. 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 17, 1987 Blackstock and Area News by Joycp Kelly A historic event took place on Sun- day morning when the United Church celebrated the 100th an- niversary of the building of the pre- sent sanctuary. To illustrate the im- portance of the event the speaker for the service was Dr. Anne Squire, Moderator of the United Church of Canada. Many visitors from other churches took advantage of the op- portunity to hear and meet the leader of their church. Rev. D Davis conducted the worship which included a delightful anthem "The Hash Chorus' by the Junior Choir led by Donna and Linda Kyte. In his children's theme, Rev. Davis il- lustrated the meaning of the hun- dredth anniversary to the children Dr. Squire preached an excellent sermon "You Shall By My Witness" The Senior Choir sang an im- pressive anthem "Give Me That Old Time Religion" -- a medley under the direction of leader Mrs. Linda Kyte. Joyce Kelly, chairperson of the Centennial Worship Committee introduced her committee - Thelma Wright, Dave Larmer, Dalton Dor- rell, Judy Gilbank, Linda Kyte, lidith McLaughlin, Aileen Van- Camp, Glenn Larmer and Kevin Gibson. Ron Smith, Chairperson of the Centennial Renovation Commit- tee introduced his committee -- Jim Marlow, Margaret Mountjoy, Kathleen Dorrell, Aileen VanCamp, Alice Waldriff, Judy Gilbank, Barry VanCamp, Linda Kyte, Shirley Gib son, Linda Bradburn, Tallya Moore, Barb Byers. Aileen VanCamp and Jessie Gunter presented two beautifully framed collections of photos of ministers who served in the church since 1917. These were accepted by Rev. D Davis on behalf of the congregation. At the conclusion of the service a large number of the congregation enjoyed a light luncheon and a social time. Does anyone know of the whereabouts of Carmel or Shiloh Churches which were located somewhere in Cartwright? Studies of previous congregations in our area reveal these names but as of yet no exact location has been found. Any assistance would be welcomed by Mrs. Lloyd Wright who is doing a history of the United Church. Floor Hockey results show the Bombers defeating the Leafs 8-4. Tommy Waters scored 5 for the win- ners with Ronnie Kelly 2 and Bradley Morton while the scorers for the Leafs were Dillon Weber 2, Jason Logan and Doug Lynde each 1. In the Seniors the Blackstock Bruins defeated the Cartwright Canadians 4-2. For the Bruins Daryl Dutkewich 2, Lindsay Dutkewich and Mike Hepburn 1 and for the Kelly, Zuly, Greenway, Bruce BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Motor Vehicle -- Criminal Personal Injury -- Wills Real Estate -- Family Law Corporate & Commercial EVENINGS & WEEKENDS BY APPOINTMENT 114 King St. E., Oshawa 723-2278 852-7722 SAVE UNTIL NOVEMBER 20th 22 ', off ~~ A Faas We also sell: \ Wiens ENTERPRISES RESIDENTIAL DESIGN, DRAFTING & BLUEPRINTING SERVICES | R. Laflamme & ALF, DOORS AND WINDOWS ROOF TRUSSES STEEL CLADDING ; TRIM PACKAGES N) R.R.4 UXBRIDGE Frere Inc. a VN | I ot ' 4 / / 0° 1 Off ie | \ aN EXPERT Canadians Brendon Agnew and Mike Leach With this beautiful weather it is hard to realize that the date is as late as it is but we realize that the Royal Winter Fair is well under way. Many local residents will be showing exhibits and many others attending the great show and enjoy- ing the many attractions. Last weekend Mrs. Flora Samells spent several days with her daughter Anna Powell at her home in Cloyne Sunday supper guests of Gerald and Joyce Kelly, Elizabeth and Esther were Doug and Mabel Smith and Andrea, Fenelon Falls and Mrs. Alberta Tiers, Bobcaygeon. If you notice the local high school students especially quiet and sub- dued these days, don't be alarmed of a serious epidemic - it is exam week which will probably account for the serious looks. Good luck on the results of your hard work. Dale and Anita Davis enjoyed a family gathering at the home of their daughter on Friday evening and Saturday breakfast when their son Peter of England was home for a short pre-Christmas visit with his parents and sisters. There were 11 tables of cards at the Senior Citizens Card Party on Tuesday evening with the following winners: 1. Lu Griffen, 2. Norman Rohrer, 3. Lorna Swain, 4. Kathleen Watts, 5. Bernice Wells, 6. Muriel Ruteon Tow - Merv Storie. Draws istoric Church anniversary celebrated - Lorna Swain, Doris Evans James Emerton, Albert Watts. If you have any items for this (| umn please call by Monday mid. morning. Your assistance is sought to bring personal items to it. (yy 986-4257 when you can. Thank vy, Brooklin Optimists Youth Appreciation The Optimist Club of Brooklin presented awards to Janis Tripp and Ryan Harker for their outstan- ding community service, at the club's Youth Appreciation Week dinner November 16, 1987 at St. Thomas' Anglican Church Hall in Brooklin. Janis Tripp and Ryan Harker were chosen for their involvement in Meadowcrest Public School's Safety Crossing-guard Programme. Both youths have been involved in the programme for five years. The dinner was held in conjunc- tion with Optimist Youth Apprecia- tion Week, held annually during the second week in November to honour the positive contributions of young people to society. The 4000 Optimist Clubs from across North Americy join in this special recognition of youth. "Optimist Youth Appreciation Week reminds the public of youth's many positive accomplishments and spotlights young people's im- portance as tomorrow's leaders." said Brian Wick, president of the Optimist Club of Brooklin. Chartered in 1987, the Optimist Club of Brooklin has 45 members and meets every first and third Monday at 7:30 at St. Thomas Anglican Church Hall in Brooklin. Our annual Christmas Greetings Edition of the Port Perry Star will be published on Tuesday, December 22, 1987. : If your company would like to have a Christmas message in this edition, please call 985-7383 or come into our office at 235 Queen Street, Port Perry. The Christmas Greetings Book is now in our office for you to choose your special message. Due to ex- tra production time required, deadline for the Special Greetings requests will be 5:00 PM, Tuesday, the December 8th, 1987. SCO -- PORT PERRY -- 235 QUEEN STREET - 985-7383