephone answering machine, closet doors etc. Orval Mclean Auctions 324-2783 Lindsay. MONDAY OCTOBER 12 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Thanksgiving Monday Auction sale property of LINDA CARTER in the village of Clare- mont. Robert Bateman prints, Spode china, crystal, chesterfield suite, Captain's chairs, buffet, maple table, Victorian love seat, wash stand, farm scales, water- bed, tools, numerous other ar- ticles. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin Auctioneer '& Steve Liptay 640-5398. SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. "The Friendly Auction' Pethick Auction Barn Haydon (1 mile east of Enniskillen) Auction sale selling for the Estate of the late MRS. DEBIDGE & OTHERS. 9 piece dining room suite, walnut bedroom svuite-bed, dresser, chest, vanity dresser, tea wagon, Gingerbread clock, chesterfield, satinwood bookcase, pine cup- boards, pine tables, colour TV, Royal Doulton figurine, lots of an- tiques, wood cookstove, good dishes, Western saddle, good bikes & lots of odds & ends. Cliff Pethick-Steve Liptay Auctioneers 263-8710. FRIDAY OCTOBER 2 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. YES, WE CAN Limousin Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontaric. Offering 70 female lots & 10 Bull lots. A wide selection from Purebred to Percentage from outstanding Limousin herds. For catalogues or further information contact Bill McConnell 519-986-2109. Note Sale Time: 6:00 p.m., Friday, Oc- tober 2nd. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or Sale Evening Office 324-8311. SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture & an- tiques, the property of the late MRS. E.J. STUART, 49 King St. East, Millbrook, Ontario. Frigidaire refrigerator, Frigidaire washer & dryer, oak dining room suite-9 piece com- plete, tea wagon, console colour TV, couch, antique table, foot stool, square table, antique arm chair & rocker, chesterfield, chairs, lamps, antique round table, Captain's chair, clothes rack, glass bookcase, pine chest of drawers, walnut single bed, 2 dressers, oak night table, antique bookcase & desk, wooden bedroom suite, antique dresser, oriental rugs, toaster oven, small electric appliances, dishes, pots & pans. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. MONDAY OCTOBER 5 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Monthly Saddle Horse & Tack Auction at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay, On- tario. All saddle horses & equip- ment welcome. For consignments or further information contact Bill or Leslie Ellins 705-324-0724. Sale managed & sola by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, On- tario 324-9959 or 324-2774. SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Large auction sale of 40 year collection of antiques, dishes, silver collectibles & furniture, the property of RUSSELL & PAT BEST, Lot 22, Conc. 5, in the Town of Newcastle, formerly Township of Darlington -- 2 miles west of Hampton on Taunton Road & mile north on Rundle Road OR 6 miles east of Oshawa on Taunton Road & ' mile north on Rundle Road. Pine furniture, church pews, love seats, couch, wool winder, spinning wheel, foot stool, wall cupboard, harvest table & five gunstock chairs, writing desk, water carrier, collection of butter patties, china jugs, cookie jars, goblets, jewel boxes, silver serviette holders, silver birds, silver wine wagon with 2 decanters, many more silver pieces, copper coffee urn, coffee grinder, Nipigon tea set, 60 piece antique dinner set, coal oil lamps, crocks, dough box, hat box, hand- made hat collection, hat pins & hat holders, pictures 8 picture frames, comports, large brass candleabra, doll's brass bed, dolls, many more collectible items & furniture too numerous to mention. Sale time: 10:00 a.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Arnot Wotten Auctioneer, Hampton 416-263-2512. Lunch available. TUESDAY OCTOBER 6 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Selling the Estate of PAUL SMITH, Gladstone Avenue, Oshawa plus others including 9 piece walnyt dining room suite, drop front desk, several small old wooden tables, old dressers with mirrors, 2 door fridge 8 range, wash stands, china, glass, dishes, pots & pans etc., garden tools, air compressor, wine press, 79 Aca- dian, new chesterfields 8 chairs plus many other articles. Partial listing only. NOTE TIME: 6 p.m. Some collectible articles, old Oshawa home. Come view. View- ing from 1 p.m. day of sale. Ross McLean Auctioneer 576-7550 or 686-3291. THURSDAY OCTOBER 8 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Selling an estate from Toronto plus others including 7 piece oak bedroom suite, 10 piece mahogany diner, settee, chairs, small tables, buffet & china cabinet, Victorian hall rack, reclining chairs, kitchen suite, new chesterfields & love seats, collection glass, china dishes, pots & pans etc., green 2-door fridge & stove, plus many other articles. Partial listing only. NOTE TIME: 6 p.m. Some good articles. View- ing from 1 p.m. Ross Mclean Auctioneer 576-7550 or 686-3291. RC I SNE, CR SA Br ERS AAR