Port Perry High School news PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 7, 1969 -- 23 Things heating up as March Break nears by Britt Lorish It seems the closer March Break gets, the busier our school becomes. Spring vacation is only three days away, but this is the week that teachers seem to de- mand the most. Essays are due, tests are scheduled and by Fri- _ day, I'm sure we'll all be ready for a little "R & R." Last Friday was a Spirit Day. Students were encouraged to dress up in their finest beachwear, and many could be seen sporting trendy tropical ¢ shirts, sexy sunglasses, with col- ourful zinc cream on their faces. The t of the day was, most definitely, the soc hop at lunch. The turnout was one of this year's best; congratulations to our first time DJs. Friday was also busy for. the cast and crew of "Zoo Story." Ac- tors Taylor Price and Steve Lon- don, represented Port High at the Drama Festival, held at Dunbar- ton High. They put on a fantastic performance, and wound up win- Country Classics is now Pelican Pier When Bonnie Durward bought the Country Classics ladies shop on Queen Street over a year ago, she began to think of small, subtle ways she could put her "own signature on the business." ~ Several months ago, she de- cided to change the name of the store. And as of last Friday (March 3) Country Classics became Peli- can Pier. Bonnie admits the new name may not immediately cause people to think about ladies clothing, but "I think people will take notice," she said. : Though pelicans do not fre- quent the Perry area, they are water birds and Port Perry does "have a waterfront, so the name re- flects that. More fmionzally, according to Bonnie, pelicans have a special place. She is a collector of minia- ture pelicans made of brass, glass, porecelain, from tiny ones barely an inch tall to a very large and ex- pensive one made of brass. She began collecting several years ago when she first saw real pelicans in flight while she was vacationing in Florida. "I hope the new name will generate some interest, and it's a fun name for myself and the staff," she told the Star. Last Friday moming, Scugog Mayor Howard Hall helped Bonnie and her staff unveil a new "Pelican Pier" sign that will hang outside * the front door. Aside from the change in name, customers won't find too many other large changes in the store, other than several pelicans from Bonnie's collection. YOUR KITCHEN SPECIALISTS Wire Rx VC. ~ FREE ESTIMATES WE INSTALL 90% Modern Styles Melamine & Formica 25% OFF M.S.L. Wood Styles Oak - Pine - Maple WINDOWS -- at -- @5 Wl DISCOUNTED APE PRICES Gp orem © Visit Our Showroom ... Durham Rd. 23, Just South of Hwy. 47 R.R.4, UXBRIDGE ONT. LOC 1KO 852-7722 ning best actor, and best produc- tion. Congratulations to the cast, crew and their director, Mrs. D. Lackie. Good luck at your next level of competition. School rings were on sale Fri- day at lunch, but if you missed out because of the activities...don't despair! The ring man will be back, once more, sometime in May. fs well school jackets will be on'8ale soon, probably in the first part of April. At-Home tickets will go on sale, starting right after March break, so don't wait until May 11th for yours! The At-Home com- mittee would really like to em- phasize the fact that they need more helpers at their meetings. If you're not busy after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays, show your school spirit by helping out, Wednesdays ; DC il Na it ~ the meetings run late, from 3:30 - 9:00, so if you're busy after school, come after dinner. Trials for the airband competi- tions will be held Wednesday, March 29th, after school, with the school finals on Friday, March 31st, at lunch. Anyone interested should watch for sing-up sheets outside the office. Watch for more P.P.H.S. news after March Break! it's official, Country Classics on Queen Street Is now Pelican Pler. Mayor Ho- ward Hall had the honours of un-veiling a classy Pelican Pler signs at the Queen Street ladles shop last Friday morning. At left Is Sylvie Jensen and store owner Bonnle Durward. Why Pelican Pier for a nam _ tion. - a \ 2 Jy = \'G '89 Grand Prix S/ e. See story for Bonnie's explana- PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry 9885-84749 SIL el Sa = Dd SR Se [Th JV. Nol = IW [ol GP c].Y [oll J = [W]e] 4=]