LE Ea al She bh ba rm vine ie oi co Tate Yidgte . L.c Sous be a Bf - -. -- - wo Plenty of cider and sausages PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, February 14, 1989 -- 19 Pancake supper a delicious happy time Epsom and Area News by Jean Jeffery Welcome home to Jennie Wat: Tuncheon guests on Mon. with son and Archie from a long hap Beth and Doug Wilson. py holiday in Florida, On Thurs. afternoon Don and Happy Birthday to our friends Stella Asling visited Mrs. Haze Elsie Prentice, Feb. 13; Julia Ashton and Gladys Evans, Feb, 14, lovely Valentines. . Faye, Keith, Rob and Jim Ashton were Friday dinner ts with Nancy and famil y. Elden and Anita Evans were ald and Asling in Ajax. : ' Rev. Nancy Waterman visited with Mrs. Ruth Ashton on Thurs. Monday dinner guests with Paul and Shirley Baster were African friends Abeba and daughter Semar, also Aselefech Watching local deer was treat beautiful to behold Utica and Area News by Vera Brown During the last few days, I have had the thrill of witnessing the ac- tivity of the local deer. On'Satur- day I spied 5 prancing through a field and leaping gracefully over fences within a few yards of where I walked. On Sunday after- noon I watched as 2 feasted 'on - corn in a nearby field. Many peo- ple have told me of seeing the deer in this area, but this is the first time that they have been around when I could get a good look at them. Beauty to behold, right here in Utica. Our sympathy to the family of the late Mr. Albert Urech of Ux- bridge who passed away on Fri- - ay. To Johanna 'and their daughter Jane Sobil and family our thoughts are with you in your bereavement. » The Pancake Supper last Tues- day evening was a success and over $200.00 was raised for , renovations. "Church & Sunday School this A Caesarea man has been charged with following too close as the result of an accident on the Island Rd. Sunday morning. . Durham Regional Police say the crash happened at 10:15 a.m. on Regional Rd. 7 north of the 12th concession, when a northbound car ran into the back end of anoth- er northbound car, which was slowing down. Michael Steppan has been gharged. Police say no one was in- Jured. Come and be pampered by our many services. AN INVITATION FOR A MORE BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME YOU vas week will be in Utica. Anyone with items for the March newslet- ter please have them ready on Sunday. Choir practise this week will be held at Bill McKay's on Thursday at 8 p.m. The Youth Group will meet at the Arnold Kerry's this Friday at 8 p.m. Bible Study will be starting on Monday February 20th and will meet at Paul Baster's home at 8 p.m. Session meeting on February 22nd at 8 p.m. in Epsom Church. The Greenbank & District Block Parent Assoc. (this in- cludes Utica) is prepared to spon- sor a workshop on the prevention of sexual abuse if there is enough community response. The Outreach Abuse Prevention group from Oshawa will come and pro- vide workshops for children bet- ween the ages of 3 and 10, as well as an evening information session for parents. No dates, items, or locations can be arranged until we are certain that there is suffi- cient interest to run this program. If you want to sign your children . up, or just wish to obtain more in- formation about this please con- tact Judy MacSween at 985-7251. Euchre players be reminded that there is a euchre this Friday at 8 p.m. in Utica Hall. All are welcome. Visitors at the Sutcliffe home on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crawford of Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs. Don Timms of Whit- by on Saturday evening; Bill Mit- chell of Port Perry, David & Doris Bray of Port Perry on Sunday. of Oshawa (I won't give the last name or I would get lost in the alphabet), also Bill and Melba McKay, Nancy and Glen Water- man - all celebrating Abeba's bir- thday. Best wishes from all her Epsom friends. Margaret and Lionel Storey are retiring and are moving to their new home in Madoc on Tuesday. Our sympathy to Jane Sobil and Honey Urech and family of Utica in the passing of Jane's father on Friday. Margaret and Lionel Sore were Sunday dinner guests wi Walter and Elva Kerry. Several area farm families at- tended the farm machinery show at the International Centre in Toronto last week. Our pancake supper at Utica was a happy social time. The men did a marvellous job of keeping a supply of pancakes and syrup and hot sausages on hand. Bill brought plenty of cider and also apples to eat. The school also celebrated Shrove Tuesday with a pancake and syrup lunch prepared by the volunteer mothers. Wendy Evan visited her sister Janice at Peterborough for the weekend. Bethesda-Reach W.I. will meet at the home of Barbara Rance, Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 8 p.m. The topic: Canadian Industry. The Motto One Man's Trash is another Man's Treasure. Reply by Doreen Brethour. Motto: Share an Idea for a craft re - using material, Hostesses Barb Rance, Elaine Mucle, & Elaine Collingwood. Ross and Barb Evans were sup- PORT PERRY CLINIC 985-4422 now offering REFLEXOLOGY & PEDICURE RENEE BOS Certified Reflexologist, Kinesiologist & Pedicurist Classic Neubod so waren steer 985-4104 y Care * BODY THERAPY * MANICURE, PEDICARE, FACIALS, WAXING * GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE _per guests on Fri, with Elden and Anita Evans, Grant and Lynne Evans are visiting Lynn's sister in Vancouver. Church next Sunday will be at Utica at 11:15 a.m. I am sorry to report that news to the Star last week got mislaid somewhere between Ep- som at Port Perry Star Office. Congratulations to Ross and Carol Bailey who had the grand champion and top selling female at Ontario Angus Futurity sale February 4, 1989. The calf was bred and owned by Ross and Carol and sold to a buyer from England for $7,800. Doug and Beth Wilson, Don and Faye Simmonds were on a skiing holiday in the Minden area. At this time Virginia Wilson visited Grandma and Grandpa Evans while Tanya and Michael made their home with the Postma children. Last Wed. Floyd and Grace Evans left for Africa as represen- tatives from this area for Foodgrains Bank. A week ago Earl and Marie left for Florida to be with Miss Olive Wilson who is in hospital there. PAUL VAN CAMP Chartered Accountant 52 Water St. 9885-9788 Port Perry * INCOME TAX * FINANCIAL PLANNING DEPARTURES MAR 9 -- MAY 12/89 MAY 13- JUN 16/89 GOVERNMENT APPROVAL SUPER FOR SCHEDULE DETAILS AND COMPLETE TERMS AND WARDATR CANADA YOUR BEST ~ CHOICE T0 BRITAIN 308 THAT'S RIGHT! With Wardair's low "Trip to London" fares you pay only $368 to London when you travel on the London Dayliner™ or Toronto Starliner™ between Feb 21 -- Mar 8/89 tor returns by Mar 15/89. Or, visit London, Manchester, Birmingham, and Prestwick at any time with the following Super Savings Apex Fares. And for a little extra luxury ask about Wardair Business Class. OCT 16-DEC 1/89 ............... SEP25-OCT15/89............... SEP4-SEP24/89 .... .. ... JUN T7-SEP3/89 ................ Date of outbound departure determines applicable roundtrip fare. Weekend surcharge: $25 each way for Fri & Sat departure, Sot & Sun returns. WWardair Canada TRIP TO LONDON FARES: 7 DAY ADVANCE BOOKING REQUIRED. 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