PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 12, 1988 -- 37 Coming Events Coming Events Greetings Yard Sales For Sale For Sale BLACKSTOCK & District Lions - We are having a Flea Market on May 14 & 15 - If you have any ar- ticles big or small you would like to donate call for pick-up - 986-5552; 986-5685 or 986-4728.A 26 GENERAL MEETING Historical Society, Thursday, April 14, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Office. Guest Speaker - Brian Winters - Ar- chivist from Whitby Museum - Members and Public Welcome. A 12 SCUGOG Choirs & Friends An- nual Spring Concert & Dinner, April 23rd. Dinner 6:30 p.m.; Con- cert 8 p.m. Call 985-3856 or 985-8168 for tickets $10 each. Dress rehearsal- Friday, April 22nd, 8 p.m. Craft Show LOUISE PATTERSON HANDICRAFT GUILD -- Port Perry -- Friday, April 15 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Presbyterian Church Queen Street Admission $1.00 includes tea. ce PLUS BUS TRIP: Discount Shop- ping Special in Toronto, Friday, May 6 stops at: Candy Discount Centre; Goodman's China; Dixie Value Mall - 120 discount stores including Sears Clearance Cen- tre. Lunch. Information 655-8550 (Note new number) A 12 NESTLETON UCW Spring Smorgasbord will be held at the Community Centre, Friday, May 6th. Servings at 5p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Adults $7; school children $3; pre- school Free. For tickets call Janice MacKenzie 986-5598; Jean Williams 986-4788 or Barbara Weir 986-4630. STORY TIME at the Library. The Spring Session starts April 20 for children 4 years old. Please register or call in advance. No charge for this program. 985-7686. MICROWAVE Oven Cooking Demonstration, Wed. Apri 20th at 7:30 p.m., Port Perry United Church Auditorium. Tickets at House of Howard & 985-2509. Ad- mission $2.50 - refreshments. RUMMAGE SALE Anglican Church (Parish Hall) North Street - Friday, April 15. Time: 9:30 - 2:00 Great bargains! Spon- sored by Evening A.CW. A112 Greetings HOSPITAL SPRING FAIR Latcham Centre APRIL 30th Open at 11:30 AM Lunch Served 12 to 1:30 . 'For $2.75 ' Sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary Volunteers. Cartwright Central Public School -- proudly presents -- THE SOUND OF MUSIC 'Cartwright Central P.S. APRIL 14th & 15th 7:00 PM Tickets $3.00 each. Available from cast or school office. FITNESS for the Summer! Classes start -- TUESDAY, APRIL 19 THURSDAY, APRIL 21 8 Week Session $20.00 PHONE: RIET ORDE 985-3630 HAPPY 50th Rodney Chandler APRIL 15th To a Special Husband, Father and Pappa HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY APRIL 14th Cory Nottingham Love -- Gramie & Grampie HAPPY 21st From - Grandma & Grandpa, Auntie Maureen, Uncle Dane, Stacey and Shane Yard Sales SATURDAY, April 16th, 8a.m.-6 p.m. Antique desk, 76 Chev, % ton 4x4 with plow, 1950 Dodge Coupe, spark plugs, oil filters, air filters, _ break pads, shoes, rotor & drums, car speakers & radios, wheel covers, tires, shelving, antique auto literature, cash register, 4x6' lighted sign with letters, moped, bolts & screws & many other household items. Hwy. 12 in Saintfield. LAKE SCUGOG Historical Socie- ty. We are having a Plant, Bake and Yard Sale, Saturday, May 21. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Christies on Hwy. 7A. If you have articles to donate call for pick-up Pat Boyd 985-7034 - Ann Currie - Isabel Lee 985-7929. SATURDAY, April 16th, 10a.m.-1 p.m. Mariposa Estates, 19 Non- quon Drive, Seagrave. Bicycles, golf equipment, antique oak bed, toys, pictures, infant clothing & weights, miscellaneous. "Wish her a Happy If you see ... KELLI ... (That is, spelled with an i) ON APRIL 12th Sweet Sixteenth! Love Ya, Kel APRIL 16 & 17. 9 a.m., 6th-Conces- sion west of Hwy. 12. Aluminum storms & screens, interior doors, bifold, electric panels, sinks & household items. GIANT 3 FAMILY YARD Good assorment of childrens toys and clothing, crib, kitch- en goodies, shop vac, girls bi- cycle skiis, boots, stereo Saturday, April 16 9:00 AM. 247 Perry Street SAT. APRIL 16, 9 am. - 4 p.m. Many items & tires auto & household & clothing - on Durham No.57 south of No. 7A, Ya mile (3rd house). GARAGE SALE Sat. Apr. 16, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., 163 Cochrane St. For Sale EXECUTIVE desk, 6 ft. x 3 ft. Credenze 6 ft. x 1 ft., 8 ins., high back chair $650 O.N.O. 985-8672. SPRINGTIME WATER DISTILLERS The only way fo be sure the water your family drinks is really safe, for peace of mind order a distiller for your family. Call Stewart Snider at Canada Trading 986-4467. J7 RECORDED RADIATORS For most cars, trucks and farm equip- ment. At the right price. 986-4467 M3 THREE SETS of standardbred race harnesses. 985-3174. A 19 STEEL |I- BEAMS - 25 feet long with 18" by 8' flange. Call 1-705-786-2218 after 6:00 p.m. A 19 4 CLOSED in truck boxes, 12' to 18' long, could be used for storage boxes, $500.00 each. 986-5067. COLLECTORS - 2000 horseshoes, $5000.00. 986-5067. MINI 12" x 15" glass panes. 985-7874. 1984 HONDA 250 custom, new con- dition, 9000 km., $800. 985-9544. 79 SUZUKI 250 dirt bike, $800 0.B.O. 985-7415. GIANT pumpkin seed. 985-3131. A119 1972 STARCRAFT 25° cabin cruiser, alum. hull, 180 h.p. Volvo Penta i/o, with trailer, all equip- ped $16,000. Days 416-649-3297, evenings 705-786-3348. CONTOUR CHAIR (as seen in TV-commercial) excellent condi- tion, leather, best offer. Call even- ings or weekends 986-4747. PIANO older upright $500. Call 986-4348. A119 BUSHY CEDARS for hedging - delivered. 985-9024 or 852-5276.TF REG'D YELLOW LAB pups. Call 985-8043 after 6:00 p.m. A 26 BOAT FOR SALE 1982 GREW 185 JOHNSON 140 HP Outboard (SST prop) E-Z LOADER TRAILER (2450 Ib. cpty) DETAILS & MANY EXTRAS INCLUDED: Power trim & tilt; 17 gal. built-in bow tank; OMC speedometer, compass, fuel gauge; electric wiper; classic stainless steel marine wheel; swim ladder, trim tabs, HD battery & box, flag... 14,900. Days 416-649-3297, Eve. 705-786-3348 Real Estate TICKETS: $5.00 For tickets call: Joanne Popvitch 985-2353 [ Come out and bloom with . TOPS 'nu TRENDS Spring Fashion Show proceeds to Girl Guides, Port Perry District TUES., APRIL 19th at 8:00 PM PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH AUDITORIUM Squares & Coffee available after show Tops 'n Trends Orders may be placed after the Fashion Show by Cash, Cheque, VISA or Mastercard. Lesia Chandler, Tops'n Trends Manager & Consultant 985-8969 TNT 1s a Canadian Company celebrating its 10th Birthday! Marg Prentice 985-3726 Port Perry Snowmobile Club 'SPRING THAW DANCE' Country & Western FLOYD LLOYD -- Live Band SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd 9:00 PM to 1:00 AM $15.00 / Couple including Lunch Tickets 985-3598 or 985-7130 REMIX scugog realty Itd. fos 2/3 ACRE - WORKSHOP - *169,900. FENCE POSTS 250 3 x 8 double galvanized $12.00 each. 985-8438. MINOLTA CAMERA, 35mm, two lens 45 mm, 28-80 zoom, wide angle, TDZ-120 flash with filters, tri pod, $300.00 or B.O. 986-4939. ELECTRIC STOVE 30" harvest gold. Excellent condition $125 or best offer. 985-2835. FRIDGE 20 x 34" Polar, year old in May '88., Bill -Ebdon, 159 Casimir St., 985-9912. SKYLIGHTS double-glazed self- flashing, cash & carry or | will in- stall. 986-4277. A 26 BRICK BLOCK fireplaces etc...Lindsay. Call Art 705-328-0765 A 26 1986 27 FT. Carribean, 70 hours, blue-white, loaded, can be seen on Hwy. 7A - 2 mile west of Port Perry. $54,000 - like new. Call Paul 986-0513; 985-3283. A 1977 Nova, 6 cyl., automatic. As is. $595. Call.986-4822. LHASO APSO, female, 7 months, golden & white, registered, pepers. Sire Canadian Champion with pedigree $400. 986-0553. WOODWORKERS - Looking for a table saw, radial saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw or Shopsmith? Call Port Perry 985-2443. TF HAY. Good quality, Manchester area. 985-2029. Real Estate George Stone. ROBINGLADE ESTATES WATERFRONT. Close to Yacht Club, 3 bedroom backsplit, finished rec room with fireplace, large outbuildings, 5 min. north of Port Perry. Just Listed $234,900. Call John Vernon. LAKEFRONT HOME -- 3 plus 1 bedroom, 2 fireplaces, 3 baths, 2 walkouts, brick & stone paved drive on lot 1109' x 282' - lovely inground pool. Ask- ing $289,900. Call John Vernon. BLACKSTOCK -- 3 bedroom brick and aluminum backsplit, 2 car attached garage family room with pine wainscotting and 'airtight woodstove, large ravine lot with patio. Priced to sell $135,900. Call PORT PERRY FAMILY HOME, 2 storey 4 bedroom brick/aluminum home, 22 baths, main floor laun- dry plus main floor family room w/fireplace, separate dining room, large deck off kitchen, walk- ing distance to schools, churches and shopping. Ask- ing $169,900. Call George Stone to inspect. Sn pny Dee Cg RLU ALL oa lio so lL ull sa sl ai al at a i a th - Za ZARA ZR 2 ZN ZA JR ZA ZEA Rls Nr ns; A IRM SSL i: Boars ml Manchester -- Country Setting, Victorian home, 3 or 4 bedrooms, new windows and furnace, huge kit- chen, fireplace in living room. 26 x 29' heated garage plus 40 x 15' truck bay. Call ... LEE WELDON Office 852-6143, Res. 649-2194 RE/MAX scugog realty * 9 MAIN STREET §., UXBRIDGE Uxbridge 852-6143 Toronto 640-6755 l ---- T WATERFRONT BUILDING LOT 150 ft. frontage at Robinglade, partially wooded, gradual slope to water. Asking $118,000. SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Call - Port Perry 985-7303 AFTER HOURS CALL: George Stone FRI, CMR. ........................ 985-2632 Ken Holliday ...........o.ocooooeiiiiieee, 723-5420 John VRIMON .....oooviiiiieeeee ee, 985-2806