12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 4, 1988 RIG Ta Federal campaign a chance to spread the message in Durham riding Environment issue for Green comelidirte a alba. % - . Lr te [] » hh So Sa an ag PN Harold Tausch, 39, Is the Green Party candid:z'e for the riding of Durham In the up-coming federal election. He Is realistic about his chances of winning the rid- ing, but the 39-year old Scugog Township residents welcomes the campaign as 2 Chance to spread the Green message about the environment. (see story for etalls WALLPAPER WONDERS PORT PERRY PLAZA -- 985-0509 Vertical Blinds 66"x85" ....... Tile-Look Wallpaper FOll) wevernnens u 18.99 Latex Ceiling Whites Pails ..... | $25 4 Sat. & Mon. to Wed. 9 AM to 5:30 PM; Thurs. 9 AM to 8 PM; Fri. 9 AM to 9 PM. "CILUX - A home's best friend. *A trade mark of C-I-L Inc. used under licence by BAPCO Thanksgiving Special ROAST TURKEY SUBS your choice of fixings 2 pn $ 5 * STUFFING Beginning Wed., Oct. 5th, 1988 - * CRANBERRIES * CHEESE * LETTUCE * TOMATOES * ONIONS * SALAD DRESSING Corner 7A & Water St. \ 985-7131 (() Harold Tausch is realistic about his chances of taking a seat in the House of Commons after the next federal election. He doesn't have a prayer.In fact, the 39 year old Scugog resi- dent who is running in Durham riding as a Green Party candidate says he'd be "delighted" to poll 1, votes. He fully expects to lose the $200 deposit, just as he lost his deposit the last time he represent- ed the Greens in Durham Centre " in the "87 Ontario election when he took 378 votes, or about one per cent of the total ca~t. What Mr. Tausch will be do- ing is using the up-coming federal ~ campaign to talk about the envi- ronment, or more specifically, the . destruction of the environment which he feels will lead to a glo- bal crisis before the end of this century. In a recent interview with the Star at his farm home in Scugog on the Oshawa-Scugog Town line, Mr. Tausch said running in the election under the Green ban- ner will give him the chance to "start planting the seeds of new ideas in people's minds" about the envirionmental issues that face Canada and the world. The Green Party which has only recently been formed and loosely organized in Canada, sprang from a political movement in West Germany, a coalition of several groups who protested against the environmental damage to the Black Forest, plus such things as nuclear power plants and the presence of nuclear weapons in Germany. 'Simply put, the Green Party in Ontario and Canada, stands for a "reverence for the earth and all forms of life with a healthy envi- ronment a pre-condition to a healthy society." The Party Constitution calls for such things as decreased depen- dence on renewable energy re- sources' co-operation in society rather than competition, the move from a consumer to a conserver society." | Mr. Tausch believes society is producing far too many useless products, and he cites the example of the "fuzzy dice" one somelmes sees hanging from the mirror in automobiles. "We have to start looking at what we are producing, and the impact this (useless products) is having on our environment." e Greens, he said, want to see de-centralization in all aspects of life, including major institu- tions like education, plus a move to communities that are self reli- Denture Therapy Clinic ant so that large amounts of ener- gy do not have been spent on the movement of goods. . Land use policies must strict- ly control farmland; organic meth- ods of farming must replace the heavy dependence on chemical fer- tilizers, pesticides, and herbicides; farmland must not be allowed to fall under the ownership and con- trol of corporations for food pro- cessing. "They are only interested in. profits, not providing good, healthy food for people to eat," said Mr. Tausch. He told the Star he first be- came interested in environmental issues some 20 years ago, and grew "very cynical because I thought there was nothing I could do about it." He took an interest in the Green Party four years ago, and today, even though he feels the world is on a path of environmen- tal destruction, he is more opti- mistic and encouraged because people are finally starting to take the issues seriously. When asked whether he realis- tically thinks the Party could ever hope to form a government in Canada, he smiles and states the answer given by a Green leader in Germany when asked the same question. "We hope that someday all political parties will be a shade of green," meaning that no matter what party is in power, the envi- ronment will be the number one issue in all policy decisions. Mr. Tausch, who works as a data processing consultant, is soft- spoken, articulate and very com- mitted to the ideals of the Green Party. 3 Though he recognizes that la- bels may be inevitable, he hopes the Party will be taken seriously and not referred to as "just another fringe group." The Greens have about 1,000 members across the country, in- cluding just a handful in Durham. Mr. Tausch said he has no massive organization working for him on the campaign, but he will . get the message to voters by at- tending all-candidates meetings, knocking 'on doors and distribut- ing pamphlets. The campaign I run will be enjoyable and healthy for myself and my supporters," he said with a smile. How much he spends on the campaign will depend on how many donations the Party re- ceives, but when he ran in the last Jroriusia) election, his costs were 50, and that included the $200 deposit. 1330 Ritson Rd. N., (Ritson at Taunton) Oshawa, Ont. L1G 6Z6 80 VANEDWARD DRIVE PORT PERRY, ONTARIO JOANNE DEKKING, D.T. PRECISION AUTO ELECTRIC wo 985-8406 Monday to Saturday 436-9888 -- PARTS -- SALES -- SERVICE -- for all STARTERS -- ALTERNATORS Air Conditioning -- Tune-ups -- Batteries Owned & Operated by TIM BARTLEY OPEN: Monday - Friday 8 AM to 6 PM Saturday 8 AM to 12 Noon NRE ON omen J ry: Th a Ar - RE Sa Bo cvs AN TI or a a - lo al it Er ama - a h i i | aw en THE. sw? vow, BE att rt gy