48 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, September 29, 1987 - valumart PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Street (Hwy. 7A East) OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8 AM to 9 PM; Sat. to 6 PM Prices effective Monday to Saturday at Dowson's Vaiu-mart excluding meat items. We reserve the right to limit quantities. & Ot ot butt, boneless | 81174: | RYLT rad AL utility= i go) 1 79 Ih. turkeyss ie 199] ok ss 199 [product of U.S.A. 44 ml aol 27g | Canada no. 1 " CL w CN IES Ib. = ae .ca| tOMAt0ES [E.D. Smith garden cocktails selected frozen vaneties. 5 =m c20| f)jetrich's En 01.90 mes 1.1 4 90 wt ban vans Seaunt Saav © Nato | Prema Dote ee tenses 54 2.99 | pineapple 2 99 eto oer Gamon 24 1.49 Meal seedless of sultanas muffin mix 2° 1 5 99 it Boi fond G all purpose oy butterhoms 1 1,99) ciwamon isnkia selected vanebes bread: Schneiders Blue Ribbon deli shiced bologna 32.49 Schnexders bag deli shced 0e 14.99 Honey aK n Flakes cereal of 2.19 aie 2.99 = 21.49 Fis coupon entities youts. 1 1 ¢ pr ebyharhy-ikads | Pride ph rl y 1Sdve 3oc i ] pane m2 18 i Ho ropa (14%) o this ! Carian process regula Kraft Vole Velveeta Kraft Velveeta a oo) (EE Gillette Foamy 300 mL cont 299 i 1 roy er. ib. productofUS A product of Canada Canada no 1 hrc. 79 broccoli 099 stalks cache roduct of New Zealand productof U.S A ne 1.74 Kiwi 3 Canada fancy 79 fruit 99 Bartlett pears 1b.« honeydew Iu SA oor. 89 each 1 19 spinach pkg. melons product of Canada produgt of Canada Cnadaro. 1 on BSQ[Tons sr 20D -- 4" pot peanuts Hy 299 Affcan each 1.79 48 1l. NUre apple ee. oz. htl. A Lipton varieties flaked turkey or pkg. of 6502. 1 5g CopA-Soup | Geny, flaked ham «» supreme em eFfSWEAs | McCormicks selected varieties 1:4 99 'tin tomatoes hoa zu pkg. 0 49 selected varieties Bice 500 mL jar 1.59 {tomatoes Stewed RNC 99 tin Old World vaneties. spaghett Ragursauce 1,60 Seo selected ge Lipton rice or 000 1.09 Mexicasa cheese sauce mix or EA Krinkdes or i 1301.49 bag mix 1580 pkg nacho chips. 1.99 a Classic 65¢/100 mL 750 mLbtl. Coke: re diet dogost BAKERY rv sazcren stokes freshly baked cake donuts 1.29 vel baked ki tumovers 29 1 19 tui i o'kitchen or poly utility k _bags 6110-50 1 11 ] Peete 450 loaf raish baked 169 bread Selected requy or kong soe vanedes Craven 'K or Rothman's H cigarettescarion\ selected colours Cottonelle 150 Atra Trac 2 3 399 blades save 20¢ jm rpg rtp. heat 1 Del Monte Al les ae | With 23 2 3991 1isave $1.00 tC ouho 3 bi 3 § Robin Hood 1 flour tn S corn flakes cera \%i "| lc We ler ied COX Rava re" COLLECT A DIFFERENT PIECE EACH WEEK FOR 9 WEEKS Hp | WITH LACH § 10.00 GROCER PRCRA 4 PAY A SPECIAL RE TAR Sh ® \. | C1 of SOME RSE! 1 | 4 : iE rE i PLUS WIN We AS, 1 "LOVE SOMERSET AND YOU LL LOVE IT