--g----.. _ cm s = POR 'PERKY SPAR 2 vodiday, May 3,198" Consolation champs for the Tuesday Night Mixed Bowling League received thelr trophles Saturday April 22. Winners Included Gloria Smuck, Stan Clark, Les Allen, Joe Parkinson and (absent) Joan Gauthier. The championship team for the Tuesday Night Mixed Bowling League includes Sandra Baker, Gall Wallace, Roger Lafontaine, Joe Dowdall and Bill Fritz. The champs were honoured at the league banquet held In Caesarea April 22. hg Members of Scugog Township council get their first look Monday afternoon at a pro- _ posal for a major championship olf course and exclusive resi- ential housing development south of Port Perry. In un-veiling the plans, course architect Ted Baker said the golf course "will be one of thebest in this part of Ontario." Along with the course it- self, which will measure in ex- cess of 7,000 yards over 18 holes, the development calls for 59 estate residences and a fur- ther 34 exclusive town houses nestled around the golf' holes. The proposal is being planned on 300 acres of heavily wooded land in Ward 1 between the Shirley Road on the north and the Scugog-Oshawa Town Line on the south. Access to the develop- ment would come off the Town Line, according to plans pre- sented to council on Monday. The land is legally de- scribed as part of lots 21, 22, 23 Concession, Ward 1. Mr. Baker said that from BE GENEROUS WHEN YOU SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Building Fund a golf course point of view, the land meets three necessary re- quirements: itis sandy clay, has ample water from initial test- ing, and has more than the 140 acres needed for a champion- New golf course planned dithough the project is stillin the initial planning stag- es, Mayor Howard Hall com- mented that it is "a large and mpredsive Jropostl ERR Ng AUTHORIZED 4 RALEIGH BIKE DEALER *19.95 Fr mr---- Spring Tune-up Special PINERIDGE SPORTS SHOP Queen Street, Port Perry PHONE 985. 2839 _---- Oro winners In the 0 Tuoutey Night Mixed Bowling League were hon- oured April 22 at a banquet. Sitting from left Is Nancy Bryan, Sandra Baker, Chris William- son, Ethel Lafontaine, Gloria Smuck, (and standing) Robert Esple, Jack Monsma, Ray wright, Stan Clark, Gall Wallace, Les Allen and Ken Rankin. N ship length course. He said the residential com nent of the development ould d be on the interior high Jand over-looking the course. Members of council re- acted cautiously to the propo- sal, expressing concern over the availability of water for so many residences and how the septic systems would be built. Council was told the de- velopers plan to build two sep- arate water supply systems, one for the residences, the other for the course's irrigation needs. Sports Land 985-2174 NEW BIKE purchase this spring?? TRADE-IN your old bike! SOME USED BIKES FOR SALE ALSO. FORD |] 2{04V]2} ¢ TUNE-UP SPECIAL 4 & 6 CYLINDER $A A87 Electronic Ignition $4987 * Electronic Ignition * LABOUR ONLY, parts extra * Vans and Air-conditioned Vehicles extra. Engines requiring points & condenser, extra. Fuel Injection Turbo Charge, extra. MUFFLERS - BRAKE LININGS - SHOCK ABSORBERS - Guaranteed for as long as you own your car. MUFFLERS HERE'S WHAT WE DO: . Supply and install a top-quality oil filter Install up to 5 Itres of 1OW30 motor oil FILTER AND LUBRICATION SPECIAL PLUS A 15-POINT INSPECTION $2457 ss wy won EXPIRES MAY 31st, 1989 AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE $214 95 TURBO TESTED Motor Onl -- for most cars and light trucks -- TAYLOR FORD ¢ MERCURY SALES & LEASING * PARTS & SERVICE 285-4451 985-3888 HWY. 7A WEST, PORT PERRY a ERA