60 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 8, 1988 "vValumart fresh pork 1H PICNIC: roasts. product of U.S.A. Canada no. 1 PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Street (Hwy. 7A East) OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 8 AM to 9 PM; Sat. 8 AM to 6 PM Prices effective Monday to Saturday at Dowson's Valu-mart, excluding meat items. We reserve the right to limit quantities. fresh butt from the shoulder pork chops 251.29 product of Florida 5 1b 2.99 Florida oranges #3", Fearman s Goyrme Ssmoned duc ashi F! fancy 0 ol flonda Mary Miles iso 1. 9 Black Forest 169 red or golden delicious *0 1-96 red 5 Ib. bag wieners 3%¢ | hams Ib. 39 grapefnit *2.99 ---- eS bv : pork tray pack 3 73 waxed x productofUS A Mary Miles ¥ 1.69 [Ma Miles 149 Canadano 1 productolUSA breakfast sausage , 1.09 a chunks 1» cantaloupes wend 9 radishes oko 59 lettuces with coupon 1:1 THT TE Velveeta thins 24's process cheese foo 900g singles * : gies jai 50liks 159 without : without 2.89 Carstmas 8 cereal bacon 500g pl. a fresh boncloes butt 5 373 ut rime 0 Tih A beetcapon xg 169 pork roasts 1. 169 De , ». 349 | Cuttom Canada grace A deetsoneies Lo 13.21 treshly ground " 351 rib eye lean ROP 350.525 steaks ib. 3.99 [ound cactus 1.99 com flakes box Savarin eee Amores Refs s cna) 100 % whole wheat - estes 13 60 som, 1: 179 Hekiges 300 [lors .., gg pies pig nners oi 575: 800g box bread loa Om mstead varieties tro Fb ed a stas Kraft strawberry selected vaneties 122.99 [i= 2.99 sory 2.99 [WHEE 2.99 vegetables bag 3 pure jam jar 258-550 cont Noch 1998 og Lite Delite selected frozen varieties, 5-20 y- 99 orange pekoe 2 2 ho [] g 4 McCain entrees Red Rose tea of 17 Utopia choice TE flake or crispy crust J" " W Five Alive 1.29 shortening or lard aura Secor tomatoes Be 335-355mL tin 2-25 kg ng b. pkg. 44 ' se 1.20 President's Choice™ raspberry ' coffee cake '2' 3.99 fresh baked rye bread #09 fresh fromthe bakery frozen selected varieties waffles or 262y/ 1 Aunt Jemima pancakes hoz 59 selected varieties 2/ Kal Kan cat food °°: 19 selected varieties dog food Pedigree Pal ia SH Mary Miles roast beef eli sliced fSiTion 24 x iy mL tins 6.99 10.4100 mL President's Choice™ process cheese food regular or mozzarella With "5009 wi thoutcoupo 500 "cheese spread "dE Conf selected ready-cut varieties "1.39 Lancia pasta pkg Kraft selected varieties 275. 15 ya 29 4 Delizioso pasta dishes selected varieties Minetes orange of fruit liguid nute avex 3x250me 2L 200] QQ fruit juice terapak punch cont cont bleach 1.99 selected varieties Krs raft red reen jl vegetable icon, Fastaroncy yang i" Quikki k V-8 juice *}érapak Uncle Ben's rice 091.59 [ra Shouse sticks pkg. 3.79 garbage bags » 349 regulartablets effervescent pain relief isan 7, 2.99 of 20 alt tn Li vely lait ili, 179 ies: . cont. pheno TS pos. 1 SAVE iia ten 238 140¢ : ps riers {30 Caco cos iKraft singles lanmre pm 0