Check the rules if you're running for seat on council So you want to become run for Scugog Council, eh! Well, there are a few things that you might want to know before you start putting signs-up around the township, and start accepting contributions from your friends. First, and most important, be- fore you do anything (except make the decision to run), you must reg- ister you intentions with Scugog's clerk/administrator, Earl Cuddie. According to Mr. Cuddie, if you do not register your name with the Township, it is illegal to solicit contributions for your campaign, place advertisments in newspapers, and have signs printed or posted. It is even illegal to spend your own private funds until you register. So, if you are serious, and want to run for a position on Scugog council, you must decided which position you would like to hold. There are seven possible positions open for challenge, although it is not often a first time candidate runs for one of the two top offices, Mayor or Regional Councillor. Excluding those two seats, there are still five to consider. Area Councillor, which means you will have to campaign for votes over the entire township, as this posi- tion is voted on by all residents in Scugog. Then there are four Ward seats to be filled; Ward One, (old Reach ~ Twp.), Ward Two (Port Perry), Ward Three (Scugog Island) and Ward Four (Cartwright Twp.) In each of these cases, the candidate will be required to seck their votes only within the boundaries of the .individual Ward they seek. NOMINATIONS After registering your inten- tions, and then picking the posi- tion you want to challenge, you must then be nominated. Nomina- tion forms are available at the township office, and you will need at least 10 people (from the ward in which you are running) to sign the form to qualify. It is best to get more than 10 signatures, in case one or more of your nomina- tors fail to accepted. There are still a few more things to qualify as a legitimate candidate according to the Candidate's Guide to Municipal Elections 1988. A candidate must be: * a resident of Scugog township or a non resident owner or tenant of land in the municipality. You may also be the spouse of the above to qualify. * a Canadian citizen. * at least 18 years of age on or before polling day; * and not disqualified by any other legislation from holding mu- nicipal office. Those disqualified from being a member of Scugog council would be: an employee of the municipali- ty; a judge of any court; a member of the Ontario Legislature, or a member of the House of Com- mons; a crown employee as de- fined by the Public Service Act; an inmate in a penal or correctional institution; an undischarged bank- rupt or insolvent as defined under any legislated authority. If you have any doubts, it would be best to check with Mr. Cuddie at the Township office. Now that you have qualified in all the above, you can start your campaign in earnest. But there are still a few more things to remem- ber. DON'T OVERSPEND If you planned to run for Mayor, the maximum you can spend on your campaign is $5,500 plus 50¢ per elector. As a Region Council- lor or Ward candidate the amount allowed is $3,500 plus 50¢ per elector. Again, it would be wise to check with the township to see the maximum you would be allowed to spend. And speaking of expenses and contributions, Mr. Cuddie told the Star that it is more important than ever before to keep a detailed report of where and how all of your funds EE hE a.----e.e. »+9 GG PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 23, 1988 -- 3 were spent. The new provincial law says the candidates cannot accept CASH contributions of $25 or more. Any contribution over $25 must be in the from of a cheque, money order or credit card. According to Mr. Cuddie, no anonymous donations should be accepeted, and the names of all in- dividuals, companies or organiza- tions making contributions should be recorded. The maximum allowa- ble donation from one source is $750.00. Following the election, candi- dates must file their expenses and contributions in the form of a statement. These files are open to the public. Failing to file a record of ex- penses carries some severe penal- ties, one of which includes the re- moval from office of a successful candidate, and being banned from running in the next election. Unsuccessful candidates who vi- olte the rules will also be disal- lowed to run in the next election. Estate lots get the nod Scugog Township council has given "approval in principle" to a proposed development of 15 estate residential lots opposite the Yacht Club near the Nonquon River. Members of council expressed no objection to the proposal as they said it would be an extension of residential development already taking place just to the north. The land is owned by Heather Kellington, who told council Monday morning that the lots would take about 30 acres of a parcel of a 103 acres. She asked for the "approval in principle" from Scugog Township prior to making applications for changes in Durham Official Plan. Scugog Township's Election Returning Officer - Earl Cuddie Daisy's Fabries ... END-of-SUMMER UPERLOCK 4 Thread SERGER REG. *949.00 SPECIAL 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM | ; 8:00 PM Y orerineennes 9:30 AM to TA 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY ........... 9:30 AM 10 2:00 PM 749. MONDAY ...coeveree TUESDAY ..ccvnrees WEDNESDAY ........ By JEEP EAL CASA SARIN EVRA (formerly Modern Textiles) located in Luke's Country Store 201 (ueen Street - Port Perry 985-3221