Pride and achievement a Church celebrates home (From page 25) For the Dedication Service on a beautiful spring day, the Bongregaiion was joined by many special guests includin Scugog Mayor Howard, Dur. ham M.P. Ross Stevenson and Durham East M.P.P. Sam Cu- reatz. " The Act of Dedication was delivered by Rev. Gordon Up- ton, executive director of the na- tional office of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada who re- minded those present that the real strength of any church is not bricks and walls, but the people. Rev. E.S. Hunter, who rep- resents 192 Pentecostal Assem- blies in the District of Eastern Ontario and Quebec gave an in- spiring Dedication Message in which he expressed his confi- dence in the future of the church. Rev. Ralph Hilsden, former Pastor of Emmanuel Pentecos- tal and the man who was instru- mental in purchasing the six acre site for the new building, read from Scriptures. Mayor Howard Hall con- gratulated the Congregation on the opening of this new building and noted how spacious and beautiful itis. Mr. Stevenson presented the Church with a Canadian flag and a plaque with a mes- sage of congratulations from himself and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. : Mr. Cureatz, on behalf of the government of Ontario, pre- sented an Ontario flag, and also told a short story about a clergy- man who smuggled Bibles into Russia. The story was a reminder that our religious freedoms that we enjoy in this country must never be taken for granted. A special presentation was made by Rev. sley to Harry Kiezebrink, former principal at R.H. Cornish and to Port Perry United Church minister Rev. Bob LePage. The plaques were a way of saying thanks to the school and the United Church for allowing the congregations to use the buildings for worship services during the construction phase. And deacon Rob Holtby presented building committee chairman Tom Lockett with a plaque as a way of saying thanks for the countless hours he spent in the planning and constryction of thechurch. Mr. Lockett in turn praised his committee mmebers and all the congregation for their con- tributions. In all, some 1200 hours of volunteer labour by members went into the contruc- tions of the new building. And the key to the new CENTRAL PAINT & WALLPAPER 295 RITSON ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA 434-3939 church was officially turned over to Mr. Lockett by builder Ron Martin. The 17,000 square foot building with its tall white spire is designed to serve the present and future needs of the congre- gation. The worship sanctuary, with its light blue decor, seats 400 people. On the main floor, there are offices and a library, several rooms that can be used as nur- series for younger children dur- ingservices. The basement contains a modern banquet hall that will comfortably seat 275 people. Members of the Congrega- tion have many reasons for the pride and sense of achievment that was expressed during the Dedication Service on Sunday. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 18, 1969 -- 35 Building committee chairman Tom Lockett (right) was presented with this plaque by Rob Holtby for his work dur- ing the construction phase. These two, fierce pirates are partners In a treasure and scavenger hunt enjoyed by Mr. Scott's Grade one/ two students from Epsom Public, and Mr Jones' Grade ones from Greenbank Public. They were scowling because it was a cold Monday In the Greenbank playground, but the lure of pirate gold was too much for the buccaneers to resist. yz = 20% 0f EVERGREENS - SHRUBS - FRUIT TREES Over 100 Varieties Available. |} | Il | | Ul | We deliver large trees with our crane trucks, preferably on weekends. Our new showroom & large shadehouse offers excellent selection and variety Qué of stock throughout the year. If you need help be sure to ask our helpful staff. © SPREADING EVERGREENS 1 Gallon Pot - Reg. $10. ............... NOW *7.889 Sale ends April 30th, 1989 | i | | L/S GREENBANK GARDEN CENTRE Located on the N.E. comer of Hwy. 12 & Hwy. 47. (416) 985-7667 Expert boat repairs, refinishing, installations, restoration and new construction. «Wood and fiberglass + Mobile service res. (705) 328-2465 Karisme Communications WORD PROCESSING