42 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 12, 1988 Used Cars Wanted to Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent 84 DODGE Aries, red. Good con- dition, 85,000 km, $4000 or best of- fer. 985-0307. 1975 MALIBU Chevrolet, 2 door, V8 350 engine, good body, cer- tified, lady driven, am-fm cassette $1900 or best offer. Call Port Perry 985-2540. 1978 HONDA Civic, 75,000 km on engine, must sell this week. Best offer. Call 985-7037. 1976 DODGE van, mechanically real good, 59,000 original mileage, insulated & panelled interior, cup- boards fold down, table & bed, all easily removed. $700 or best offer. 985-0633 or 986-4410. '77 FORD Wagon, easily certified. Best offer. Call 985-9363. A 2 LANDLORDS: houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. TF APARTMENT NEEDED Mature lady requires 1 or 2 bedroom apartment in Port Perry. Prefer June possession and close to town. References available. Call anytime. 1-755-8618 79 CHEVETTE Acadian for parts, 79 Plymouth Arrow for parts, $150 each 0.B.O. 77 Dodge pick-up - running $200, O.B.0O. 985-8239. 1987 Chevy Sprint, 5 speed, 2 door, red, under 6,000 km, lady driven $7295 certified. Phone 655-4198 anytime. 1986 6000LE, 6 cyl. Pontiac Sedan 38000 km. Excellent condition. Call H. Swain 416-263-2576. A 19 1985 HYUNDAI PONY GLS, 1600 cc, 5 spd, AM/FM cass. Excellent condition, 90,000 km, $3600. 655-3124 1979 HONDA Accord, as is, $700.00 or Best Offer. 985-2293 1984 DODGE RELIANT K Station Wagon, automatic, radio, 4 cyclinder, asking $4995.00. 985-9944. 1980 PLYMOUTH Caravelle $800 as is. 985-2534. 1985 228. 68,000 km. p/s, p/b, p/w, E.R.S. stereo. Best Offer. 985-8533. A119 1982 MALIBU Classic Station Wagon, ps, pb, Vé, auto, cruise, tilt wheel, tinted glass, air, am/fm radio, cloth interior, 2 tone blue, excellent condition. 985-2506 evenings. 1984 BLUE, Monte Carlo SS air & power. New tires and exhaust system. 70,000 km. 705-786-2330.A 19 351 WINDSOR MOTOR, high per- formance,- when built valued at $3,000, 3-speed, auto trans, with shift kit. Asking $1200. Ask for Jeff 985-9408 or 986-0394. A112 V6 BUICK engine including 5 speed standard transmission, has had new parts $200. Ask for Jeff 985-9408 or 986-0394. A112 1984 DODGE OMNI, excellent - condition, asking $2300.00 cer- tified. 986-5683. 1979 CAMARO for someone who needs parts. Asking $400. Ask for Jeff 985-9408 or 986-0394. 1985 DODGE Aries, 4 door, auto, ps.ipb, am-fm stereo. Excellent condition, only 62,000 km. Asking $6800 certified. Call 985-7754 after 5p.nmy. Used Trucks MAZDA PICKUP 1983, Sport model with cap, good condition. $4100 cettified. 985-2848. 1985 G.M.C. 4x4 "2 ton, 305, 4 speed, 3 mi., asking $10,200.00 or B.O. Phone 985-8928. 78 CHEV 4x4 Alberta truck. Reasonable. Good condition. No rust. 985-0307. \ 86 GMC S15 with cap & rear sliding window plus box liner & cassette player. Asking $7400 or best offer. Call 986-0409. 1984 CHEV S10 Ext. Cab. Vs, 4 Speed Auto, PS., PB., Sliding rear window. $5300. Certified 986-0486. Wanted to Rent ROOM for rent, close to downtown. Share all the facilities. Non-smoker. $80/week. 985-7805. 2¢ to 30 FT. housetrailer, from June 1 to Sept. 1 - to put on building lot. 986-5288. A119 HOUSE, townhouse or semi detached in Port Perry. No pets, immaculate tenants, references. Call 416-849-7319 Oakville. A 19 Wanted WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators & freezers. Empty your cellars & garages. Also used TVs & radios. Call 986-4926. TF AVAILABLE to a very experienc- ed rider- a beautiful big quiet horse which needs exercise. Facilities include indoor arena. If you love horses, but just can't justify the cost of owning or leas- ing your own, come & enjoy ours. Call 986-5250 after 4 p.m. Wanted to Buy TWO 40' TV towers, antennas & rotors. Call 986-4822. GOOD PRICES paid for vintage clothing, toys, jewelry and costume jewelry. 985-8331. A 26 WANTED: Crippled or disabled cattle. Highest prices paid. Call collect anytime. Uxbridge 852-3238. M&M Livestock, License No. 1189. TF For Rent COTTAGE, weekly rates, no pets, 7 miles east of Port Perry, available now. 576-4501 or 986-5151. SENIORS 1 bedroom & bachelor apartments $375 & $475 plus elec- tric, available April 1st at Little Britain, no pets. Call 416-640-1275. CA9 2 BEDROOM apartment, $400.00 a month plus heat & hydro. 324-3957. BRAND new large 2 bedroom apartment, Hwy. 7A in town. No pets, references essential, park- ing, available May 1st. First & last. Chuck 985-9777 Ridge North Real Estate. BACHELOR apartment, downtown, recently renovated, fridge, stove. Suit single person, $450 a month plus utilities. Available May 1. References. 655-4694 after 7 p.m. WATERFRONT Scugog Island home, large kitchen, 2 bedrooms, small boathouse, large lot, year round home, great potential for retirement residents. $950 per month plus utilities. Call Brian 985-2318. 2 BEDROOM ground floor apart- ment, east of Port Perry. Clean modern building. References re- quired. No pets. Available May Ist. $489/mth. plus utilities. 985-2143. HALL SPACE for rent - for bright pleasant, carpeted meeting, ban- quet or exercise space - call 985-3213. TF ONE BEDROOM apartment $550 per month, utilities paid. Call after 5:30 p.m. 985-9944. A112 LARGE commercial store space, downtown, completely renovated, suitable for any small business. Call any time 985-2274. A112 PORT PERRY 4 bedroom Ex- ecutive home, living 100m fireplace, ensuite, main floor laundry, no pets, close to downtown, $1025 month plus utilities. 1-430-0249 (Whitby).A 12 KINSMEN Hall, 245 Lilla St, available for banquets, weddings etc. 150 capacity. 985-3736. TF PRIVATE STORAGE for fur- niture. Adjustable units to suit your needs. 985-2597. TF 25 ACRE FARM field for rent, suitable for corn or wheat, located in Reach Township, Concession 9, first year rent free. 725-3133. SEAGRAVE 3 bedroom executive home, large lot, $1000/mth. plus utilities. 85-3710. STORAGE Mini & Maxi BOATS - CARS RECORDS - INVENTORY FURNITURE - etc. Port Perry Area 985-7622 MASONIC Hall available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. New facilities. Seats 141. Call 955.2014 F | Help Wanted INTERESTED PEOPLE to pro- vide support and assistance to develop mentally handicapped people in residential settings - part-time, weekends, flexible schedule. Central Seven Associa- tion, P.O. Box 964, Port Perry, Ont. LOB INO. 985-8511. For Rent PRIME DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL SPACE 500 - 1,000 sq.ft. Commercial-Retail-Office Studio, available May 1st. Excellent rates. Call Murray: 1-431-3177 Toronto DA Real Estate Limited, Realtor now for details. Listed at $159,900. $159,900. Listed at $239,900. it's "Sold." $114,900. Call us today. dra Beamish today. BUILDING LOT -- 100 x 200 with water access waiting for your dream home. Listed at $27,900. Call SPACIOUS older home, in town, eat-in kitchen with new cupboards, main floor laundry, separate dining room, patio fenced for privacy, large lot. See it to- day. Listed at $159,900. WANTED - | have a serious purchaser for a 3 bedroom waterfront home in the $100,000 to $170,000 price range. If you have such a property and are in- terested in selling please call David Tripp. "YOUR CHOICE" of two brand new homes 20 minutes from Port Perry, 3 bedrooms, full basement, walkouts, attached double garage, oak cupboards, upgraded carpets, central water supply, 2 baths, V2 acre lots, plus more. Call today for particulars. PRINCE ALBERT - Brick 3 bedroom bungalow on large treed lot. Combination living room, dining room with fireplace and hardwood floor. Main floor laun- dry. Large deck off kitchen. Close to schools and amenities. Call today to view this home listed at "ASHBURN AREA" 3 bedroom cedar sided home, on one acre lot with gorgeous view, features quality construction, 3 baths, main floor laundry, cathedral ceilings, walkout to large deck off master bedroom. "LAKE SCUGOG WATERFRONT" 3 bedroom home, on nice beach. Includes appliances. Call before LAKE SCUGOG - Waterfront home, open concept, full walkout basement, large lot. Listed at $157,900. WANTED -- Building lots in the Port Perry, Seagrave, Greenbank area. If you have such a pro- perty and are thinking of selling it, please call San- RESPONSIBLE person with cur- rent driver's licence, required to assist elderly gentleman, Mon. through Friday 9-5. Duties include chauffer service-vehicle supplied, general housekeeping & prepar- ing meals. Ideal working condi- tions in pleasant surroundings with good salary. Apply to Box 16, c/o Port Perry Star, Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. GENERAL farm help, full or part time. Phone 986-4246 or 986-5611. CHICKEN COOP Bakery, Green- bank now hiring for summer, full & part time help. Apply in person Wed. through Sun. 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. EXPERIENCED lunch time help wanted - part-time only. 985-8676. FRANCES PERSONNEL SER- VICES has immediate openings in the Pickering, Ajax & Uxbridge areas. Positions available for general labourers & light in- dustrial workers. A wide variety of shifts also available, long & short term assignments. For more information call Frances Personnel Services, Oshawa 436-6202, Ajax 427-0717. Real Estate Real Estate by DAVID TRIPP CAREER OPPORTUNITY Financial Services, no experience necessary, full training provided - for personal interview, call Mr. Sargeant 985-7931 from 9-5 p.m.A 19 RECEPTIONIST for Saturdays, must have good telephone man- ner & typing skills. Reply to Box 17, c/o Port Perry Star, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. HANDYMAN gardener, suit retired person, country home, 3 mornings per week, $9 hour. Evenings only 985-3369. PERSON required for weekend help on hog farm. Call 985-8735. EXPERIENCED prep person for our body shop. Call 985-3291 ask for Doug. SQUARE Boy Pizza requires part time help, days, evenings & weekends. Apply in person for application. PERSON to help with & learn to do boat tops & upholstery, clean cut, responsible, must have valid driver's licence. 985-8507 or after 6 p.m. 985-8786. REALTOR lighting fixtures, etc. save a sale. WHAT GOES WITH HOUSE? Real estate is usually defined as the land and everything attached to it, such as: buildings, trees, shrubs etc. The buyer normally gets all of the real estate, but none of the owner's personal property. The problem arises when personal property has become a part of the real estate. This is called a fix- ture and does pass with the real estate. There are two usual tests which must be satisfied. Has the personal property been permanent- ly annexed to the real estate? And finally, what is the local custom? Usual fixtures might include: shades, heaters, ranges, screens, storm windows, It is important that the seller spell out specifical- ly in his sales agreement exactly what he intends to give to the buyer as part of real estate. This will save misunderstanding at the closing, and sometimes If there is anything we can do to help you with your real estate needs, please phone or drop in at: D.A. TRIPP REAL ESTATE LTD., 139 Queen Street, Unit 2, N.E. Corner of Queen & Water Streets, beside Port Perry Auto Supply, Port Perry. We're here to help! before it's sold. 62 ACRES' of rolling scenic land waiting for your home. Well fenced with trout stream. Priced at $94,900. 15 ACRES' of development potential on Lake Scugog with 28 lot Draft Plan. Listed at $289,900. Call for more information. "RIVERFRONT" building lot with mature trees in exclusive area of fine homes listed at $64,900. WANTED Due to our expanding business, we require 2 addi- tional Real Estate Salespeople. For a confidential in- terview call David Tripp at 985-8041. 8 Dave Tripp 985-9534 Marj Tripp 985-7606 ~ $154,900 - Three bedroom brick and alum. sidesplit, double garage, finished rec room with fireplace and bar. Only 5 miles North of Port Perry, so call now 139 Queen Street - Unit 2 - Port Perry | PHONE 985-8041 or 985-8151 Ernie Duncan i sa Rs Penny Duncan 705-357-371