'vu TEE AA Sa Port Perry High School's Ontario Scholars received recognition last Friday night at the annual Commencement Exercises. Each of the twenty nine students attained an average of 80% or better in 6 grade 13 subjects. Pictured above, following the ceremonies are this years recliplents, back left, Andrew Stark, Dean Short, David Culbert, Ken Wilson, Scott West, Kevin Cearns, Michael Brock, i i § ¢ i : ¥ ; Kristina Luke, Jennifer Wander, Suzanne Alrey, Inge Vandenberg, Darrell Flewell, David Jensen, Bradley Puckrin, Matthew Salkeld, Scott Rankin. Front left, Vickie Rensink, Lori Chapman, Danlelle Cliche, Kim Griffin, Michelle Rhude, Kimberly Hazelwood, Lisa Bal- ley, Sandra Kerry, Patricia Elson, Rachael Eynon, Charlene Daigle, Michelle Smale. David Burnett delivers Valedictory Address Graduates of '88 - Mr. Morrison, - Mr. Neild, distinguished guests, staff, family and friends. Welcome to Port Perry High School's Commencement ceremonies for 1988. " Thank you graduates for allow- ing me to speak in your honour tonight and for giving me the op- portunity to speak to an enormous audience - the one thing I dread more than anything else in my ife. - .Our graduating class was a closely-knit group of individuals who didn't mind working hard to achieve success. All of us here tonight are proof of that. We all liked to have fun as well. Most of us will remember the first ever Monday night bash, spon- sored by Dave Ireland during the week of Winter Carnival. This past year was full of ex- via citement and memorable occa- sions at old P.P.H.S. We can all recall the marathon dance that was brought back again and ended up as a great success. Not only was a lot of money raised but we all received great satisfaction in lasting those full - 372 - hours without even sit- ting down once. Christmas was upon us before long and we all gathered at Michelle Rhude's for a study ses- sion. Before noon the next day we had produced a skit that was simply fantastic in some areas...and in others; well it was downright awful! Soon came Winter Carnival, and the Olympic spirit could be felt throughout the entire school. "Triple Daves" had to overcome a snowday to ensure the Car- nival's success, but nobody could Grade 13 graduate David Jensen was recipient of the Governer General's Medal at the Commencement Exercises at Port Perry High School last Friday night, and Is seen here being congratulated by Port Perry High School principal E.W. Morrison. David attained a spectacular 94.3% average during his final year and was awarded the medal by Ross Stevenson. overcome the powerful Thursday Club who took home gold in near- ly every event. Airbands were up next as we watched the BeeGees "Stay Alive" by edging out U2 for the championship. I believe we all witnessed the other side of Molly Morris that day as well as she repeated several times to the au- dience, '"'I need a man!"' In April, Danielle Cliche and Vicki Wilson did an incredible job at making "Shangri-La", this . years At-Home, the best ever. (Ready 7 months before actual night). Our student council did a tremendous job throughout the year making sure everything went smoothly. Our president, Heather Agnew, and vice, Michael Grass, deserve special credit for the amount of time and effort they put forth during the en- tire year. Now, as for the teachers! The teachers at Port Perry High School are simply incomparable. I think we've all realized over the past few years that our teachers do more than just teach. They've shown us that they are good friends, good people to talk to, and good advisors when we needed them. Our teachers made learning fun. For example, we enjoyed ab- sorbing the concept of chemical bonding by watching Mr. Davis do the chemistry jig and also, by being taught about Canada's heritage by watching the movie "Zulu" in Mr. Talbot's class. Whether you were a fan of Reed or Robinson, Maccoll or Quail, Scuse, Berry or the Wiz, or even if your favourite was one of three crazy English teachers, each re- mains great in his/her own way. Two teachers who are not back at P.P.H.S. this year are Mr. Rod- way and Mr. Scott. I hope their new situations are working out as they had planned. I know a lot of us graduating tonight have benefitted greatly from them in the past. Two men who work very hard throughout the year but receive little recognition from students are Mr. Morrison and Mr. Neild. After talking several times with Mr. Morrison throughout the year, I realized thut he is like a good coach; he's a dependable man who cares a lot for his Students' Councll president Stephen London, left, made the presentation of the Valedictorian award to David Burnett in front of a capacity crowd In the auditorium of Port Perry High School last Friday night. With them Is Principal E.W. Morrison. players and the school in which they represent. Mr. Neild joined us last year for our final year at P.P.H.S. We quickly found him to be too nice of a guy to be a Vice Principal. He could walk up to you, confiscate your full can of pop, a bag of chips and your walk-man, and still leave you with a smile on your face. Many of us here tonight pro- bably wish we could have one more year in high school. Now that we've moved on, it is easy to see the friendly at- mosphere that existed for us such a short time ago. Nothing drives this feeling home more than when you're crammed into a Biology lecture with 540 you've never seen before. I've often thought back to the days when 20 students in chemistry class was considered a full house. Never Again! By receiving our diplomas tonight, we've all accomplished an important goal. Let's continue to set even more goals for the future and to do everything in our power to achieve these goals. Like a team, we've worked together, laughed together and stuck together. All I can say is we leave P.P.H.S. this final time is -- GO TEAM GO! Looks like we've made it! Thank you, Goodnight! * SHOWERS We offer a wide Let us help you with your special occasion ... Classic Catering 7 oY, * CHRISTMAS PARTIES * MEETINGS variety of Hors d'Oeuvres, Fancy Sandwiches & Desserts. FOR A COMPLETE SELECTION CALL: "We Prepare with Professional Care." 985-0782