PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 16, 1968 -- 31 For Sale For Sale DINING ROOM SUITE, 10 pc., antique, oak & walnut, good con- dition, asking $3200 - Call 986-4678. HERITAGE WOODSTOVE, ex- cellent condition - $250. Stereo-one piece c/w record player, two tape decks, AM/FM - $100. Zenith 26" color TV, remote control - $150. 985-9282 after 6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. HAY & Straw for sale. No rain. ,986-4782. F 23 Coming Events CASEIN TEMPERA PAIN- TINGS and Pencil Drawings by Douglas Boutilier at Scugog Memorial Library Feburary 20 - March 11. The artist will be pre- sent on Saturday, February 20, 2-4 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH St. John's Port Perry and Flea Market and Home Baking Sale Friday, March 26, 1988 - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rummage Sale Friday, April 22, 1988, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Hot Luncheon Friday, April 22, 1988, 11:30 - 1:30. COCHRANE Auction Service: List your spring & summer sales now for your choice of dates, auc- tion barn available if desired. Phone Don Cochrane 985-2788.F 23 ANNUAL 'Monte Carlo Dance," Sat. Feb. 27, Latcham Centre. 7:30 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. $18 per cou- ple (including luncheon and $1,000 Monte Carlo Play Money) Spon- sors - Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Theta Delta Chapter. For tickets call 985-8051. COFFEE HOUR Tuesday, February 23 at 10 a.m. Scugog Island United Church. Guest Speaker: Earl Ambrose chaplain at Scott Mission, Toronto. Everyone Welcome. Babysitting available. THE COUNTRY CHORDS Ladies Barbershop Chorus-are having a Mini Show and Open House, In the Oddfellows Hall on Thursday, February 25, 1988 at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served; ad- mission - silver collection. F 23 THE FAMILY of Reg Abraham invite friends & relatives to an "Open House" in celebration of Reg's 80th birthday on Sat. Feb. 20th, 2-4 p.m. at Seagrave Church Basement. Best Wishes, Only.F 16 HORSE drawn sleigh rides. John Leask 985-7818. F 23 DABBER BINGO ODDFELLOWS HALL Tues., Feb. 23 Mon., Feb. 29 Mon., Mar. 7 $1,000.00 Jackpot in sO many numbers. Consolation $250.00 FRESH GRAIN FED pork, cut and wrapped $1.00 Ib. phone 985 9085. 9 INCH TABLESAW including 3 blades $325.00. Phone after 6:00 - 985-9398. F 23 FULL LENGTH muskrat coat, size 10-12 in super condition. Ask- ing $250. Call 985-7194. MIXED hardwood firewood, cut & split, 12°" or 16'* delivered. Call 705-488-2851 after 6 p.m. M SEASONED firewood, $150 per cord; $20 extra for delivery. 985-7745. F 23 40 HP Mariner outboard, electric start, good condition. Call 986-0453 after 6 p.m. M1 HAY & STRAW, si a bale, Nestleton. 986-5103. MI [ ] Greetings Lordy, Lordy, Look who's 40! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETTY Len, Mel & Matt If you see ... JAMES VANSCHAGEN on February 19th, wish him a HAPPY 25h BIRTHDAY From your friends at B&L's If you see ... DON HOEKSTRA on February 18th, wish him a HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY Mary, Trudy & Erin Christian Heritage Party PUBLIC MEETING I'l Qur Leader Speaks Out. Canada's plight and the C.H.P. solution!!! DATE: FEBRUARY 25th - 8:00 PM BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL (Liberty Street North) For more information call ... 983-9382 DURHAM FEDERAL LIBERAL ASSOC. Delegate Selection -- for -- GUY LATREILLE ... Res.: 985-8192 2 ACRE BUILDING LOT high, dry, on quiet con- cession road north-east of Port Perry. Priced at $18,900. Call me today. QUEEN STREET COMMERCIAL BUILDING for sale, 2 apartments and 1 retail outlet. Call me for further details. NEW 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on 2 acres overlooking Lake Scugog. Large sunken liv- ing room with cathedral ceiling, main floor laundry, walkout from livingroom to deck, walkout basement. Priced at $174,900. Call me today. VERY ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM maintenance free bungalow on large Port Perry lot, large finished rec room, workshop, carport. Asking $138,900. Call me today. KEN MIDDLETON ... Res.: 985-7548 CAWKER CREEK ESTATES offering this 3 bedroom, brick side- split in an area of fine homes, main floor laundry, large 24 x 26' family room, fireplaces, / double garage and more, country style living on 1/2 acre, right on outskirts of Port Perry. Asking only $184,000. YES, YOU CAN AFFORD YOUR OWN HOME Lovely 3 bedroom backsplit, many features in this immaculately decorated home including 16 x 32' Kayah pool, fenced 100 x 200' lot overlooks Lake Scugog with waterfront dock- ing and park privileges. A quality home for on- ly $129,900. PRIME 1/2 to 3/4 ACRE BUILDING LOTS For your dream home overlooking Lake Scugog, westerly exposure affords you beautiful sunsets. Priced $47,900. - $62,900. Whether you're considering buying or selling ... make your best move ever! Look to the profes- BRENDA CASTEELS Res.: 1-705-357-2536 103 x 328 ft. COUNTRY lot has room for cars, trucks, dogs, a cow or a horse. House has three bedrooms, 16 x 16' country kitchen, main floor family/TV room, 26 ft. glassed-in sun- porch. Much of the original woodwork and : wood flooring is intact and refinished. Shown by Appolriment only. $129,900. LYNDA KENDRY Bus.: 985-7361 Res.: 985-8200 1 YEAR OLD VICEROY HOME in Woodville, open con- cept, cathedral ceiling, large bathroom with jacuzzi tub & separate shower stall, perfect retirement home. $110,000. GOOD FAMILY HOME in Oakwood, 3 bedroom sidesplit with finished family room, nicely landscaped lot. Immediate possession. Asking $129,900. VALERIE BUTT ... STARTER HOME 2 bedroom aluminum sided home, large living room with fireplace, country kitchen with built in appliances, double garage on spacious, nicely landscaped lot. Asking $104,900. IMMACULATE, tastefully decorated raised bungalow, 3 bedrooms, walkout to deck from dining room, family room with fireplace, 4th bedroom or den, custom drapes and curtains throughout, located in excellent area on over- sized, nicely landscaped lot. Asking only Res.: 985-2122 sionals at RE/MAX scugog realtor limited in Port Perry for the best in real estate advice. (March 25th-27th in Windsor) " - $146,900. LPC(0) ANNUAL MEETING -- at -- HAMPTON COMMUNITY CENTRE (Downstairs) FEBRUARY 24th, 1988. -- 8:00 PM For further information call 985-9250 (07) 33 independent member broker 183 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO " % ScUQog CLUE 144 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY