4 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Jussdsy, September 27, 1988 §827 £2 E20 | Five years oid, ¢ 95 years young Two birthdays same week Faldora Derouin isn't sure exact- ly how many grandchildren and great-grandchildren she has--the Valentia resident lost count at 65! Actually, none of her large fam- ily can pinpoint the exact number, but that fact didn't stop Mrs. De- rouin from having a great time at her 95th birthday party, held Sat- urday September 24 at her grand- Wedding Announcement - TT Nancy and Cliff Crowell are pleased to announce the marriage of Eric to Kathy West. The wedding took place on August 19th, 1988 in Calgary, Alberta. Eric and Kathy will be residing in Calgary. daughter Diane Runcieman's house in Robinglade Estates (Sea- grave). The surprise party was held in honour of Mrs. Derouin, who was told she was attending a party for Mrs. Runcieman's son Scott, who celebrated his fifth birthday Sep- tember 21. Mrs. Derouin turned 95 on Sep- tember 27. She was born in 1893 in Watertown and was educated at a secretarial school. ' She married John Lewis McCoy, an inspector for the CNR, who died of leukemia in 1936. The couple had nine chil- dren, the last of whom was born after John's death. Three of Mrs. Derouin's sons (Dr. Hugh, Donald and Darcy, all of whom served in World War II) have since died. Her six living children include twins George of Ottawa, Gerald of Edmonton, Beatrice and Helen of Ottawa, and Marie McCoy, a Catholic nun living in Sudbury, and Jack (whom she lives with in Valentia). Mrs. Derouin supported her children during the depression by babysitting and catering luncheons and teas, including one for Barba- ra-Anne Scott in Ottawa. Although Mrs. Derouin's 95th birthday is a genuine milestone, her brother Albert Derouin will overshadow her on October 8, when he turns 100! DAVID SOUCH LINCOLN AND WE ARE NOW READY TO SHOW OFF OUR "FABULOUS NEW MERCURY TERRY SOUCH 723-0661 1120 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY The Runcieman household in Robinglade Estates was buzzing with excitement Saturday night Septem- ber 24 when Diane Runcieman and her,family hosted a special birthday party for her grand other, Faldora Derouin and Diane's son, Scott. Mrs. rouln marked her 95th birthday September 27 while Scott chalked up his fifth birthday September 23. For details of this special party, see story. [@ountry Corners Cafe Fish & Chips OPEN YEAR ROUND NOON til 8:00 PM CLOSED MONDAY TAKE-OUT 985-9415 EAT-IN Scugog Island PORT PERRY WINDOWS & DOORS Li & Vinyl Windows & Doors * Double Hung Tilt Windows * Casement Windows: /* Picture Windows * Awning Windows Storm Windows * Storm Doors | * Sealed Thermal Units * Patio Doors * and much more! Ed gw FREE ESTIMATES ~~ INSURANCE WORK - j SERVICE & INSTALLATION 985- 8124 iia gn " ep an PHONE Wayne Hutchinson \! PROPS. - Stew & Pat Ford : ) ve cm fT re yr | meme. oem WE 2 LW Bray aa ilan---- --"