16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 23, 1988 Sunday School kids braved cold for a party The Sunday School children ac- companied by their teachers Marg Stevens and Bonnie Reynolds and a few hardy parents braved Saturday cold for a tobog- gan party at Lusted's farm then ° returned to church for hot drinks and a social time. Laural and John Hamer enter- tained new people in the Myrtle area at a card and game party on Friday evening. The party was a great success and another even- ing is planned for February 26. If you would like to come would you please phone either the Stachows at 655-4284 or the John Hamer home 655-4731. It is dif- ficult to get all the names of peo- ple who have come to the area in the last three or four years then it is difficult to reach them by phone. We'll try, but please if you would like to come, call us. Rev. MacRury preached his usual interesting sermon on Sun- day the topic "What Price Religion and it was around tthe story of Kind David when he went to Araunah to arrange a sacrifice WALLPAPER WONDERS PORT PERRY- PLAZA -- 985-0509 tn God for the stopping of the plague and Araunah wanted to give his king the threshing floor, the oxen, and the wood for the burnt offering but David said, "Nay, I will surely buy it. I will not offer unto God that which cost me nothing."" What a timely message! The UCW of Myrtle church will be holding their usual euchre par- ty in the Sunday School on March 16th, at 8 p.m. Lunch and prizes. Tickets $2 advance sales only. Mary Housego 655-4003. - PRICING POLICY - All In-stock Paper 50 to 75% OFF All Book Orders 30 to 40% OFF -- CIL Paints at Sale Prices -- Mon. to Wed. 9 AM to 5:30 PM; Thurs. 9 AM to 8 PM; Friday 9 'AM to 9 PM; Saturday 10 AM to 5:30 PM CILUX - A home's best friend. *A trade mark of C-I-L Inc. used under licence by BAPCO VISA ONTARI TAX REBATE PROGRAM 1988 BRINGS TWO IMPORTANT GES TO THE 10 FARM CHANGE NUMBER ONE: WHAT STAYS THE SAME The Ontario Farm Tax Rebate program now makes fwo payments a year to farmers and farm property owners, compared to one annual payment previously. CHANGE NUMBER TWO: farmers. Those eligible for the program will receive two forms to complete --one in the spring and the second one in early fall. Each must be completed and returned to obtain each payment. Completing the first form will generate a payment of approximately 50% of the total 1988 rebate based on the previous year's eligible tax levy. Completing the second form will result in a second payment for the balance of the property owners' 1988 rebate and will be based on the owners' actual 1988 eligible tax levy. are made. contact: Minkawy of () Agios ONTARIO The Ontario Farm Tax Rebate program is designed to ease the tax burden faced by Farmers are not required to pre-pay a portion of their municipal taxes to qualify for the rebate. 100% of municipal taxes on eligible farm land and outbuildings may be rebated. No rebate will be paid for taxes levied on farm residences and one acre of land. There will be no reassessment of farm properties unless changes to the property that would normally require reassessment For more information about the Ontario Farm Tax Rebate program and the changes, Farm Assistance Programs Branch 777 Bay Street, 12th floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2ES Or call collect (416) 585-6565. - a Junior Olympics scholarship Norm Tetlock, personal banking manager at the Royal Bank In Port Perry, was happy to award a young Uxbridge girl with her prizes in a recent promotion, the Junior Olympics Scholarship Fund. Alicia Willis, 12, a member of an Oshawa track and field club, par- ticipated in last year's Colgate games, when she en- tered the Royal Bank contest. She was a bronze award winner in the promotion, and on February 18, 'she was given a bank account with $5 in it, a sweat band and a certificate. - GRAND OPENING FEBRUARY 24th, 1988 Culinar Thrift Store 16 MARY ST., AURORA 416-773-3238 Reduced prices on No. 2 and returned products, such as jams, pie fillings, pastries & tarts - under labels such as Vachon, Stuart's, Granny's and Flamingo. STORE HOURS -- WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY 12:00 Noon to 5:30 PM "GRAND OPENING SPECIALS" REATIVE ITCHEN 159 Casimir Street PORT PERRY - ONT OPEN DAILY 11to3 --MtoS -- also -- CAKES for all Occasions FREE with this Ad -- Your bottomless Coffee or Tea with your Lunch -- FREE