TT TREE eae EL TEE CS a re TTT Ye La gfe 4 Over 300 people jammed Into Latcham Centre last Wednesday evening to lis- ten to the candidates for Mayor and Regional Councillor speak and answer ques- tions about the Issues confronting a new council. Above, the four men running for the office of Mayor posed for the press prior to the meeting. From left, John Wolters, Stanley Taylor, Harvey Graham and Howard: Hall, -Other. candidates on stage were Yvonne Christie and Nell McLaughlin who are both seeking the seat of: Reglonal Councillor. (See story for detalls- on the Candidates Meeting). ; AUTHORIZED y SALES a § aq CENTRE - v SUPER CB WiTH 6 PRE-SET FUNCTIONS | MEMORY 211512. Reg. $169.95 CASSETTE Carrying TANDY COMPUTERS Save $400 on the TANDY 1000HX plus DMP 132 Printer Reg. $499.95 4 om ol Only $369.95 V.H.S. HIGH GRADE 2 T120 p= Videocassette 20 CHANNEL 20-114 Reg. $7.99 SCANNER SAM = Save $3.00 $550.95 $2499 FLAVOUR SEAL AM TOYS GAMES RADIOS Computers It's a One Piece Telephone you can take any- on hove. SPEAKERS | SAVE S10. STEREOS Reg. $29.95 and much, much more for Christmas Giving NOW ON SALE SASS 3 a 241 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY 985-2272 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday. November 8, 1968 -- 3 m Local candidates (From page 1) Graham said he would consid- er a new municipal building on Township land near the Scugog Arena. The present municipal of- fice building site on Perry could be used for parking. SOE Hall said he favours a new muncipal building, but only on - the Perry Street location, not out- side the town. ve Mayoralty candidate John Wolters, who has served terms on Township council, said the Town- ship "has not been prepared for the growth of the last few years." He cited the strain on recrea- tion facilities and said the new council must deal with this. He called for up-grading the sewage treatment capacity in Port Perry, said he would like to see a "community-wide committee" to examine the issue of new recrea- tion facilities, and said there is a need for affordable housing in Scugog. Wolters lives near Blackstock. He ran in the 1985 election against Jerry Taylor. Towards the end of the meet- ing, Wolters and Graham clashed sharply over the rate of tax in- crease in Scugog for the past three years, and the use of reserve funds. - Wolters said tax hikes have aver- aged 11 per cent, Graham said the local increases have been six per cent. The fourth mayoralty candi- date Stanley Taylor, a retired farm- er from Cartwright, injected some humour into the meeting with his shovel and broom (to clean up-the mess and sweep the slate clean) And the audience guffawed loudly at his series of one line an- swers to questions from the floor. (see separate article about Taylor's bid for election) The race for the Regional seat on council is between two incum- bent councillors: Yvonne Christie from Ward 1 and Neil McLaughlin of Ward 4. - Describing herself as a "financially responsible person," Christie said how to finance such Victoria-Haliburton M.P. Bill Scott has pledged to work towards having hydraulic lift locks in- stalled in the Scugog River, if he is re-elected on November 21. Mr. Scott made the pledge while campaigning last week with 'Doug Fish, who is seeking the : Reeve's chair in Mariposa Town- ship in the municipal elections. He said a lift lock on the Scu- gog River would be a great benefit to people living around Lake Scu- discuss issues things as recreation facilities is an issue. She said she would like to see the Township proceed with plans for a new municipal building and a new pad at the arena for "winter and summer use." wii She expressed fears about the number of septic systems ringing Lake Scugog, and said better in- - spections are needed to find the faulty septic systems. "In response to question from the floor, Christie said she is not in favour of Scugog going into debt to provide fully serviced in- dustrial land. And new recreation facilities should not be debentured, she said. Christie is a long time resi- dent of Scugog, a former teacher "and chairman of the Durham Pub- lic School Board... . © Neil McLaughlin, 34, who lives near Blackstock, said he is campaigning on "youth and exper- ence." In his remarks, he called for improvements and expansion of the Port Perry sewage treatment capacity, and more attention to the roads which he said are deteriorat- ing. In response to questions from the floor about future growth,. he _said he favours: limited growth in the hamlets, and he would like to see residential subdivisions (up to 2 homes) away from the ham- ets. McLaughlin is a former stu- dent of Christie's, and he got a chuckle from the audience when he quipped after his short address. that "she taught me public speak- ing." Co "- The questions froni-the floor and answers from the candidates were given in very polite fashion. There were no angry outbursts, name calling or mud-slinging of any kind. Other than the general con- cemns over future growth and the need for expanded recreation facili- ties, there is no single "burning issue" in front of the Scugog elec- torate this November, - MP pledges lift lock gog in both Mariposa and Scugog Townships. WE It would help to keep the wa- ter levels in the lake up during the summer months. Water levels are now con- trolled by a dam on the Scugog River. When the dam is opened, the water flows north, lowering the water levels in Lake Scugog. Mr. Fish said a lift lock for boats would help eliminate this problem. oN Mid d © 3 \ } . TR : § 4 ' § COUNTRY 52 Water St., Port Perry 985-4241 (across from the ball diamond) : pusteen ics: