ae Tee Reem TE ee Tee TREE Tee TEE Tee Tee. eee Tee Bee TT TE an. TEE TE TRE TEE TEE OTT TEE WT wr Ww WY TT WY TR TRL YY Ta Tew TIEN WYN WN NTE WT TOE EWN OSE WWW CW Ww OW Ww WRN YY TET ORE OTE ON Ee we 36 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 9, 1988 [J] Ld [ J Mortgage Personals Work Wanted Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales FIRST, Second & Third Mor. | KAREN E. HUNT, Electrolysis. | EXPERIENCED cleaning lady ~]| SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25 tgages , debt consolidation, in- | Permanent hair removal. | available, part time. 985-0696. COCHRANE SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. terim financing, cottage financ- ing. Private funds for unqualified deals. Brenda Harrison, The Mor- tgage Factory 985-2702 or 666-4986. F 23 PRIVATE FUNDS Mortgages arranged & purchas- ed. For confidential quote, please call 416-723-4621. Anubis In- vestments Lid. : TF MORTGAGE Funds available. Prompt service assured. Scugog Financial Services. 985-3832. TF IS INTEREST INCOME IMPORTANT TO YOU? Invest in 1st & 2nd Mortgages. CHAPMAN & KAY ltd. 655-3080 © 427-2448 Medically approved. Fully qualified. Free confidential con- sultation. 985-9085. TF K.I1.S.S. (Kawartha Introduction Services for Singles). Why be alone again tonight? Meet new frtends & companions. For registration form send self- addressed stamped envelope to: K.I.S.S. Box 1133, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J "7H4 or phone 705-876-9824. M 29 Work Wanted MOTHER of 2 will babysit at her home, on a farm, 3 miles north- east of Nestleton on Durham 57. 986-4308. . PERSONALIZED cleaning ser- vices - housecleaning to your specifications. Call evenings 852-9273. F 16 CLEANING your home, apart- ment, office. Reliable, depen- dable fast services. We also shampoo carpets, references. Please call 985-9029. F 23 OFFICE assistance available. Do you need temporary help to fill in during illness, maternity leave, holidays or when the work load is heavy. | am available with many years of office experience, in- cluding Word Processing. Phone 985-0175. F9 MORRIS HOME IM- PROVEMENTS (formerly Harry Morris, Handyman). Home renovations, basements, bathrooms, handyman service etc. Work fully guaranteed. Free estimates. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Call 985-3663. Chapman & Kay Ltd. MORTGAGE BROKERS Residential Commercial Industrial Equity Lending FOR FREE INFORMATION 655-3080 421-2448 Work Wanted GENERAL home repairs & renovations, interior & exterior. For estimates call evenings 985-2366 or 985-2781. F 28 MR. CHAIR REPAIR RE-GLUEING RE-FITTING SPINDLE REPAIR Complete Service Pickup & Delivery Phone 986-5350 HORSE LOGGING FORESTRY 'MANAGEMENT Clean Your Bush Up Thinning or Clear Cut Logs for you ... or $$ for your standing Timber Cedar, Pine, Spruce, & Hardwood PINERIDGE 640-4671 -- L0G HOME & LOGGING -- New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S _ GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 - [4 Steel Trucks -- DJR -- MOBILE SANDBLASTING Log Homes 263-864 Concrete Trailers Painting GREEN APPLE CABINETS Custom Kitchen Cupboards * Stairs Reproduction Furniture * Renovations * Victorian Screen Doors * HARVEY J. WALLER 985.3 767 A 985-328 HOUSECLEANING Port Perry, and Surrounding Area all ... BARB or (405) 277-3231 / LEEK TRANSPORT NOBLE TRANSPORT CALL US FOR YOUR TRANSPORTATION NEEDS DAILY SERVICE: between Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Markham, Ajax, Port Perry & Uxbridge areas. CONNECTIONS: throughout Canada and U.S.A. MOVING: Have a 22' container placed in your drive for you to pack then moved to your new location. Ground level loading. TILT and LOAD: FLAT BED -- VANS -- TRAILERS uxsrinee 882-3037 or 862-3013 TORONTO 3684-B821 CARPENTER for hire. All types of construction, interior & ex- terior. Free estimates. Phone Tony at 576-4790. MI SWEEPING Beauty Houseclean- ing Services, moving-in, moving- out, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Give us a call 852-9617, 986-5253 (Res.). DAYCARE provided by former primary school teacher & daycare supervisor for 3-5 year olds. Crafts & learning activities. Cawkers Creek area 985-9657.M 1 Va PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 986-0371. TF J.C. INSTALLATIONS. Sales, Service & Installations, carpet, vinyl & tile. Free estimates. 986-0323. J 26 PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF TYPING service, no job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements, Office Overload, let- ters etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing 852-5765. F 2 DOG GROOMING. Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located in the Port Perry Pet Shop. 985-8065 or 985-7681. M3 INCOME Tax, bookkeeping pro- blems, let me. help! Call Betty 985-9077. K. Dave Muir Registered Industrial Accountant - BOOKKEEPING - - INCOME TAX - - ACCOUNTING - For Individuals - Small Businesses - Farmers and Companies - Phone 985-8494 Income Tax PERSONAL CORPORATE FARMS Professionally Prepared PAUL VAN CAMP 985-8522 ae Small Businesses ACCOUNTING & INCOME TAX SERVICE PAUL VAN CAMP Professional Accounting Services 985-8522 (Evenings) ' parlour table, Auction Sales SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 . SALE TIME: 6.30 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn 1 mile east of Enniskillen Exceptional sale of brand new furniture highlighted by a new ex- clusive dining room suite-very good, bedroom suite, kitchen suite, wall units-all brand new, estate furniture includes hall stand, pine chest, dressers, tables, chairs & much more. Lots of estate dishes, china & glassware. Nice sale. Preview: Sat. noon. 263-8710 'The Friendly Auction" Steve Liptay-Earl Gauslin. AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock pon ... 985-2788 port perry pHIL 433-5055 Oshawa Auction Sales EVERY WEDNESDAY SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon 1 mile east of Enniskillen Auction sale- miscellaneous household & box lot sale selling something of everything for everyone. Lots of furniture, ap- pliances, utensils, dishes, china. Every Wednesday, 7 p.m. at "The Friendly Auction' 263-8710. Steve Liptay-Earl Gauslin. Con- signments welcome. TF FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- the estate of the late PERCY BROWN of Port Perry, plus others. Oak hall seat, parlour tables, oak china cabinet- curved glass sides, wash stands, pine chest of drawers, Pressback chairs, pine tool box, oval top trunks, oak drop front desk, wooden ice-box, wooden kitchen chairs, coal oil lamps, oak coffee tables, Western saddle, modern dressers & chest of drawers, SHP snowblower, 1978 Chev 2 ton truck, 1945 Gibson guitar, pony cutter, horse drawn racing sleighs, quantity of china & glass. Don Corneil Augtioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay- proper- ty of MR. & MRS. HAROLD SANDERSON, Lindsay plus TOMLINSON ESTATE. Antique & modern, nearly new snowblower, good bedroom suite complete, Pressback arm chair, copper boiler, oil lamps, 4 piece modern chesterfield set, 9 piece dining room suite, large pine rocker, French Provincial chesterfield set, wash stand, nur- sing rocker, antique tables, wooden office chairs, console television, 2 lateral file cabinets, gold dishwasher, green Moffat frost-free refrigerator & mat- ching auto stove, 2 gold & 1 dia- moi'd rings, 2 cupboards, bag cart, 40HP Mercury outboard motor, tools, Noritake tea set, dishes. NEW: 2 microwave ovens, 5 chesterfields for trailers, trailer hardware, blinds, cur- tains, bed covers. Trailer items selling at 10 a.m. No reserve. To list your Spring sale or consign, call 324-2783 Orval McLean Auctions. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. " Furniture, Antiques & Hanging Lamp Auction sale of furniture, anti- ques, Rubina glass hanging lamp & large quantity of antique glassware & collectibles for RUSS BEARE, Markham & HERB THOMAS, Markham, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, Ontario including antique Rubina glass hanging lamp with prisms, antique pine flatback cup- board, large pine wood box, oak dining room extension table with 6 leaves, Jacques 8 Hayes cherry pine corner cupboard-new, antique sleigh, an- tique jam cupboard, 5° harvest table, swinging mirror, blanket box, nest of tables, vanity, parlour table, carved back chair, desk, chest of drawers, china cabinet, buffet, dining room table & 6 chairs, antique chairs, colour TV, chesterfield & chair, Teak wall unit, Teak nest of tables 8 end tables, apt. size washer & dryer, brass jelly pot, ant. mahogany cash register, old postcard album, old dolls, collection of Avon bottles, large number of old picture frames, walnut spool hall "tree, boxes books-some Canad- lana, gramphone & records, hat pins & holders, crocks, Benning- ton pie plate, ant. candy snipper, children's dishes, old tools, old bottles, quantity of china, glass, ironstone etc., plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. Fo SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at Oddfellows Hall on Regional Road 2 in Port Perry. Good quality household furniture 8 appliances. Consignments welcome. Pearce Auction Ser- vices 655-8073. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby (v2 mile east of Thickson Rd.) selling the property of ROBERT M. ARMSTRONG of Leaside, now in Nursing Home plus others, including 10 piece oak diner-round table, 5 piece mag. bedroom suite, 7 piece toilet set- old, bow-front china cabinet-3 doors, large oak Victoria slide-roll lawyer's filing cabinet, 2 partial sets of sterling flatware, large quantity of sterling spoons, several pieces of silver dishes, trays, tea set etc., wash stand, rocker, dolls, Federal Princess dresser large mirror, 8 assorted oil lamps, 8 piec. mag diner, D.F. sofa, oak side-by-side, assortment of parlour tables & chairs, Q.A. china cabinet, old radio, large 2 door gold no frost fridge, Vic- torian chair, crocks, blue bird crock, tray top table, round drum tables, mag coffee & end tables- glass top, Victorian child's rocker, 10 piece walnut diner, 2 desks, ladies writing desk, chesterfield & chair, Panasonic FP1000 photocopier, 2 computers, 2 high speed printers, 4 secretary desks-office, oak chair, IBM Selectric typewriter, Bady grand piano, Viking washer & dryer, large collection of tools-old & new including grinder, spray guns, hand tools, planes etc., bunk beds, lamps, old dressers 8 chests, war- drobe, large counter-open both sides, plus many other articles, glass & china, 2 sets of Limoges Bridal Rose dishes, Royal Doulton, Royal Crown Darby, figurines, some excellent pieces. VEHICLES: 1985 Olds Ciera cer- tified, 1981 Grand LeMans cer- tified, 1980 Buick Regal, 1980 Eagle 4x4, 1981 Datsun 210 wagon certified, 1973 Olds 98-good car, 1970 Mercedes. Cars selling at 1 p.m. NOTE TIME: 10a.m. Large sale. Some excellent furniture, antiques, glass & china. Plan to attend. Viewing: Fri. from 1-6 p.m. Ross McLean Auctioneer 576-7550 8 686-3291. Loss of Holsteins ° February Consignment Sale selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario including fresh & close cows, bred & open heifers, featuring a big tall fancy (GP) Warden with 3y (137-161), from (GP) Dam with (161-167) BCA fresh by sale time & her yearling daughter by Berkline Argus, a fancy Sept./85 Valiant fresh in Feb. from (VG) Dam with 7y (183-183), 2nd Dam (VG) with 20860 Ib. milk, a June/85 Astro Jet from (GP) Dam with 5y 343d , 20803 1047 5 per cent (171-230), 2nd Dam (VG-2*) with (172-208) fresh Jan. 31 with a heifer calf by Hanoverhill Starman. If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Furniture & Antiques Auction sale of furniture & an- tiques for the Estate of the Late MYRTLE L. WATSON, Ux- bridge, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including Helint- zman piano, antique full size set- tee with 3 side chairs-excellent, oval parlour table, oak extension table, Pressback rocker, oak china cabinet, cedar chest, side® by side dresser, lamp table, chest of drawers with bevelled mirror, " large quantity of linens & doilies, hooked rug, setting of 12 Limoge dishes-approx. 100 pieces- excellent, setting of 12 Communi- ty Plate silverware 8& chest, biscuit jar, sheet music, spoon holder, dresser sets. Also Depres- sion glass, crocks, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Lid., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. F 16 Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! big headache for hospitals In the 12-month period from November 1986 to November 1987, Kawartha Hospital Linen Services sustained linen losses with an estimated value of more than $250,000. General Manager Paul Scigel reports that supply inventories have revealed exceptionally high losses of some items, including 4,622 sheets (18% of total stock) and 5,805 bedspreads (53% of total stock). Also missing and presumed lost arc 3,104 patient gowns, 1,047 O.R. scrub suit tops and 946 O.R. scrub suit pants. Since the service supplies linc to ten hospitals (two in Pcterborough and one in cach of Bowmanville, Campbellford, Cobourg, Lindsay, Port Perry, Tren- ton, Uxbridge and Whitby) it is difficult to determine precisely where and when specific losses occur in the system. However, Mr. Sei- gel is confident that the public can help to signifi- cantly reduce the magnitude of the problem. He states, "I am con- vinced that in part the loss- cs are duc to a lack of pub- lic awareness. Hospitals ap- pear to have endless sup- plics of fresh linen so the significance of each individ- ual item scems negligible. A washcloth may be used to wipe up a spill and then dis- carded Family members may take a discharged paticnt home wrapped in a blanket loaned by the hospital and then neglect to return it. They don't realize that each item is needed in the sys- tem. A thermal blankct is worth $9.95, so when 1,749 go missing as thcy did last year, the total rc- placement cost for thosc items alone exceeds $17,000. According to Lco Doiron, the only real difficulty since the central linen facility was established in 1972 has been periodic shortages of items due to the large quan- tities processed. "We are just beginning to assess their magnitured, but every indication, points to serious shortages which will be very costly to the whole system. The cost of losses must be borne by the hospitals, such at Commu- nity Memorial Hosptial in Port Perry, which subscribe to the service, and our member hospitals can't af- ford to sustain this-extra fi- nanicial burden", he says The current situation is so severe that Paul Secigel says "we are being forced to stamp all linen with special identification marked by the police. Anyone in posses- sion of items with this mark could face criminal charges." Mr. Scigel says they are appealing to the public to be aware of the problem and assit in their efforts to min- imize linen losses. EE