AAS met AA tt "out. This f Born on Leap Year Day, 1908 Seagrave and Area News by Diane Puckrin Good morning Seagrave -- Hope you were all treated very special on Valentine's Day with a token of love from your sweetheart. Ken and Eleanor Sturman are wearing wide smiles this week as they are the proud new grand- parents of Carolynne Kristine Col- eman, daughter of Carol and John Coleman of Whitby. Congratula- tions folks and just know uncle Ted and Mark will be proud of that little pink bundle too. Another casualty this week as Mr. Len Somerville had the misfortune of breaking his ankle at work Tuesday night. He spent a few days in Oshawa General, but is now home with his leg in cast for the next few weeks. I know he'd welcome any signature signing and a visit. Sorry about your accident Len, and hope you're up and about soon. A very special birthday party is planned for Mr. Reg Abraham who will be celebrating 80 years young on Sat. Feb. 20th at Seagrave Church. An Open House will be held from 2-4 p.m. and all friends and relatives are invited to come and help Reg blow out all those candles. Reg is celebrating his special day early as he has really had only 20 birthdays with his day being Feb. 29th. Happy birthday to this fine gentleman. Welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin, who were vaca- tioning in Florida for a couple of weeks. The Block Parent Association wish to inform Seagrave and area residents, that applications are available to new families in- terested in becoming Block Parents. Please contact one of the following representatives for ap- plications, new signs, instruction sheets, reminder notices or general information: --Mariposa- Mrs. Emily Lemieux 985-8596. --Robinglade- Mrs. Dianne Cook 985-3722. --Sun Valley- Mrs. Sherri Wall 985-8684. --Seagrave Village- Mrs. Heather McWilliam 985-2508. --Rural Area- Mrs. Linda Wray 985-9048. The video 'Strong Kids--Safety Kids" is available free of charge from the Block Parent Assoc. Special thanks to Mrs. Patti Williams for her work and dedica- tion the past three years. The Block Parents wish to Laugh in, laugh out planned by young folk Epsom and Area News by Jean Jeffery _ Feb. 20 - Come Laugh in, Laugh programme is the brain--child of our wonderful young folks in our Intermediate Class at Sunday School only they want everyone to become involv- ed so some and enjoy! Feb. 27 - The Social Club are holding a Leap Year Party. Men in the congregation are invited to enter a Competition to decide, "The Chef of Epsom." 1. Make a dessert (min. six ser- vings. 2. Bring it to the social club. Your wife may look over your shoulder but to touch the ingre- dients is a No! No! 3. Bring your dessert to the Social Club Satur- day, February 27 at 8 p.m. 4. After reasonably impartial judges have selected the winner, the ladies will make a cup of tea and all will enjoy sampling the goodies. See you there. Our Junior Choir sang a lovely anthem on Sunday and really looked beautiful in their new choir gowns. We all wish them good luck in the competition at Sunderland. Feb. 22 - There was a dedication Ceremony on Sunday for the choir gowns. Alan and Joyce Ashton, Paul and Bradley visited Mrs. Ruth Ashton on Sunday afternoon. Beth and Kenneth Catherwood and boys also visited Mrs. Ashton on Sunday. The boys stayed over- night and planned on riding their snowmobiles home this morning (Mon.). I guess the weatherman forgot to tell them it would be a wet trip. Elva Kerry and her sister Wilda Meyers of Oshawa visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stear- man at Port Perry on Tuesday afternoon in honour of their 67th Wedding Anniversary. Con- gratulations from all of us. Faye and Keith Ashton, Jill and Gord Postma and Gord's brother Tim spent the weekend snowmobiling in Parry Sound. Believe it or not but it was a beautiful sunny day. The four Postma children had a wonderful time as they stayed with Michael, Tanya and Virginia Wilson. Everyone had a wonder- ful time. The Evans families met on Saturday at the home of Doris and Allan Hockley of Unionville in honour of their mother's birthday. Our best wishes also to Mrs. Gladys Evans. The Community Day Care would like to extend an invitation to everyone to Open House on Wednesday, March 2 at 7:30 P.M. at Utica. At 8 P.M. there will be a discus- sion period so any questions or in- formation which parents or visitors may be given or answered. Come and see our facilities and meet our staff. Refreshments will be served. Best of luck to the Youth Group, Feb. 27 and 28 as they gather at Kerry's Cottage near Emsdale. LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS? Look here! ... Where consumers in need shop for the professionals in business! CALL 985-7383 for INFORMATION thank the Greenbank Brownies for the lovely Valentines receiv- . ed in the mail boxes. Church Notes: Seagrave United welcomed Rev. George Lavery, the Overseas Personnel Officer of the Division of World Outreach for the United Church of Canada, Sunday morning. Many thanks to the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Joan Lee for their anthem 'I'll go where you want me to go" -- a very fit- ting piece of music for Mission Sunday. The Seagrave Board of Stewards will meet Thurs. night, Feb. 18th at 8 p.m. at the church. Rev. Shepherd introduced Ian and Judy Dobson and children Sherri and Doug to the congrega- tion Sunday morning. Welcome to our community. Next Sunday is Lord Baden- Powell Sunday at Seagrave AMERY oh tev ots § - Malte vO GE ga ) P PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 16; 1988 -- 37 Church. We will be glad to have the Scouting and Girl Guides from Seagrave-Greenbank area join us for a special service. The banns of marriage were read for Scott Branton and Susie Huggins who will be married April 30th in our church. Birthday Box visitors Sunday morning were Mrs. Pam Butler and Mrs. Henke Hofstee. Happy birthday ladies. Also celebrating birthdays last week were Bruce Malcolm, Donna Kent and Keith Puckrin and Don and Norma Adams. Our very best wishes to all of you Aquarians. Sunday, Feb. 21st, Sunday School hours will be extended to 12 p.m. Please give Pail Wanamaker a call for more information. Save those newspapers folks. The Boy Scouts are planning a paper drive in March. This is FOR ALL TYPES OF CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS ... at Reg celebrates his 80th birthday their major way of raising funds and they sure would like to pick- up your papers next month. Get well wishes to John Berry who was down with pneumonia last week and more happy birth- day wishes to Dana Jewell and Alexander Carter. The Robinglade ladies will meet Wed. night, Feb. 18th at Mrs. Ann Sandiford's. Seagrave Olympic Cross Coun- try Ski team were out on Sunday for a practice run. Did you catch a glimpse of them on the snowmobile trail? Thank you to Doug and Helena Edinger for hosting the annual Seagrave snowmobile run at their place, Sunday. The fire was a warm welcome and hot dogs were great. Thanks again. Please give Ann Sandiford a call with your news items next week at 985-9440. SCUGOG CHRYSLER & [CHRYSLER] cHRysLER] ode vi] Jodie CHRISLER yen Special No. 1 For Winter Prepare ash Ay Oil Undercoating nr 39.95 with a FREE Winter Checkup -- PLUS TAX & SHOP SUPPLIES -- All services include ride home and return upon request. 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