LGR London's Royal Agricultural show Awarded trip to England [CRTC aTe Ashburn and Area News by Florence Ashton 'Belated congratulations to Rod deWolde, Bramarod Farm, who will make an all expense paid trip to the Royal Agricultural Show in London, England. The show will take place in July of this year. All the young . people who participated in the Jr.- Barrow Show (Swine) and the Queens' Guineas (Beef) competi- tions at the Royal Winter Fair in November had the opportunity to win this trip. Rod was fortunate enough to have his name drawn. What a great adventure! Good luck, Rod! There were 11 tables of euchre played at the euchre party on Thurs. evening, Jan. 14th. First prizes went to Hilda Hopkins and Margaret Gall. Second prizes to Ray Porter and Bessie Spencer. Lone hands to Bill Collins. 50-50 draw to Joy Bright. Door prizes were won by Darrell Wade and Verna Slute. The next euchre will be on Thurs. Jan. 28th. Everyone welcome to attend. The Brooklin Horticultural Socie- ty will meet on Wed. evening of this week at 8 o'clock, at the Brooklin United Church. Vince Gibbens, who is a landscape architect, manager of Parks for the Town of Whitby, has planned an intriguing program about planning surprise elements in the landscape! If you want to find out what this is all about plan to be at the meeting Wed. evening. Mr. Tom Humphrey of England recently spent a week visiting his parents Ernie and Catherine Hum- phrey and family. Ernie is still a pa- tient at the Scarborough Hospital. Ron Ashton has returned home following an enjoyable holiday in Florida. Ken Brown and Moyra Griffen also enjoyed a holiday in Florida. We were pleased to have Rév. McEntyre back in the pulpit at Burns last Sunday morning. Speak- ing on the theme of Stewardship, his sermon title was "Folded Hands: Open Hands: Clenched Fists:" the text being from St. Matthew 2:11 and Exodus 35: 20 & 21. Scripture readings were read by Dianne Bat- ten and Lindsay Death. The choir sang "Take the Name of Jesus with You." Keep in mind the church annual meeting on Fri. Feb. 5th. Pot luck dinner will be served at 6:30 sharp. The ladies are asked to please pro- vide main course and dessert enough for your family. The Ladies Bible Class held their Jan. meeting at the church on Wed. afternoon, Jan. 13th, with Florence Ashton conducting the meeting. Scripture was read by Bernice Gardner, with Chrissie McKinney leading in prayer. We continued our studies of the Women of the Bible, with Margaret Davis sharing with us the story of Bathsheba. We will again meet at the church on Feb. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Annual Rates Monthly Rates 2 YEARS 3 YEARS - 4 YEARS 5 YEARS 10 1/2% 10 3/4% 10 1/2%- 2 YEARS 3 YEARS 4 YEARS 5 YEARS 10 1/4% -- MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD -- Rates subject to change without notice. Call the office for information SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 10th. Joan Knight served us lovely refreshments. Don't forget the teen darice at the Community Centre on Fri. Feb. 12th from 8-11 p.m. Chaperoned. $3 per person. » The Community Centre are spon- soring a dance at the Thunderbird Golf Club on Sat. Feb. 27th. $20 per couple with buffet. The PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 26, 198§ -- 33 ~vhoek [ Cowboy Says: 1980 FORD F150 4X4, 2 tone paint. Heavy-duty 4 speed 1985 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 2 tone black & charcoal, absolutely spotless, every option. Jo EE transmission. Immaculate. TOYOTA 4X4 Equipped with Warren Winch. A Sportsman's Toy! Hwy . Yq. . AY Va, J a, N day, i '. : - 7A & High Street, Port Perry, Ontario "We waste too much time criticizing the faults of those whose strong points we should be praising." A 1984 CADDY ELDORADO BIARRITZ A real beauty. stereo cassette. 1984 BLAZER 4X4 V6 automatic O/D 1984 TURISMO 2&2 Automatic, flip-up sunroof, Real sharp economy car. - The saga continues ... PORT PERRY CARS TO DISCOVER COW - BOY \ Water Street & Hwy. 7A at Knopp's Corners MOTORS Hwy. 7A & Water Street 985-2368 pe