| | | | | | | | | | "3 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 2, 1989 Editorial Comment (from page 6) The content of the budget aside, the events in Ottawa last week were utterly amazing. The finance minister found himself in a cauldron of boiling water when a budget document was handed over to a TV network, the day before the budget was to be pre- sented to the Commons. The Opposition has been clamouring for Wilson's head ever since, but he is holding firm, saying he won't re- sign. : : The pre-budget disclosure was un-precedented in this Souny: but the question to be asked is whether Wilson should resign over what may turn out to be an illegal act. Let the RCMP conduct a thorough investigation and once all the facts are known, then Wilson will have to de- cide whether to resign. Inthe meantime, the Opposition parties ought to do what they are supposed to do: get on with criticism of the budget itself, and not try to score a few political points by screaming for a Minister's head before all the facts are known in this sorry case. There is no doubt the budget that was eventually put in front of Parliament last week is a tough one, perhaps as some have said, the toughest peace-time budget in the history of this nation. It will have a direct impact on ever cit- izen, and it will have a crushing impact on more than a few Canadians, like those in PEI who work at an Armed Forces base that will be shut down. But we believe the time has come for the country to face some cold, hard facts. You can't go on spending 30 per cent more each year than you take in. You can't con- tinue to mortgage the future of generations to come. You Viewpoint "by d.B. McClelland (From page 7) Anyway, our favourite took a long time surveying his wedge shot, took numerous practise swings, cleaned the face of the club with a towell, checked the wind velocity at least three times, walked to the green to determine exactly the spot he wanted the land the shot. In fact, he took so long getting ready for the shot, his three buddies were already on the green and waiting a little impatiently. Finally, he stroked the wedge. Everything about the swing looked letter perfect. Only trouble was, he caught the ball a little on the thin side. In fact, it was very thin. Now you know what happens when you hit a wedge on the thin side. The ball, which is supposed to sail in a soft, high ark and bounce gent on the green, takes off instead like a cruise missile streaking towards the green about ten feet off the ground. The hapless golfer knew the instant he struck the ball that this shot was in big trouble. His buddies on the green knew it too as they watched this frozen rope that was sup- posed to be a wedge shot. The ball, which was right on line with the flag, by the way, was not going to hit anywhere near the Sison. In fact, i was well on its way to the garden beside the caddy Ss 2, Anyway, as this screamer headed on a straight line about six feet in the air, and was just at the centre of the green, the guy who hit the shot was heard to shout with a fhe of helpless resignation in his voice: "Bite, you SOB, e." How about you? Got a favourite golf story? Tell me about it and I'l share it with my readers. Maybe we can have a few good chuckles over the next couple of months. RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER, a. Li. LAW OFFICES 38 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-8491 -- providing 14 years experience in -- REAL ESTATE -- INCORPORATIONS FAMILY LAW -- WILLS -- ESTATES Ash St. residents send seniors apartment proposal fo O.M.B. A formal objection to a pro- posed 38-unit senior citizens apartment building in Port Perry has been filed with the Ontario Municipal Board. The objection was present- ed to the Township on Monday, the last day for filing an objec- tion to the local by-law passed late in March which gave the proposal the green light. The 38-unit building is pro- posed for land on the now un- opened Cedar Street at the rear of Immaculate Conception Church and School on Highway TA. The Catholic Diocese of To- ronto is proposing to construct the seniors building and has al- ready received funding approv- al for the project from the pro- vincial Housing Ministry. The objection to the by-law was presented to council in the form of a petition signed by 20 nearby residents, most of whom live on Ash Street. The petition cites 16 con- cerns the residents have about the project, among them park- ing requirements, access via Ash Street, drainage, and the potential for traffic congestion. Sc Regional councillor Yvonne Christie said during Monday's council meeting she is not surprised the residents have filed the objection to the Objections have been filed with the Ontario Municipal Board against the proposed Honey Heights subdivision north of Port Perry. Written letters were re- ceived by the Township May 1 from the treasurer of the Hon- ey's Beach ratepayers associa- tion expressing concern over the impact the proposed 28 new lots may have on existing wells. And a separate letter of ob- jection was filed by Concession 9 resident George Gadanidis, "This project has generated a lot of antagonism. The neigh- bours feel that many of their concerns have not been ad- dressed" she said. ' It could be two or three months before the OMB comes up with a date to hear the objec- tions. . Object to subdivision also expressing concern over well water impact and the fact the proposed subdivision lands are now zoned agriculture or Open Space. It is not known how long it will be before the Municipal Board sets a date to hear the ob- jections and make a ruling. Scugog Township council passed the zoning by-law for the proposed lots on March 27. May 1 was the final date for legally launching an appeal of that by-law. MUFF Baked Fresh in the Store. Choose from our daily variety. 1/2 DOZEN JUMBO, 20 ounce SOFT DRINK 4, Coupon not necessary -- wor oe 3 C Offer expires May 16, 1989 Teme IE RR 2 Lt EERE = -- ONE DO DONUTS 1 Coupon per customer. Not to be used in conjunction Expires May 16, 1989. i with other specials. REGULAR CO and DONUT SPECIAL 1 Coupon per customer. Not to be used in conjunction i Expires May 16, 1989. with other specials. N ~~ ON EEE SR ee be RRR ES Ze on °2.99 1 Coupon per customer. Not to be used in conjunction with other specials. Expires May 16, 1989. 2 = DONUTS WN. FEE 1 Coupon per customer. Not to be used in conjunction with other specials. Expires May 16, 1989. 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