a, » i This bunch of chimney sweeps showed thelr style and poise as they traipsed across the rooftops. Skatefest '89 Renee Parish shows the determination it takes to get on the ice and make the hours: of practice pay off. Renee Isn't wearing typical skatewear, for now she's a tacky tourist. PHOTOS BY: . ROB STREICH \ All the Disney Charac- ters were present at Skate- fest '89. The Port Perry Fig- ure Skating Club put on thelr 31st annual show Frl- day and Saturday night. They brought together many competitive local skaters and some promising young talont to entertain and de- light the audience. = Hun- dreds of filled the Arena to see the show these young- sters worked so hard to put together. Port Perry will be playing host to the Pine- ridge competition next year. & . Hundreds of skaters from throughout the region will be performing on the tenth > : db d ® and eleventh of February, " Rosle Sax seems very pleased with her bouquet of flow- = 1990. ors. Many of the other skaters received the same recogni 'tion and reward for a job well done from appreciative fans. @. 4 performance made up for it, thrilling the audience with light- ning moves. 3 "Troy McCully was one of the few male skaters, but his { i This little sk ater gets a helping hand from the Coach. at at a Vern Taylor, the guest skater of the evening, dazzled the audience and stole many hearts. Vern was first in the 1976 Canadian Mens Juniors, and has his name is In the Guiness Book of Records as the first to land a Triple Axel in Compe- tition . 5 ar a Sa SI I SLA = ---- = a -- va a i TG gt pl" ig ig