pe EE ----------.L ---- mE rr TA a rR: ein rea on How to handle stress by Linda Dyment Durham Board of Education Durham Region Fitness Council Depending upon how "spicy" our life is, we know that too much stress, or distress, can be destructive. Ulcers, heart disease and many other ailments of our modern socie- ty can be the outcome of stressors over a long period of time. On the other side, not enough stress or stimulation leads to lack of motiva- tion, boredom and aimlessness. What we want is "THE RIGHT KIND OF STRESS FOR THE RIGHT LENGTH OF TIME -- AT A LEVEL THAT IS BEST FOR US." Hans Seyle, the world's leading authority on stress makes this claim in his book "Stress Without Distress." What can we do to find our op- timal stress level? The first step is to increase our awareness of what causes us to feel stressed. Consider all sources of stress under three broad categories: behaviour, skills and attitude. Let's begin by looking at behaviour. Check out the things you do that causes you tension. Tension is a tightness or a squeezing that oc- curs physically, mentally and emo- tionally. For example, when driving toward a busy intersection, does your body become tense? Once you become aware of the tension, you can locate it and consciously 'let go" of it. This procedure for "letting go" or the 'relaxation response" takes practice. As you observe the tensed muscles, issue a calm order to "relax." You actually tell them to do so. The more you practice, the better you become. Another technique is to look and listen 'inside.' It's not responsibili- ty that is the culprit, it's lack of con- trol in our lives. A sense of control and peace of mind comes from within. Take time to find out what is happening inside. This skill of in- ward seeking to find meaning will vary greatly to the individual and will also require practice. A helpful book to read is "Take Effective Con- trol of Your Life" by William Glasser. Our attitude, the way we think, is another key determinant in what we can do about stress. Thinking positively with an open mind is one of our greatest assets in reducing stress and maintaining well-being in our fast, changing world of today. If we can replaced old negative habits with new positive ones, we can add years of quality living to our lives. Whenever you have a negative thought, stop it and replace it with a positive one. For example, when you catch yourself saying the follow- ing thought: "I wish I had more time. I really need to get more ex- ercise."' Stop and substitute an af- firmation: "I make time and take time to do what I need to do." You will be pleasantly surprised when you begin creating your own self-talk '"'script."" For more in- teresting reading, Shad Helmsettu has written in paperback, "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself." In summary, to find your optimal stress level, learn to 'let go' of ten- sions, listen to yourself on the inside and keep taking on positive thoughts. To feel young and healthy, try a few other of these following suggestions and practice ones that help you: regular physical activity, yoga, meditation, leisure activities and hobbies. Come in and get an estimate on Roof Trusses, Microlam Beams and Truss Joints from our capable staff. Call our Roof Trusses Division at 985-9716 § and ask for Dean, Grant, Don, Brian or Doug. "arr 1D 3 PIECE CARPENTER KITS 1.) 16 oz. Wood Hammer, 12' x 3/4" Powerlock Tape Rule, 19 HY Carpenter's Pencil ..................... n 2.) Combination Square, 3m/10' Powerlock Tape Rule, Carpenter's Pencil ............ 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