A and Marion Loyst. Presenting the trophy Is Eva Redman. This year the Bruton's L.D.A. trophy went to | Sharon Le Breton, Marion Loyst. This winning Afternoon Ladies Curling team won the Ives Trophy for beating out thir- teen others In thelr division. They are; Joyce Stableford, Berty Russell, Annemarie Knapp ady afternoon curlers who defeated nine other teams. Marilyn Hutchinson presented the trophy to; Judy Latta, Doreen Ashbridge, From the lanes Wed. Afternoon Ladies 3 Games over 600: Gerri Games over 200: Dot Lee 207, Langille 618, Agnes Ferguson 673. Agnes Ferguson 214,202,257, Marg Team Standings: Pinfall Win- Lee 202,200, Gerri Langille 226, ners - Taster's Choice 77882. 3rd Joani Fletcher 210, Carol Koch Section Winners - Taster's Choice 205, Hazel Gray 209, Kathleen 52%, Hill's Bros. 39%, Melitta 38, Watts 250,208, Lorraine Leblanc Maxwell House 31, Sanka 29, 212. Nabob 20. DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. * SELWIN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. Guaranteed Investment Certificates 3 YEAR - ANNUAL SHOPPERS Mortgage and Loan Corporation 1 1 3/ 4 % Rim 193% SHORT-TERM Worgora mn "08s" 11% of Canada Limited ons. 11%:% = RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE -- 1 YEAR - ANNUAL PHONE 985-8471 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 25, 1989 -- 33 Port Perry native D.W. (Dave) Parry has been appointed Regimental Sergeant Major with the Ontario Regiment (Roy- al Canadian Armoured Corps) in Oshawa. CWO Parry, CD, takes over from CWO A.R. Turner MMM CD, who has com- pleted a two year term. The ceremonies took place on April 16 at the Col. McLaughlin Armoury In Oshawa. CWO Parry was born In this community and joined the PPHS Cadet Corps In 1968. He applied to join the Ontario Regiment the following year and was taken on strength of the Regiment in February, 1970. Two years later, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and served as troop sergeant in B Squad- - ron and as the Regimental Sigs NCO. In 1979, CWO Parry was appointed Warrant Officer and served as Quarter Mas- ter Sergeant of C Squadron, the Regimental Transport War- rant and Transport Officer. He returned to the troops each summer for MILCON. He attained the rank of Master Warrant Officer In 1984, and two years later became the Sergeant Master of HQ Squadron. CWO Parry Is now a resident of Oshawa and is a member of the Criminal Investigation Bu- reau with the Durham Region Police Force. He and his wife Christina have one son, Steven, 17. NOTICE The Office of Gon Craps at 175 North St., Suite 104, Port Perry has been closed effec- tive April 21, 1989. All accounts will now be handled through our Uxbridge office. For information contact Lov 97 Brock St. W., Uxbridge 852-5283 It has been a pleasure doing business with you. We hope you will allow us to continue servicing your account. Thank you for your patronage.