40 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 16, 1988 cut from Canada grade 'A' beef » . ke 0.99 sirloin PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Street (Hwy. 7A East) OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8 AM to 9 PM: Sat. to 6 PM Prices effective Monday to Saturday at Dowson's Valu-mart excluding meat items. We reserve the right to limit quantities. fauomCanadagade Aves! |B FF [Bums sweet pickled soa 0.2.890ks" 2.29 pss snsTssTsRssR sss sss EE------------" Schneiders boneless smoked ve 0.00 cut from Canada grade 'A' beef ne 1.47 hams 4.49) steak cut rom Canada grade 'A' bee! ne 6.50 | cut from ig » 2.995, » cockadhamor, 0) 20a product of Chile, Canada no. 1 red or green seedless roduct of Canada +, 4.39 product of Mexico, Ontario no 1 nl 18 fresh green | mushrooms »1.99 poppers Ib. AY { honey ne 2.18 ha 'red ctof Canada, "199 | tangerines ' | [Wo of USA. 90/5 Eo. Canada oH | fruit 2 gg part pears " 299 | product of U.S.A "2.18 bs Morico iy of Canada zucchini ib. HY sprouts Ib. "59 218 | Pn in the shell Libby' S 1£: 11H] tomato JUICE. » oz. tin Weston' frozen selected varieties frozen selected partes with rice Stour'. 7 ~ 2 A9| BEE, 5.49 2:89 & sauce os rolls Ee) Uncle Ben's slow, quick or minute reamy or super chunky converted ,, Robin Hood Skippy 750 1 99 21.69] rice 22.90 Oid Mill oats butter /° Ar eA ES IT PTY ITT EEE Condensed cream of chicken or varieties -135 Ix 250 mL lose oo. 1.49 Soup or tin 59 Jn pl ice tetra -- selected varieties, ready-to-serve Sodwode 784/100 mL Boy-ar 425g 99 Of jus 750ml zon], 9 tin ~ deposit btl. Fs io | Sieh 112.49 pkg. : of House hg selected varieties, regular or decatfeinated Jl coffee : ms Bakeshop fresh as) HY freshly baked m the bakery bread fabric od 1. 4.99 barf Leaf lected food 5 1.59 Tn Tondorfiake 1510. GQ)| fine pines 21.99 So oi Ba varieties we 19 Riss Mew use BQ salted (50 0 mn 0 0 Sg - perk oT Shy or f opps ola lhy. [] po. of converted 130¢ Colona 154,00 Uncle Ben's § i 79 oon 1 2925 12.99 ibn EE Sain aa ew § re BN COLLECT SESAME STREET | QO} TREASURY | 99 Ee ry DET = ' THIS WEEK VOL. #62. 14 WEEKS. UP T0 $20,000 DAILY IN AVAILABLE PRIZES. = LIVE. 00 SL - 1060. wn reserve the ight 1 lat ery.