wae a EER I TET Although its been very low-key fo date, fundraising for the new ex- on to Community Memorial ospital has been underway for about a month, and at a special meeting "last week, it was an- nounced that just over $1 million dollars has been raised. Speaking to a group of donors and the press, campaign chairman Jerry Taylor exp that the $2 million hospital fund raising cam- paign is being undertaken to enus- re the communities health care needs for the future. The plans call for an additional 22 chronic care beds, which will be formed into a 30-bed chronic care unit, including the 8 now in the hospital. In addition, the plans include an expanded emergency and ambulato- ry care centre to accomodeate the increasing number of emergency visits and to provide clinic space. 'A number of other key depart- ments will also undergo expansion and renovation. During his presentation, Mr. Taylor acknowledged some of the major gift donors, whose contribu- tions have accounted for $260,000 of the total raised, and thanked them for attending the meeting. Those honoured included represen- tatives from the Hospital Auxil- iary, Rotary Club of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Moechring, Mother Jackson's Open Kitchens, Port Perry IGA, George Stone, Lake Scugog Lumber, Gerry's Pro- duce and the Hospital employees. The total cost for construction of the new wing, and alterations within the present structre will amount to about $8 million. The project is expected to be funded by: $2 million in local con- - tributions, $5,375,000 from the Ministry of Health and the remain- ing $682,000 from other sources. The fundraising drive is the larg-. est ever undertaken in Scugog Township, and Mayor Taylor said that everyone in the township will be asked to dig a little deeper to "make the fundraising a success. "We are very encouraged by the support for this project, and are now on the way to the second mil- High speed chase A pick-up truck stolen from a residence was involved in ~ a high-speed chase with Camp- _ bellford area OPP. The owner of the 1977 Ford was ' unaware of the theft until an OPP - officer telephoned his wife, want- ing to know why her husband's truck was in the Campbeliford area, and why it was involved in the chase. The truck was stolen sometime between 4:30 p.m. October 28 and 2 a.m. October 29. OPP officers lost the truck in the chase but lat- er recovered the abandoned vehicle in the Campbellford area. _ The incident is still under inves- tigation. ; SMITH-CORONA TYPEWRITERS Manual or Electric Ribbons for most makes. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 pay Tr The - Ins r Just over $1 million has been raised In the two mil- lion dollar fund raising campaign underway In Scu- gog Township for an expansion of Community Memo- rial Hospital. During special meeting last Wednesday at the hospital, campaign chairman Jerry Taylor ac- knowledge the support of the above group, who have taken a ledership roll donating $260,000 collectively. He sald "this small group has set the pace which help Op DEV ( F [ Ommun ly 1. mo ree) PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 8, 1988 -- 5 Hospital fundraising drive tops $1 Million : ™ " R / 6, PE pd Vj Fas i H i 10a Hel | wil ding Tyre SY Ara TE ¢ NYS TT I to make this campaign a success". Pictured above holding the giant cheque are, from left: Jim Grieve, IGA; George Stone; Jerry Jonkeer, Jerry's Produce; Brenda Moehring; Joanne Fowler, Mother Jackson's; Connie Jamieson, Hospital employees rep; Elain Bu- chanan, Hospital Auxiliary; Building Fund chairman H Jerry Taylor and Foundation chairman Howard Hall. / 1988 BR250 BRAVO.................52,300 1988 480 PHAZER....................$5,150 1988 570 EXCITER...................$6,150 PLUS P.D.I. & TAX J' 12th HWY. 35 SOUTH 1988 YFM Big Bear 4x4...........$4,999 1988 YFZ 350 Banshee............54,450 1988 YFS 200 Blaster..............52,999 Saturday November LINDSAY (705) 324-5747 NOW IN STOCK PLUS P.D.l. & TAX Redman Yamaha HWY. 35 SOUTH, LINDSAY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 9 AM. - 7 P.M. FRIDAY 9AM. -9PM. SATURDAY 10 AM.-4P.M. " (705) 324-5747 . . PATATA TATA TATA ATA TA TA TA TATA TATA TA TATA TA TAT AT ATA TATATAL a NN a NSS OAR ATATASATATATATATATATATATATLY ATL LAAN WN AAW AA WA WAY ARMOUAA IAT ASATAT ATA TAT FRY AY AY RY AY RY AEA SACL AL AL ATA ASA A LR " AT A I A I A A a SA AAT AT a rr *