Resident asks for road improvements (From page 10} ral. "There are no plans for major construction in Caesarea this year," he said. However, he has given Caesarea drivers new hope in the following year or so. One year ago, Mr. Graham says a unique type of paving called "cold mix" was tried on Centre St. in Caesarea. Unlike asphalt, which heaves and cracks, cold mix handles the extensive heaving and flucuation of marshy land (such as found on beach roads) much better. So far, he says, the cold mix has held up well on Centre St., and if it holds up for anether year just as well, Mr. Graham said it will be applied to other roads in Caesarea. The cold mix, he adds, is being used on Carnegie Beach Road this summer. While 4t isn't a new invention, Mr. Graham says it is relatively new o Scugog. Still, he admits there are other problems to overcome in Caesarea. The roads aren't wide enough, and there is no drainage. Bringing most of the roads up to standard would be expensive, to put it mildly. Bringing a road"one block long up to municipal standards, he guestimates, would cost approxi- mately $50,000. And that kind of money just isn't available to the Township. Only 50% of road repair costs come from tax dollars, Mr. Gra- ham explained. The other half is funded by the province. The half-and-half funding, he sail, "puts a limit on our budget." Like other municipalities across Ontario, Scugog is pressuring the pigvincs to increase its funding UBLIC NOTICE for roadwork--and it is coming across slowly. In the meantime, however, Mr. Graham says nothing major can be donc on Township roads in Caesarea this year. Gravel will be put on, and roads will be graded, he promises, but no major im-- provements will be seen. Unless homeowners are willing to pick up the tab themselves. "There's an alternative I've been pushing that other councillors don't like very much," he said. The alternative is a local im- provement program, where home- owners actually pay for road im- provements themselves. To work, 66 and 2/3 of the resi- dents on a street must agree to support the program. A represen- "tative of the Township then esti- mates how much the upgrading will cost. If the price is suitable to the res- idents, work goes ahead, and eve- ryone on the street is billed. Individuals can either pay the whole shot right away, Mr. Gra- ham says, or payments can be amortized and added to the tax bill- -spread out over a decade, if de- sired. If a house is sold, the new own- er takes on the debt. The program isn't popular, Mr. Graham says, because many peo- ple resent paying taxes and paying extra on top to have roadwork done. : But if they really want their roads upgraded in a hurry, it's a vi- able alternative, he says. As for Mrs. Hanna's petition, he says councillors do pay attention and petitions can make a differ- ence. But for this year at least, he says, Caesarea won't see any vast improvement. , wore con va AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE HAMLET OF NESTLETON STATION This amendment; as submitted by the applicant, proposes residential uses within the site indicated on the map below. Subject Property ) = 34 Lots BY i | I | sion made. ' NESTLETON STATION In order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to Mr. Earl S. Cuddie, AM.C.T., CM.C., Clerk-Administrator, Township of Scugog, 181 Perry St., P.O. Box 209, Port Perry, Ontario, no later "than 12:00 Noon, Friday, April 29, 1988. Please include your address and telephone number in any submis- = # Rs. er « 2 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 12, 1988 -- 15 Jazzmerize and Friends Friday and Saturday nights, April 8 and 9, Town Hall 1873 echoed to the incred- ible sounds of Jazzmerize (above) and Friends, a combination of terrific music and an auction to raise money for Jazzmerize and "friends" (Port Perry High School bands Swingsation, Jazz On Six and the Senior Wind Ensemble 4 cylinder ...%41.95 6 Cylinder ..355.95 8 Cylinder ...%69.95 (PARTS EXTRA) Prices apply to most GM Cars and Light Trucks GORD"S SPECIAL! Take advantage of a FREE* P.C.V. Valve, Fuel Filter and Gasket with each tune-up! (* Diesel & Fuel Injection Engines NOT included.) Yes hie GUARANTEED SERVICE GUARANTEED GM PARTS GUARANTEED PRICE --) Notody gives your vehicle a better workout than your GM dealer i SERVICE DEPT. HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Thursdays to 9:00 PM. (til May 31, 1988) ai