42 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 10, 1987 JE Help Wanted Help Wanted Legal Notice Work Wanted Work Wanted Auctioneers PART TIME cifice helo required | EXPERIENCED sales represen | NOTICE TO CREDITORS © | KITCHEN cabinets. vanities. | [sys pg ANE | evening hours to suit. Please rep: ly to Box 5, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO. NOTICE: Scout Leader for Greenbank-Seagrave area. Would the gentleman who made contact for this position please call again to Betty Williams 9858563 or Gwen Luke 985-9206 ANYONE serious about weight control, call for products or op portunity, safe nutritious. Susan 985 8155 TF SINGLE mother to do light housekeeping duties in exchange for free room & board. Call 985 2328. N17 MECHANICS We have an opening for a Licenced Mechanic or a 4 or 5 year Appren- tice. We offer excellent wages and benefits. Call today for an interview. D. KAUFMAN 576-1800 tative required for growing new car/truck dealership. Call David Legge at Taylor Ford-Mercury 985-9815. WAITRESSES/WAITERS, ex cellent hours available. Apply in person: The Gate Restaurant, Port Perry Plaza N 10 PARTS manager & mechanic re quired immediately, full time positions. Brougham Farm Ser. vice Ltd., 686-2777 or 294 1311. TF COOK WANTED male or female. Must have kitchen ex perience. Apply in person at The Gate Restaurant, Port Perry Plaza CHICKEN catchers, part time work available, special student hours. Call free 1-800-265- 3044.N 3 HOST/HOSTESS required on part time basis. Apply Conway Place, Hwy. 7A, Port Perry. TRUCK Driver wanted with Class 'D' licence to work on garbage truck. Apply in person: Peterson Trucking & Disposal. 852-6800. N10 Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! DENTAL PRACTICE in UXBRIDGE requires a CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT 20 hours per week. Call: 852-3131 Or bring resume to: DR. ERIC EPP, 24 Toronto S. N., Uxbridge HEATING & A/C INSTALLER and HELPER required. Oshawa and Cobourg Area. Apply to: Superior Plumbin & Heating Co. Ltd. 416-723-3407 WAREHOUSE HELP Temporary Full-time Position Available. CALL: 2985-9744 Square Boy PIZZA requires a parttime (evenings) DELIVERY PERSON Hourly Wage. Job to start immediately. Applications available at the store. 2985-8448 growth. Refer file 231. Write to: ORDER SERVICES ASSISTANT Data entry order shipping control, customer ad- justments, and some clerical duties. This position will appeal to a person with combined of- fice clerical, organizational and decision-making skills. Must be a good communicator. This position is created to support our rapid business BOX 23 c/o PORT PERRY STAR CO., P.O. Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO EXCEPTIONAL CAREER OPPORTUNITY QUALIFICATIONS: Pleasant and neat call or send resume to. DON ||| | | (416) B8B-8471 ------ Don Forder Insurance Brokers Ltd., in conjunction with the Futures Program and Durham College, is currently looking for an Insurance Broker Trainee. -- Grade 12 or better -- 16 to 24 Years of Age -- Must be out of work for 5 months or more - Have some typing skills Salary 168.35 per week If you qualify and wish to pursue an excellent career Tony at Don Forder Insurance 985-8471 or Durham College 576-0210 (ext. 352) FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. PO BOX 1240, 30 WATER ST PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LOB INO Mg Growing 0 Serve You Better 1"PORT " AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE HOWARD FORDER, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of GEORGE HOWARD FORDER, late of the, Township of Scugog. in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Real Estate Broker, who died on or about the 17th day of October 1987, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of December 1987, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard on- ly to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 26th day ~of October 1987. DOROTHY FAY FORDER, Ex- ecutrix by her Solicitors. MACKEY, BAILEY & KORB 400-22 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L9 N17 AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of MELVA HATTIE BICKELL, late of the Town of Ingersoll, Township of Oxford, who died on or about the 10th day of August 1987, must be filed with the under- signed personal representatives on or before December 10th, 1987. Thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED the 10th day of November 1987. Andrew Lawrence 199 Bigelow St., Port Perry, Ont. Marion Lawrence 199 Bigelow St., Port Perry, Ont. Edythe Jean Gray 379 Queen St., Port Perry, Ont. GEORGE L. SMITH Barrister & Solicitor P.O. Box 1599 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO . N24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of DONALD WILLIAM CLARE BROOKS. "All persons having claims against the Estate of DONALD WILLIAM CLARE BROOKS, late of the Township of Brock, in the Reglonali Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 15th day of October, 1987, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of December 1987, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the sald deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 30th day of October 1987. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers & Solicitors 175 North Street P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for Douglas Chant, Eleanor Camplin, Jacqueline Denise Brooks & Barbara Joan Brooks, Executors of the above Estate. N17 Work Wanted PERRY Home Improvements- painting, paper- ing etc. Free estimates. Call 985-7048 or 985-7255. N 24 J.C. Installations, carpet, vinyl, tile & repairs, free estimates. 986-0323. N3 PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF RUST CHECK CENTRE Located in Len & Gwen's Curb Lane Truck Stop HWY. 47 - UXBRIDGE 852-3577 / Steam Cleaning carpets 5 couches 852-6711 N89 -8552 ---- CENTRAL SEVEN INDUSTRIES RAPID PRINT *Top Quality Copies *Coloured Stock *Raffle Tickets *Advertising Flyers *"In Memory" Cards *Forms *Mailings and ... What-have-you? FREE ESTIMATES! buncan 189-8911 trim work. 986-4937 TF PROFESSIONAL woman available to house-sit, while you vacation in sunny south. References. Write to Box 55, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. EXPERIENCED mother of three-Raglan area. Loving home Large backyard & tons of pa tience. Shift work. Any age ac cepted. References available. Call 655-3572. MAN with highway truck would like odd short runs. Phone 705-786-2173. like to do day care in my home, lots of playroom, lots of play things, please call 985-3440. A-1 wallpapering & painting. "Quality work at better than reasonable rates." References. Free estimates. Call Bob at 985-2751 evenings. LEAHY'S MINI HOE « BOBCAT Backfilling Trenching - Grading Driveways Barn Cleaning ae) 985-0361 WAYNE'S RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS specializing in * Batt Insulation * Vapour Barrier CALL AFTER 6:00 PM 985-3951 CUMMINGS BACKHOE & COTTAGE RAISING Septic Systems, Trenching, Basements, Drain Tile, Water Lines, Sand, Gravel, Grading, Concrete Flooring. 986-5601 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 Ron Vokins HAULAGE & BOBCAT SERVICE - Backfilling - Grading - Driveway & Barn Cleaning - Sand & Gravel Fill 2986-4275 aA37-0781 vosiLe FJORD Bookkeeping Services- small business & farm. Joan 852-6691 N 24 HOUSECLEANING by the day. Own car. 986-4445. N17 FREE TOWING. unwanted vehicles towed away free of charge. Call Larry '986-4520. DOG GROOMING. All breeds. Professional grooming by Lynne- located in the Port Perry Pet Shop. Call 985-8065 or 985-7681.0 13 PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 986-0371. TF HARRY MORRIS handyman specialist. Work fully guaranteed. References. No Job Too Small -- Give Me A Call. 985-3663. TF ANTENNA MAN GRANT NOBLE - Satellite Dishes Na - Installations 3 - Repair Work g : - Comb. Colour Heads A : - Rotors -- - Power Boosters - Towers " New Homes Pre-Wired UXBRIDGE 852-77 1 7 SUNDERLAND (705) 357-24 19 -- Auction Sales SATURDAY NOVEMBER 7 TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. EACH DAY GIANT 3 DAY ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction sale- selling Estate of late SARAH BECK, Toronto & Muskoka and her son STANLEY BECK. Mrs. Beck operated an an- tique business which closed 35 years ago. All stock & her per- sonal antique collection have been stored in century home, attic & barn since 50's. There are over 2000 items, furniture, clocks, dolls, tins, china, glass galore, lamps, Grandfather clock, bowed china cabinets, tables, desks, an- tique chairs, antique wooden rockers, Boston, ladderback, Mennonite, Pressback, games tables, children's furniture, Vic- torian sofas, oak cabinet, dressers, chests, tea wagon, 75 chairs, over 250 pieces of fur- niture, several clocks, dolls galore, clothing, Teddy bears, tin toys, vehicles, banks, games, pair old lightning rods, large quantity brass, copper, pewter, large pots, old Coke signs, trays, model ships, compass, Indian blankets, baskets & rugs, other Oriental type rugs, musical instruments, violin, old mirrors, lustres, records, wood wall telephones, bottles, cameras, paintings, licence plates, medical books, about 100 old picture frames, wicker items, jewellery boxes, about 1000 pieces of glass, china, including bride's basket, Cranberry, Nippon, crystal, art glass, Cranberry water sets, 100 lamps, 20 hanging lamps, ban- quet, Gone-With-Tho Wind, sign- ed Pairpoints, Handel, gas lamps, miniature lamps, Beleek floor lamp, lots of lamp parts, crocks, hundreds of other items. Something for everyone. Preview from 9 a.m. sale day. Sale at 10 a.m. sharp. No reserve. Estate sale. Properties Sold. NOTE DATES & TIMES. Orval McLean Auctions, 324-2783 Lindsay. AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock DON 985-2788 Port Perry pri 433-5055 'Oshawa Auction Sales GIANT 3 DAY ANTIQUE SALE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay - 10 a.m. each day. Sell- ing estate of late SARAH BECK, Toronto & Muskoka & her son STANLEY BECK. Mrs. Beck operated an antique business which closed 35 years ago. All stock & her personal collection has been stored in century home, attic & barf since 50's. Over 2000 items, furniture, clocks, Grand- father clock, dolls, tins, china, glass, collectibles, 200 lamps. TUESDAY, NOV. 10th, - 10 A.M: oak 'S" roll top desk 36' wide, quality lamps, antiques & quality furniture, glass, china, silver, mini lamps, toys, pictures, primitives, clocks, oil lamps, small tables, chairs, pine chests, side-by-side cabinet, bow front china cabinet, excellent 9 piece burled walnut dining room suite with Serpentine fronts-a beauty, pine dresser, lamp & clock parts, settee, walnut bedroom suite & much more. SATURDAY NOV. 14th - 10 A.M. - 9 piece burled walnut dining room suite, Grand- father clock, wash stand, large quantity glass, china, collectibles, many quality lamps, Pairpoint puffy-type lamp, leaded glass table lamp with insect pictured on bronze base, oak bow front china cabinet, large mirrors, oil lamps, dolls, Oriental rugs, wicker baby carriage, excellent selection of antiques, lamps, banks, bedroom suite & quality furniture, clocks, collectibles. 10 a.m. each day. No reserve. Estate Sale. Properties Sold. Don't miss this interesting sale. Preview 8:30 a.m. sale days. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 Lindsay. MONDY NOVEMBER 16 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Jewellery auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. 185 lots of new jewellery, Gold rings, necklace sets, watches, pendants, ear-rings-some with stones, a good variety, some with written appraisals. No reserve. -All must go. Also selling quantity of new jewellery, watches etc., from local closed jewellery store. Also selling 30 lots of fine quality expensive estate jewellery, dia- mond rings, necklaces, watches, diamond items etc. Some with gems. Estate jewellery has ap- praisals. Selling subject to reasonable reserve. Preview from 6 p.m. Free door prize. Don't miss it. ORVAL McLEAN AUC- TIONS 324-2783 Lindsay. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture, anti- ques, dishes etc., the Estate of MRS. RUBY SHAPLAND, 43 St. John St., Cannington- 1 block east of four corners, turn south. Beat- ty double-door refrigerator, Findlay electric & oil combination stove, Beatty wringer washer, Hotpoint dryer, antique extension table & 4 chairs, wooden arm chair & rocker to match, partial set of gold lined dishes, quantity of other dishes, toasters, kettles etc., antique round oak dining room table, pedestal base & claw feet-good, 6 chairs & buffet- mirror back, brown leatherette Lazyboy chair, mirrors, floor lights, pictures, mantel clock, An- niversary clock, silver tea ser- vice, linens, bedding, sk & lamp, fernery, fern stahd-both wicker, 2 half moon end tables, hall table, green chesterfield & chair, humidifier, Singer electric sewing machine, Singer treadle sewing machine-good condition, bed chesterfield, hat rack, sewing cabinet, good oval picture frames, magazine & coffee tables, antique dresser & wash stand, cedar chest, steel bed, antique chest of drawers, antique Poster bed, dresser & wash stand, 2 pine chests, 5 piece bedroom suite & much more, two Poss lawnmowers, carpenter's S, sander, Skil saw, drills, 24' exten: sion ladder, garden wheelbarrow etc. Terms cash or cheque with I.D. Lunch available. Reg & Larry Johnson Auctioneers 705-357-3970. N10 BE ie iS iit RES, SHRP & bg pe p---- I EE Ee EE 2)