PORT PERRY STAR ~ Wednesday, October 12, 1988 -- 41 Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Sy LN CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers required. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. It's all yours. Get your Class ""A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Tax deductible, professional training, job assistance, no experience necessary. Merv Orr Transport, Pickering. 1-800-265-3559. TF ons fine markets. _ of fine foods NOW HIRING FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES We have permanent full-time position available for a MEAT CUTTER ZEHRS offers an excellent wage progression and a comprehensive benefit package which includes prescription drug, BUS PERSON & dishwashers re- quired. Apply at Conway Place, Hwy. 7A, Port Perry. 985-7631. FRAMING CARPENTER seeks help. Should have some ex- perience and driver's licence. Will. pay between $8-10/hr. Call after 7 p.m. 985-9672. 025 WAITER/WAITRESS required full time and part time. Apply Watermill Restaurant. 985-3766.0 18 LOOKING FOR A position with financial rewards? You owe it to yourself to call Eric F. Auliff now & get the facts about the full time | career as a real estate profes- sional. Bowes & Cocks Realtor Ltd. 576-2421 - res. 434-8980. POULTRY CATCHERS part- time & special student hours available Immediately! Call free 1-800-265-3044. TF STONEMOOR Day Care Centre, Port Perry requires person for light cooking & kitchen duties. Call 852-3510 days or 852-5210 evenings. 012 PART-TIME Secretary, book- keeper required by Port Perry Agricultural Society for 1989. Sub- mit applications & resume to Box 979, Port Perry, LOB INO. O12 STONEMOOR Day Care Centre, Port Perry opening Oct. 24th re- quires full-time E.C.E. teachers. Call 852-3510 days or 852-5210 evenings. 012 Work Wanted UPHOLSTERY work by retired gentleman. Your materials or ours. 852-6437. MOTHER OF 2 children will pro- vide daycare in our home. Stimulating indoor & outdoor ac- tivities. Home near Nestleton 986-4754. 012 PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF CRAWFORD BROTHERS - bartending parties, banquets, weddings, new years. Reasonable rates. Call Ray 985-3700 or Harold 986-4374. O18 TYPING SERVICE. No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements, Office Overload let- ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing. 852-5765. TF EXPERIENCED brick layer, available to do brick & block. Call Randy - 852-3864. 025 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 CENTRAL SEVEN INDUSTRIES RAPID PRINT _ *Advertising Flyers ouncan 189-8911 NESTLETON SUA Driveway Sealing Basement Sealing Welding Repairs & Fabrication 986-5318 986-5580 *Top Quality Copies *Coloured Stock *Raffle Tickets *"In Memory" Cards *Forms *Mailings and ... What-have-you? FREE ESTIMATES! HOUSE SERVICES Interior & Exterior PAINTING 159% OFF -- CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES -- * We now offer comparable rates on wall papering. GORD BROWN LB Offer Ends October 31/88 GARY POPP 05) 786-3139 or 105 328-2161 Scugog Financial Services 985-3832 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE (also bought and sold) FIRST & SECOND MORTGAGES UP TO 85% FINANCING Klean Sweep CHIMNEY SERVICE SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1978 * dustless, efficient chimney cleaning * emergency service * blocked flues cleared * go with the experts FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL SWEEPS remny 985-3111 osuewn 433-4111 REAL ESTATE optical, dental and pension plan.. EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS FRAMING & finishing new APPLY TO: houses, old houses, etc. Call 985-9430 ime. ANSON LONG, anytime STORE MANAGER, ZEHRS MARKET Hwy. 47 South, UXBRIDGE lawns, etc. CUSTOM TILLING. Small or large garden, old or new work, vegetable or flower gardens, Satisfaction guaranteed. 725-3661. N1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG 1988 MUNICIPAL | ELECTION OFFICE -- requires -- DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICERS & POLL CLERKS to staff Polling Stations on Election Day, Monday, November 14, 1988 from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 11:00 p.m. We also require election assistants, stand-by deputy retur- ning officers and stand-by poll clerks. The polling staff shall conduct the vote during the day and the counting of votes after the close of the polis. Required to attend one instructional day and one or two trips to the Municipal Office in Port Perry to obtain ballot box and return same after polling. Rates of Pay: Deputy Returning Officer .................ceeennnnnnn. $125.00 POM CI K. coorvunsimsisssinnmsinsivisrssssivsnansssgivsinees $110.00 Election Assistant ..............ccccovieeiiviiinenennnnnnn. $110.00 Stand-by Deputy Returning Officer eerie $ 50.00 Stand-by Poll Clerk ............ccccooeieeeeirennnnn, $ 50.00 Stand-by Election Assistant ...............cc.......... $ 50.00 Qualifications: Neat appearance and pleasant personali- ty and at least 18 years of age, accept the responsibility to do a good job, be loyal and able to get along with peo- ple. Preferable to work in resident areas, if possible. Preference will be given to persons who have previous experience working in municipal, pravincial or federal elections, and a ratepayer. Interested persons should write the undersigned giving a brief resume including previous experience and work- ing area preferred. We hope you will participate in the Township of Scugog's Municipal Elections as Deputy Returning Officer, Poll Clerk or Election Assistant. Earl S. Cuddie, . Clerk Administrator & Returning Officer, Township of Scugog, P.O. Box 209, PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB 1NO Telephone: 985-7346 Ar ------ ~ 'RIDGEINORTH ere: ROTI B Port Perry Plaza (416) 985-9777 SCUGOG ISLAND -- Two storey cedar Viceroy home with 3 bedrooms, master with Jacuzzi, walkout decks from dining/living room areas, open concept. Super lot 78 x 300'. Vendors anxious to sell. Come see! $169,500. CASTLE HARBOUR -- Spacious 3 bedroom bungalow - garden kitchen, fireplace in living room, 3 car garage on 12 acre lot. Shows to perfection. Asking $274,900. BLACKSTOCK -- 6.5 acres with spring fed pond. Two storey stone & stucco home - 4 plus 1 bedrooms, 3 baths, Pella windows, includes fridge and stove, dishwasher, oven, Corning range, cen- tral vacuum, huge stone fireplace. 1 car attach- ed garage plus separate storage. $229,900. Please call 985-9777. OUR EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE SEAGRAVE RIVERFRONT -- over an acre of mature lot. 3 bedroom upgraded bungalow - new kitchen walkout from dining room to large deck, huge master bedroom with walkout, rec room with bar and airtight stove, new electric furnace. Asking $294,000. SEAGRAVE -- 3 bedroom chalet style home on garden sized lot. Eat-in kitchen, two walkouts, finished rec room with airtight stove. Water ac- cess right across the road. $162,900. WATERFRONT cottage at Washburn Island. Large 100' x 200' lot. Priced to sell at $119,900. Call _ now for inspection. VIEW LAKE -- 75 acres of mature bush border- ing East Cross Creek. $124,900. SCUGOG ISLAND -- Country building lot 200" x 300'. Asking $74,900. VIEW LAKE - Two waterfront lots 50° x 240'. Now $49,900. each. Call 985-9777. CHUCK WILLES MARYANNE ESPIE ALLAN BERTRAND (HANK) ... CLIFF CROWELL BILL RAE Res. 985-7032 Res. 985-0606 Res. 985-3680 Res. 985-7871