Utica hall marks 30th anniversary Utica and Area News by Vera Brown It's been a busy week in Utica beginning with Thursday's supper sponsored by the U.C.W. which was oversold, then on Saturday evening the dance sponsored by the Hall Board which was well attended and on Sunday afternoon several former neighbours as well as the present neighbours'attended the open house to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the new Memory Hall which was opened officially on October 25, 1957. Many memories were brought to mind as we looked through memorabilia supplied by several people, the quilt which we all paid to have our names and those of our families and friends embroidered on the squares and which was won by Tom Sutherland 30 years ago. It also brought to mind what we in the com- munity went through on the day of the fire which destroyed the old hall. Every time the wind would blow more shingles from the fire, we all thought our house or buildings might be next so we were busy with hoses etc. Then there were the bees and the money making projects in order to erect the present building. This all brought the community close as people of all ages worked side by side. The many people who have worked hard over the past 30 years to keep our community hall active and beautiful are to be congratulated There will be a euchre this Friday at 8 p.m. at the hall and everyone is welcome. The .Epsom-Utica congregation will hold their anniversary service in Utica Church this Sunday at 11:15 a.m. with our own minister Rev. Nancy Waterman as the speaker. I am sure that the choir will have some special music for the occasion. Sunday School will hold their classes at the same time and all children of the community are most welcome to attend. Visitors at the Sutcliffe home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crawford and family of Greenbank and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of Mississauga. - The Eric Carre family have been very busy over the past month, star- ting with the celebration with friends and family when Kevin was confirmed at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Uxbridge, Kevin's 12th birthday, Laura's 10th birthday and the arrival of a new nephew in Regina. Visitors this past weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hinchcliffe from Toronto. Happy Birthday to Denise. (I believe that she's 29 again) A belated welcome to a few new families in the community, if there are others would someone please keep me informed. In the Utica Heights subdivision Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lewis and baby Jill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott & Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bazarin & family. New neighbours over the store are Ann & John Maxwell & family from Newfoundland, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hann & family who live north of the village (I believe in Ted Luke's former home). They also are from Newfoundland. And a final end to this week's news I'd just like to say to Houghie, "J told you that the Twins would win? Myrtle 'Brooklin Women's Institute met at the home of the president Mrs. John Hamer. Sylvia Hahn was the convenor and the guest speaker was + Catherine Hook a lecturer at Sir Sanford Fleming College, Peter- borough. Mrs. Hook gave an in- teresting talk on women's roll in developing our Canadian culture with emphasis on Mrs. Traill and Mrs. Moodie, well known pioneers in the Bobcaygeon area who raised large families and developed their writing talents and were successful women along with their home duties. The Sunday School under the leadership of Margaret Stevens is once again available to all youngsters in Myrtle area. Will all parents please see that their children are at the church by ten thirty Sunday mornings. Visitors in town for thé Hamer golden wedding included Maria - Berezowski of Thunder Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harrison of Calgary, Mrs. Grant Maginnis of London, Hugh and Joyce Hamer of Dubuque, Iowa and Mrs. Eisengard of Pittsburgh. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 27, 1987 -- 21 The War Amputations of Canada Your donations support the CHAMP and PLAYSAFE Programs * Athletic Awards * School Choir CARPET WAREHOUSE Joe oS f . AD 0 0 RNR ER Woe he 0 fatty ' "w EERE LE AERA or CARTWRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL Commencement Program will be held on Saturday, November 7th - 8 PM BLACKSTOCK RECREATION CENTRE * Presentation of Diplomas EVERYONE WELCOME 4 * Proficiency Prizes * Valedictory Address * Guest Speaker PEERLESS Heavy Saxony $34.95... Installed with Separate Underpad Subject to Store Policy - Quantities Limited FREE UNDERPAD with every remnant of carpet purchased. WITH THIS AD Subject to Store Policy - Quantities Limited + CARPET 5 Exciting Colours ad = m 95 sq.yd. 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