Support the Girl Guides of Canada Time fom The Girl Guides of Canada is a challenging and vibrant organiza- tion commanding the interest of girls and women from St. John's to Victoria, and north to Inuvik. The Guiding opportunities in Canada provide a challenge for more than 30,000 women who volunteer their time and talents. The aim of the Girl Guides of Canada - Guides Du Canada, is to provide opportunities designed to help girls become responsible, resourceful and happy members of society. To achieve this aim our members, both girls and women, make a commitment to service and leadership that is as valid in the world of the 80's as it was in 1910 when Guiding began in Canada. : As the challenge of this commit- ment grows so does our member- ship. With more than 256,000 members we are the largest youth organization open to all girls between the ages of six and twenty-one in Canada. The women of the Girl Guides of Canada -- Guides Du Canada fill many roles to ensure the pro- gram presented to the girls con- tinues to be relevant in our chang- ing society, and that the manage- ment of the organization is effi- cient and productive. Our program is as diverse as the interest and lifestyles of the girls from coast to coast. Ac- tivities are partitioned to be ap- propriate to four age groups: Brownies, ages 6 to 9; Guides, ages 9 to 12; Pathfinders, ages 12 to 15 and Rangers/Cadets, ages 15 to 17 plus. Organized units are located in most cities, towns and villages across Canada and in the far north. To bring our program to the girls, more than 44,000 women volunteer their time to work with the girls or to serve as members of administrative support committees. A special program sponsored by the Guides Catholiques Du Canada, an association member of the Girl Guides of Canada -- Guides Du Canada, is open to French speaking Roman Catholic girls. Outdoor activities are key to developing both individual resourcefulness:and the spirit of teamwork necessary in our pre- sent day society. From wilderness camping, mountain climbing and winter # Everyone's favourite treats, Girl Guide Cookies, are now on sale until March 4th. Cookie monsters can order the famous sweets from members of the guiding movement, like Pathfinder Annette Stainton, Brownie Jami unch on delicious Guide 7% Hyndman and Girl Guide Jennifer Hyndman as treks to a meadow camp, a sum- mer hike or an evening spent star- gazing, from white water canoe- ing and sailing to horseback riding and naturalist expeditions; whether a small group or a large group together for a short time or long, each experience presents an opportunity to learn and to grow for both girls and leaders. The world association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) has 8,500,000 members. Through our member- ship in this organization Canadian girls have the opportunity for in- ternational travel which enables Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC NEW LOCATION: 174 Water Street -- Port Perry BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Phone: 985-2916 or 623-4473 coicen 1. sikkens Cetol UV INTERIOR Protect your pine. 2. UV specially formulated to pro-. 3. 4. tect your pine from yellowing. Extra clear matte finish If you've got pine, make it UV Pine by Sikkens. sikkens CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER "-™ 295 Ritson Road South -- OSHAWA -- 434-3939 them to develop a greater understanding of lifestles and cultures of girls in other lands. They also are able to share with international visitors to Canada the richness of our own cultural mosaic. In any given year up- wards of 2000 Canadian girls will be travelling abroad while others will host visitors from many of the 112 member countries of WAGGGS. The WAGGGS also of- fers opportunity for our women to serve in an administration capacity on world committees. We currently have members on they take orders door-to-door. If you happen to miss the girls, you can order cookies (at $2.25, still a bargain) by calling Port Perry District Com- missioner Marg Prentice at 985-3726. Cookies will be delivered by early April. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 16, 1988 -- 19 Ho the finance and constitutions com- mittee of the western hemisphere and the Cabana committee. The talents our members bring to these tasks are invaluable to WAGGGS; the experience they gain is of immeasurable benefit in both their volunteer and profes- sional activities. Membership in the Girl Guides of Canada -- Guides Du Canada provides women with many op- portunities for personal develop- ment and growth. The develop- ment of administrative and in- terpersonal skills for all adult Ye es vv cookies members is an ongoing concern throughout the organization. These skills are developed large- ly through on-the-job experience paced. to enhance the self- confidence of the volunteer. In ad- dition the provincial training department organizes workshops and seminars to support the needs of the administration. In this way each person learns rapidly and ef- fectively to assume the respon- sibilities of their appointment. Each retains these valuable skills for use elsewhere when her term of office is completed. - Funds to operate the national council, which is made up of volunteers from different areas of expertise and regional and cultural differences found across Canada are obtained from two main sources: the membership fees collected from members across the country and the opera- tion of the merchandising centre. The main source of funding stems from the sale of Girl Guide cookies and calendars. In today's world our organiza- tion must meet two challenges, © - We must understand the needs of girls in our society so that our pro- gram may be presented in an ap- propriate manner, and we must continue to attract competent women who have less and less of that commodity, time. We know that our girls are special. One has only to look at the high percentage who have achiev- ed significant degrees of syccess in their chosen fields of endeavour. We feel therefore that the work we do is important. We wish to take this opportunity to thank those employers who support our 44,000 adult members by permit- ting them the time to carry out their various roles in Guiding. We hope that after this article, some of the women in the community will recognize that there are - benefits to be gained from suppor- ting and joining the enthusiastic women who are members of the Girl Guides of Canada -- Guides - Du Canada. : All women, whether you were a member as a girl or not, are welcome to join. For further in- formation please call Marg Pren- tice, District Commissioner at 985-3726 or Joanne Popovitch, Deputy District Commissioner at 985-2353. ountry Ceramics Folk Art (Limit one per New Customer) NEW ... NEW ... NEW! Try our paints ... Buy 1 - Get 1 FREE 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.! *2.05 for 2 oz. SQUEEZE BOTTLE Discounts available on large purchases. 90 Different Colours available. Equal to Delta and Folk Art Paints but at-a fraction of their price and we guarantee it. We also have top quality folk art brushes, graphite, etc. Brushes carry full guarantees also. -- HOPE TO SEE YOU -- 817 Lilla St. S., Port Perry 985-9508