BS aaa C4 Js SE Pe TE RTY TORE = FTO DARL TE | Letters Co-op? (From page 7) ' i There is never an explanation as to why they were not accepted | 4-ft. x 8-ft. - Carron : PREFINISHED PANELS panel From either. Even Members in the Co-op Buy now and save! Select from our wide have confided in me that there is selection of instock prefinished panels for a need for internal overhaul. r den, kitchen, hall or any room in your What appears tobea community ome. Shop early for the best selection. of co-operating people is really nothing more than subsidised (not | all units) rental housing develop- 'ment with a few people making poor judgemental decisions affec- | B ting their neighbours and those, uy | - such as us, who wish to become their neighbours. Since none of the questions per- tain to income (or lack of) it is ob- : vious that a person's financial o position is irrelevant. We were informed that an ap- a : peal process is available. A [4 : Noles repeat of the one hour interview . takes place by two different inter- viewers, yet the approval or dissaproval decision goes before the same Membership Selection Committee. We h h tt l. : eve fave chusen too sbpes, gon 0 <0 HITE SU reen § | desire to live in harmony and co- ° CEl LI NG SYSTEM operation with their neighbours. me With the evasiveness, lack of BN 12-ft. MAIN TEE 10-ft. WALL ANGLE | answers and my lighter wallet, it : ; is our family who finds the Co-op 49 19 IE '"unacceptable". . i Yours truly, ' : 5-PIECE WHITE Mr. and Mrs. Phil Walmsley, 3 TUB WALL KIT = pS iB s ~~ --r Ta -- er Re -- it Port Perry. 1» 2-ft. CROSS TEE 4-ft. CROSS TEE 1 | = each Unit is easy to install and ' : durable. Adds a decorative styl- E | ectio n / , White enamel framing components lock secure- ing and is mold and mildew a N1 A eam. WY | /. ly together. i resistant. : (From page 7) | Senior citizens - business people) "to serve the citizens of Scugog Township or Region of Durham. . As we embark on another Municipal Election Campaign - where every candidate stands on her or his own, each one promis- ing (among other things) good | honest government. The Big { Question we should ask all or any il candidate is how they propose to 1 represent you and I who inciden- bl tally, will be paid with your tax ! money. ] I am convinced that Scugog | Township shall continue to ad- 1H. vance as an enviable place to live, k lay --- all it needs is your fo A Hiooins ew ony Friction fit batts are 15' wide and 48" long. | Use your HEAD and not your Now is the time to insulate your home! | FIBERGLASS | ARE. INSULATION neve' 1098 R12 3-1/2" thick R20 6' thick SET ouch 99.9 sq. ft. bdle. 54.9 eq. ft. bdle. PRIVACY 1 99 genes = 12% each each KEY IN ? 99 KNOB each HEART - THINK before you mark X - Please 'get out and VOTE. 4-ft. x 8-ft. RIGID FOAM | Remember the NEW COUNCIL 3m WINDOW ilies vm moni 33 Tz INSULATION INSULATION li In my seventy three years, I |i have never seen taxes come down. The fact is that a candidate 1 thick Jo KITS R3.7 sheet LY) may be promising they shall, it is Ra : 42" x 82" 62" x 210" | made by someone totally un- + mtr 1-1/2" thick | familiar with Municipal Politics. -- 1h R5.6 sheet ty 7] 1 do believe Council meetings Re I ® ¢ Sie, NRA each each | Il coudbeheldintheeveningsasin [ll SEES EEE = Sis Wingy 2" thick 49 | many other communities. Taree 1 Uta Ej morvAL R75 sheet I have seen frustrated citizens I come up against the Municipal | bureacracy, councillors magnanimously pult-away the i RED tape to leave you forever | grateful. Of course they created I the RED tape to begin with and | those bureaucrats (who inciden- | tally, are paid with your taxes) are supervised by Lov Cota 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) ee: | remind you again roat»d PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 centre ROOF TRUSS DIVISION - PHONE 985-3121 eo QUALITY PRODUCTS eo QUALIFIED SERVICE ® COMPETITIVE PRICING "VOTE. : Roy Walker Smith, iE Port Perry, #3 Ontario. Si