2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 14, 1989 Cattlemen Assoc. The Ontario Cattlemen's As- tar . i" ! , As well as urging all its sociation has launched a vigorous There is not going to be one sociation has some 40,000 mem- The Association says that if 40,000 members to volo "no" on i campaign urging its 40,000 mem-- extra penny for producers under bers in the province, and Magee is beef prices start to creep up in On- April 14, Magee has fired off a 3) bers to "vote no" to a proposed the new system," Magee states. asking them to vote against the tario, consumers will not hesitate letter to the provincial Agriculture 3 Beef Marketing Commission for He goes on to say that an or- Marketing Commission on April to purchase pork or chicken as al- Minister outlining the concerns, 3 this province. ganization called "Ontario Beef 14, ternatives to beef, and in the long especially the confusion over the ) t vote is to be held April Producers for Change" believes He said the Association wants 3 14, and Jack Magee, president of the Association, says there seems getting subsidies if the Marketing to be a lot of confusion among ting up the Marketing Commis- beef industry more competitive for i beef producers over a new "cost of sion. farmers. | production" subsidy. _ "They continue with this sto- "At the grass roots level, the 2 : In a recent letter to provincial ry (of subsidies to producers) de- proposed marketing system and its ; t Agriculture Minister Jack Riddell, spite the fact that Jack Riddell has ayendant legislation (will) add $ ' 7 ! Magee says producers will not be told the Legislature there will be costs without any real benefits," tic et S YJ etting SC arc e : 4 ] Commission is set up. the subsidy will be in place if the vote April 14 says "yes" to set- no such monies," said Magee. Council OKs signs on fence Scugog council has given per- mission to the Port Perry Kins- men Club to place ad signs along Councillor Marilyn Pearce, a controls, said Magee. # of the Walter Taylor Orchestra, participants will have a # the outfield fences at the Water member of the Parks committee And the Association fears the # chance to bid on a number of auction items. = Street baseball diamonds. said the local minor softball asso- real power of the Commission § It's all for a good cause, so if you've been Paning on ¥ Council ratified a parks com- ciation was informed of the propo- will be taken out of the hands of & attending and haven't reserved your tickets, order then Z mittee recommendation at its sal and raised no objections to it. roducers as all decisions are sub- # now! / meeting March 6. The agreement gives the Kins- | men Club permission to put the signs up for a three year period, although council will review the policy in 1990 and may allow for an increase in the number signs. Under the terms of the agree- ment, 34 signs will be permitted along the right and centre field fence on the south diamond, and 22 signs along the same fence - will be permitted on the north dia- mond. The agreement stipulates that the signs must be uniform in size (2' by 8") and have a white back- ground. Ad messages will be per- mitted only on the side of the signs facing the diamonds. On the south diamond, the signs must be placed at the top of the outfield fence, while on the north diamond, they will be placed two feet below the top of the fence. When the Kinsmen Club first presented this proposal to the council three weeks ago, Kinsmen rep Dave Robinson said the Club will assure that the lettering on the signs is prepared professional- ly, and the signs will be removed, at the end of the baseball season. The Club plans to sell the ad space on the signs to local busi- nesses, and use the money for community projects such as the hospital expansion fund, and im- provements to public parks. When the policy was dis- cussed at the March 6 meeting, Councillor Don Cochrane won- dered if the signs with their white backgrounds might interfere with a batter's ability to see a pitched EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO ball in fastball games, as the ball could blend with the background. It is expected that the Kins- men Club will be placing signs on the fences this spring. opposed to market board The Ontario Cattlemen's As- to see changes for beef producers, but only ones that will make the - said Magee in a statement released last wee Another major area of concem for the Cattlemen's Association is that beef produced in other prov- inces can be sold in Ontario. The proposed Commission will control all aspects of beef sales in Ontario, but out-of- province beef does not have sales ject to review by the Farm Prod- ucts Marketing Commission which reports directly to the Mini- WEAR YOUR DOWNTOWN on SATURDAY, MARCH 25th between 2 and 4 PM and you could win a ... *100. # morial # but one dozen tickets have subsidies. ospital's "S n sold. 5 It is hoped that the $100 per plate event will raise 7 § about $20,000 for hospital expansion fund, and it ap- Z ars as if members of the community are get soli behind the effort. i getting In addition to a great meal and dancing to the music / With Jost over two weeks before the Community Me- 7 Gala", organizers report all 7 The final 12 tickets are available at the Port Perry 7 a (416) 985-7308 Ee GIFT | ALL LINES OF GENERAL (GENERAL CERTIFICATE pS | NATIONAL | AA | TRUSTY of A $100. Gift Certificate will be awarded to the r+: Yetia person wearing the most stunning Easter Bonnet. Judges will be cruising Port Perry's Downtown sidewalks between 2 and 4 PM on Sat., March 25th. Come Downtown and join the fun. 1% 5 Year Annual Interest 10% % SEMI-ANNUALLY Rates Subject to Change without Notice.