12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 23, 1988 Blackstock W.I. honours ladies withmembership On August 10, Blackstock Women's Institute gathered (under the guise of a picnic) to honour 5 members - 4 with Life Membership and 1 a Certificate of Merit. Life Membership is given to an active member with 25 years of consecutive membership. Mrs. Stanford Van Camp join- ed the Institute in 1928 while a single girl and has been a faithful member ever since. She has held many of the offices and been an active and interested member for 59 years! Truly deserving of Life Membership. Mrs. Frank Hoskin is another one of our 'backbone' members since she joined in 1954. She, too, has held various offices all through the 34 years of member- ship and is still holding office today. Mrs. John McArthur has been a member since 1960 -- that's 28 years of devoted service. She's held many offices with one long term specialty of '"'Curator." Mrs. Kenneth Samells joined our W.I. in 1963 when she and her husband moved to Blackstock -- she was a member in Nestleton before that. We've had the privilege of her membership for 25 years during which she held many offices and is still holding office today. Mrs. Ray Bradburn received a Certificate of Merit. She, too, is a long time member, since 1961, and has held various offices but her time of service was inter- rupted for 2 years. We are pleas- ed to honour her with the Cer- tificate of Merit. The members of Blackstock Women's Institute feel privileged to have had these ladies work so hard and faithfully for so many years. Between them they have held almost all the offices in W.1. and have provided the knowledge and experience needed to guide newer members. They truly live out the W.1. Motto -- 'For Home and Country!"' We are happy to honour them ~ with Life Membership & Cer- tificate of Merit and wish them continued good health and happiness. Held across province Toronto -- Public hearings on the Ontario government's pro- posal to allow municipalities the option to regulate Sunday shopp- ing will be held across the pro- vince as an all-party committee takes to the road. Following the kickoff session in Toronto, the legislative commit- tee will travel to 12 centres to hear the public's view of the province's plan. The government's proposal is aimed at providing a fair and en- forceable law. Currently, municipalities deter- mine shopping hours six days a week and they can grant exemp- tions for Sunday shopping in areas they designate for tourism. However, the existing law is un- workable and has been widely abused, particularly in larger communities. While a province-wide law would still require most stores to remain closed on Sundays and holidays, the new legislation would allow municipalities, if they choose, to permit stores to open. Even then Sunday shopping could be restricted to certain areas and hours. The decision would be made at the regional or appropriate level of government to ensure it reflects the broader community. In announcing the proposed legislation earlier this year, Solicitor General Joan Smith said the proposal, "will ensure a fair and enforceable law that recognizes the diversity of the province allowing communities to make decisions based on their own needs and values. Other highlights of the provin- cial legislation include: Yesterday's NMemories Mr. Frank Watson, Seagrave, was presented with a pipe Picture Perfect TELEVISION SERVICE S-- noone SA A 4 Come in for a DEMONSTRATION! "We service All Makes of T.V., VCR & Home Audio Components." Toe, Oru quality goes in before the same goes oa? WIN A COLOUR T.V. in ZENITH'S HOME RUN CONTEST! -- WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL -- 72 Water Street - Port Perry rack and an easy chair by a group of nine representing the Seagrave Church and community. The presentation was made in appreciation of Mr. Watson being a church steward for 60 years and recording steward for 47 years. He also acted as an elder and clerk until he retired. A tank truck belonging to Millar Paving Ltd. slid backward into Lake Scugog on Monday when the brakes gave out. 2000 gallons of water had to be pumped from the tank before the truck could be pulled back onto the road. Ken Jeffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jeffrey, Port Perry, caught eight Pickerel while vacationing at Round Lake. Ken Irvine, Port Perry, left Sunday for a two week stay at Brynell Manor Hockey School. 10 YEARS AGO i Wednesday, August 23, 1978 Less than two weeks after a break-in at a downtown drug store, thieves hit the Gate Restaurant at Port Perry Plaza and made off with liquor, food and cash. Caroline Kenny, of Glasgow, Scotland visiting at Charlie Doherty's cottage on Scugog Island was fortunate to catch a 30 1b. Muskie. Mrs. A.L. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Harris and Mrs. F.D. Slemmon attended the Winston-Real wedding at Parkwood in Oshawa. Work is expected to get underway this month on construc- tion of a sidewalk on the south side of Highway 7A from Simcoe to Ash Street and it should be completed in time for the opening of school. Lori Davis of the Sandford 4-H Homemaking Club and Bev. Mulder of the Manchester Club will be competing in various 4-H events at the Canadian National Exhibition. Dinner for One 3 pieces of Kentucky Fried Chicken salad, fries and bread 19 or Vaild only et Kentucky Fried Chicken vaild only at Kentucky Fried Chicken only in only In PORT PERRY PORT PERRY Coupon Expires September 5, 1988 Ore coupon pa customer per visit Not valid In conjunction with any other offer S SS ED Eb GD Gh WS) UD UD Uh GB OD ID EP OB OO = @ = Three ways to save on the great taste of Kentucky Fried Chicken Box Coupon Expires September 5, 1988 One coupon per customer per visit. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. SP Gb Gb GD GF WD GD GP @0 OD GN IN ED SNE Em = - 9 pieces Kentucky Fried Chicken Eh pom d | 00 off Valld only at Kentucky Fried Chicken only in PORT PERRY Coupon Expires September 5, 1988 One coupon per customer per visit. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Sunday shopping hearings -- new protection that would give retail workers the right to refuse unreasonable Sunday assignments; -- provisions to enable retailers who are mall tenants to choose whether to open or close on Sundays; -- an exemption for store owners who observe a religious day other than Sunday to remain open Sundays in accordance with the Supreme Court of Canada's interpretation of the Charter. -- stores over 5,000 square feet would now be required to close after a one-year transition period ending abuses by some large drug stores selling items including hardware and some grocery stores keeping certain sections closed to customers to skirt the existing laws. The committee will hold hear- ings in the following centres: -- Kingston, Aug. 23 - 24 -- Peterborough, Aug. 24 - 25 -- St. Catharines, Aug. 29 -- Brantford, Aug. 30 -- Windsor, Aug. 31 -- Thunder Bay, Sept. 12 -- Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 13 -- Sudbury, Sept. 14 -- North Bay, Sept. 15 The public is welcome to attend the hearings and to make presen- tations. Look for newspaper ads for more information soon. Photo graduate Doug Potts of Signature Studio, 143 Perry Street in "Just Around The Corner", has recently complet- ed a refresher course on Portrait Photography at the Professional Photographers of America's re- nowned photography school. The Winona International School of Professional Photogra- phy provides an international cen- ter for continuing education for ac- tive professional photographers to improve their skills, overall knowledge and motivation. Exper- ienced professional photographers teach intensive three-day and one- week "hands on" courses covering specialized photographic subjects and techniques. Mr. Potts has been in business in Port Perry for over a year, and just recently opened his studio in downtown Port Perry. MAGNETIC SIGNS For Trucks, Cars, etc. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383