2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 12, 1988 Fire threatened homes Forty firefighters from Port Perry and Caesarea were kept busy for several hours Sunday after- noon 'battling a stubborn grass fire near Utica. The fire started from a burn- ing rubbish pile on the south side of the Regional Road, jist west of the hamlet, and by the time firefighters were able to get it un- der control four hours later, it had burned its way nearly a mile to the south area of the Mast Road. Captain Bill Harrison of the Scugog department said the flames burned through fields and bush areas, destroyed numerous trees and at one point were within 50 feet of expensive homes on the Mast Road. However, there was no dam- age to homes or other structures. This was the first major grass fire this spring in Scugog Town- ship and Captain Harrison said anyone burning trash or debris in rural areas should take extra pre- cautions to insure the fire doesn't spread or get out of control. Scugog Township has passed a by-law forbidding the burning of trash in built-up residential areas. Homeowners in rural areas need special permission from the fire department to burn debris. That by-law however, has not been published yet, said Capt. Harri- son. , refi ht rs and Meanwhile, a fire early Friday Scugog firefighters from both departments but fortunately efforts by the firefighte i . Above, fire- morning completely destroyed an Spent four hours battling this grass fire west of volunteers, saved the buildings ' old barn on the a ein Utica on Sunday afternoon. The blaze at one men and a volunteer use brooms to halt the ad- "of Highway 12 and the Scugog- time threatened homes along the Mast Road, vancing line of fire. Whitby Town Line Road. The cause of this fire is not known. The barn had been used to store old cars and parts. The alarm was turned in at 4:54 AM, and by the time fire- fighters reached the scene, the steel clad structure had been de- stroyed. BRUTON'S IDA CELEBRATES ITS "NEW LOOK" DESIGN & S PAINTED by Studio Lorenz TRUCK LETTERING -- BILLBOARDS -- REAL ESTATE SIGNS BANNERS -- MAGNETICS -- LOGOS Nestieton ont. 10810 416-986-5559 PORT PERRY =-- LIFESTYLE PLAZA -- 985-8054 Bathing Suit Season is on its way! Are you in the shape you want to be? If not, come to ... LIFESTYLE 2000 VIVIAN LEE - Director TOM MILLAR - Musical Director RICHARD DREW - Producer PRESENTS 1 Ct aaa aL, lll TINY sm mmm LL Te REE dy - Tg AY Ce MUSIC BY: EMMERICH KALMAN ADAPTED & ARRANGED BY: RONALD HANMER ' ORIGINAL BOOK AND LYRICS BY: JULIUS BRAMMER & ALFRED GRUNWALD ENGLISH BOOK AND LYRICS BY: NIGEL DOUGLAS AT TOWN HALL 1873 QUEEN <®@ LILLA STREETS. PORT PERRY SHKE Ox SKS Thursday - April 21 -'April 28 & May 5 PY Friday - April 22 - April 29 & May 6 PM Saturday - April 23 - April 30 & May 7 BRUTON'S STAFF: from left, Renee, Michzalle, Heather, Jack (the clown), Jim, Bev, Marg, Marilyn and Tony. CONGRATULATIONS Thank YOU to everyone for tc our Celebration Days winners articipating in our > TICKETS p p g Brass Lamps Kate Hyde $8 00 THURSDAY, APRN 21 (Opening Night) - ALL. TICKETS $5 00 + THURSDAY, APRIL 28 and MAY 5 . Seniors '@ Children (under 13) . per person AVAILABLE AT IRWIN SMITH MUSIC LTD. 305 Queen St.. Port Perry 985-2635 OR FROM MEMBERS OF THE SCUGOG CHORAL. SOCIETY Sellabration& Sale Days | "ee 1 Maree creer 3rd - Karren Parish