56 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 1, 1988 k DOWSON'S PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Street [Hwy. 7A East) OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 8 AM to 9 PM; Sat. 8 AM to 6 PM . Prices effective Monday to Saturday at Dowson's Valu-mart, excluding meat items. reserve the right to limit quantities. oh HI] Geri ndion LV. /kg . al fos rm gs", m dns, = 119 white me: sliced side re dol Maple Leaf Maple Lea 02.49 oe bacon pkg. bg pkg. cutfrom Canada grade 'A beef . 4.39 utfromCanagagrade A beef shoulder "xan [bi roasts Ib. steaks » 1.89 TR TR FY EDorar pr CER Maple ea v L dinner hams ib. Sel 9 gormoifbeet FORTY V1} (7 [freshly ground : 839 : blade roasts v. 2.09 |aron ground beef "a product of Mexico Canadano 1 1.74 tom 79 tomatoes Ib. ® product of Canada Canada no. 1 79 i cabbage athe productofU S A Ontariono 1 rg 196 SRD peppers 1b. 89 rutabagas Ib. 43 (guctos Conacs product of U. 0S A 1b. or fru bag noname™ ae pot dC 4.995... 4.99 To laundry , frozen selected varieties | detergent Schneiders Handi-meals 21.69 Nt I re, ' J frozen country beef or chicken or shepherd's plus Pub pies ly | O 24 x 4! J tins Wl 4p frozen |QF sole or haddock 469 : 10.4¢/100 mL 400 : High Liner fillets 'is 750 mL frozen Boston blue fishfry, fishkrisp or minced cod & chips 7 - btl Blue Water fish __ 41.99 : with HOR (0 Car orn pops or COUPON 375 - LY43) without Lofcen raed J goudered automatic flakes Fy TAL Snuggle ..t | detergent 1 0 3 QQ -- selected varieties regular white or green 3's hot dog or hamburger a 21.39 Wonder buns = ; selected varieties regular or calorie-wise . Kraft salad dressing 5007} £9279 Campbell's Chunky soup 10 : 119 noname™ Tt an with coupon mozzarella cheese "i$ frozen concentrated. selected varieties J (€ ular ot extra spicy : 's = 30S = 1 McCa Yarities ' selected yatisuge po. | Yo No' b ' »~ NeQ0ar CNEESe |b. Wwdw || \ . - A Y J ' WL! \ ZY Sole Laat dell siiced r \ fresh baked "Ir / \ N / N : i [S : _ - 4 Jie rozen selected varieties Quaker sce ve, Chef Chef Boy-ar.dee. OCT mas rice dishes shes 09 1.59 |pasta | ----- ; | mse 69 E200 398 gtin apple, orange of grapefruit ED "Senith Derry ©, |selected variet Dr. Ballard' Fa a oz 199] 32.99 dog ) 4 A bp > Sl ' 7, = § 1 £7 FEATURE ITEM ober S00, 8. pT Tr | : a Tews FT -- STO i 2 Saday, | | obal's Gott LIVE