PORT PERRY STAR -- Used Trucks Wanted to Buy Wanted to Rent LLP SS NET | CER JF TE TO For Rent For Rent - BAO 1987 FORD Ranger, good condi- tion $5300.00. 986-0160. M2 STUDENT DESK - please call 985-2729. 1980 CHEV 1; ton, v8 (305) auto, Ps, pb, 75,000 miles, excellent con- dition $3800 certified. 986-5465 after 4 p.m. 1981 GMC ¥: ton, ps, pb, 305, V8, BF Goodrich radials, rally rims with a full truck cap. Call 436-4034. 1982 FORD window van, dark tinted windows, plug in 4 bucket seats, plus 2 benches & table, 79,000 km. original - asking $4500 - 986-4482. 1985 DODGE Caravan, 5 passenger, excellent condition, 80,000 km., asking $8500. Phone 986-4482. Wanted PASTURE FOR 20-25 cattle. 640-2278 call between 12 noon - 7 p.m. WILL PICK-UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators & freezers. Call 986-4926. J 28 Wanted to Buy GOOD QUALITY round bales of hay. 640-4141. HIGHEST CASH Prices pald for crippled, disabled and down cat- tle. Phone collect anytime. Valley Livestock Exchange. We buy old horses. Cobourg 416-372-6413, or M&M LIVESTOCK Highest Prices Paid for Crippled & Disabled Cattle. We also buy old horses. Market prices for Colled Cows. -- COLLECT -- 416-852-3238 Serving your area for over 10 years. NEWLY MARRIED couple look-. ing for an apartment in Port Perry for June 1st, quiet, clean living, reasonable rent. 985-7613. FARM LAND wanted to rent, Port Perry or Blackstock area. 985-3554. For Rent HALL SPACE for rent - for bright, pleasant, carpeted meetings, banquets or exercise space call 985-3213. F BACHELOR APARTMENT - downtown Port Perry - $480/month plus utilities. Call Cliff Crowell - 985-2777. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - house or cottage 3 or 4 bedroom, Port Perry/surrounding area - Ju- ly/Aug. only or permanently. Prefer lake - references. 986-4785. COUPLE LOOKING for a house June 1st, in and around Port Perry area. Non-smokers - reasonable rent. 1-655-8621. M 9 STUDENT TEACHER seeking single room for May to July. References avallable upon re- quest. 985-2612 (days) or 1-640-2832 (evenings). LANDLORDS - houses, apart- ments, rooms, urgently needed. Phone Housing Registry (collect) 579-0622 - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 800 SQ. FT. Industrial Area, heat, hydro, washrooni, Immediate oc- cupancy, Reach Industrial Park. 985-9828 or 985-3885. M9 FOR RENT - PORT PERRY -Ex- cellent 2 bedroom bungalow with garage and nice backyard, within walking distance to stores - $900.00 plus heat & utilities. Call F.S.P. Country Lane Realty Ltd., Realtor 985-7351. FOR RENT -- PORT PERRY - newly decorated 2 bedroom - bungalow on wooded lot - $850.00 per month plus heat and hydro. Call Kelth at Country Lane Real- ty Ltd., Realtor - 985-7351. COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent, 1000 sq. ft., large overhead door, hoist, air supplied, office, park- ing, $750.00/month, In Man- SNOWMOBILE STORAGE - in- doors, safe, clean, dry, & secure - $150 total cost for 2 machines on a trailer. Call 705-357-2406. M 16 PRIVATE STABLE - Box stalls available - 60' x 120' indoor arena, "turnout, excellent feeding pro- gram, Individual care $175/month. 985-0706. M2 KINSMEN HALL -- available for dances, meetings and receptions - kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- Ing - 985-3736. TF MASONIC Hall available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. New facilities. Seats 141. Call 985-2614. TF HILLSET apartments, new one bedroom apartments, senlors preferred, west side of King St., Little Britain, no pets, first & last * - $500/month. Apply to Apt. No. 11 or 1-640-1275. M2 COTTAGE - Huntsville - Lake Vernon, 3 bedroom, all facilities, available June, July 15-29, Aug. 12-26, Sept. Prefer 2 week rentals July & Aug. 985-8318. M2 STORAGE | Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA a16) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA PORT PERRY - 2 storey, 3 bedroom modern home, close to schools & shopping. Walk-out to large deck with fenced in yard. $950/month plus utilites. First & last; references. Available May 1. 852-7793. Help Wanted TOPS 'N TRENDS needs you. Earn $$$ demonstrating the latest fashions. Fun, easy, profitable. Free catalogue and Information 986-5068. M16 STONE-MASON-helper wanted. Call 985-0091. WORKERS FOR receiving assessment & open custody. Full & part-time employment. Ex- perience an asset. 434-3746. BABYSITTER required on occa- sional evening & weekends. Please call 985-3090 after 5 p.m. PART-TIME position avallable for downtown retail store. Mon- day thru. Saturday (includes two Saturdays a month). Experience an asset. Apply: Box 1526, Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO. M2 MATURE PERMANENT part time help required Friday even- ing, Saturday & Sunday after- noons for retail sales - 985-0025. BABYSITTER for month of July and some weekends to come into my home on MacLarens Beach, Scugog Island. Hrs. - 7:30 a.m. un- t11 8:00 p.m. Call 985-0027 for fur- ther information. CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers required. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. It's all yours. Get your Class "'A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Tax deductible, professional training, job assistance, na experience necessary. Merv Orr Transport, Pickering. 1-800-265-3559. TF " FULL-TIME help needed for ex- cavating company. Call 986-5601. COOK AND/OR food preparation, full or part time. Apply Conway Place. HAIRSTYLIST Assistant wanted, must be experienced In all areas of hairdressing, full time position. Phone David's Hairstyling - ask for Dave 985-7101. CARPENTER & Carpenters helper for conventional & log home building, will train. 985-8255. LIGHT COOKING required after- noons & evenings, experienced preferred but will train interested person who likes to cook. Apply Chef's Kitchen, 158 Water St. (Old Dairy Bar). DONUT GALLERY Full or part-time help required at the Port Perry Location. Excellent opportunity for an enthusiastic person who wants to earn extra income. Apply in person at the: CANGO GAS BAR Simcoe St.N., at the Ridges. Tr moon. UDDER D-LITE is looking for a person to manage our Port Perry Location. The right applicant will be enthusiastic, amiable and responsible. This position is perfect for people looking for continuous summer employment, as well as university or college students. We provide a competitive salary package, pleasant working environment and the chance to gain practical experience in bookkeeping, product ordering, hiring and general management. Interested applicants please forward resume or call: WENDY LOCKIE, R.R. 5, Sunderland, Ont. LOC 1HO 1-705-357-2383 FIBREGLASS & STEEL Lindsay 705-324-0743. Lic. No. chester. Days 985-0422; Evenings Monday to Friday. TF gay 16 Fricay 649-3434. (705) 328-0061 REAL ESTATE TRANS-ACTION REALTY SERVICES INC. 15 Brock Street West, PO. Box 1752, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC KO | {416) 852-6193 x (416) 640-8585 (Toronto Line) Jim Corrigan Broker/Owner Res.: 852-7518 THE KEY TO YOUR FUTURE ROOM FOR ANOTHER or your mother ... This CergAvy Home in Village north of Toronto, lends itself SQ %r possibilities - 10 rooms, 2 kitchens, 2 baths Ce at $179,900. For further deatils call Sheil¥n McGreevy, 852-6193; Res. 1-705-357-3317. BUILDING FEVER "1 acre lot north Port Perry - village setting - permits available. Call Sheilagh McGreevy, 852-6193; Res. 1 705-357-3317. HISTORY IN THE MAKING -- Board & Batten century house renovations -- Close to Uxbridge -- Renovation by Award Winning Renovator -- Cathedral ceilings : | Va gl ; ABRICA ] ION -- Loft bedroom : . ; -- Skylights . roid . Manufacturer in the Oshawa area, with excess -- Wrap-around porch -- Ready for fall occupancy -- $229,900. Call to see the house and plans. Susan Bajari, 852-6193; Res. 985-8728 fibreglass and steel fabrication capacity, is looking for long term, volume work. All aspects of 'fabricating 1/4 plate to 18 gauge steel, with painting abilities available. This company also provides fibreglass layup exper- tise and can handle high volume, quick turn-around work; trucks for pickup; and attractive pricing. Call: (416) 985-8441 DHI FIELDMAN / WOMAN The Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation has a permanent full time position vacancy for a DHI Field Officer in the Saintfield-Seagrave area. The successful applicant will be responsible for the mon- thly weighing and sampling of milk from cows in DHI herds, keeping records and statistical data, and promoting dairy herd improvements. Applicants should have several years experience in dairy farming and/or a diploma in agriculture. We offer a competitive salary. jWritten applications containing qualifications, experience 'and telephone number should be forwarded, no later than SOMEBODY'S BUILDING YOUR DREAM HOME ... And they want to sell - Port Perry Area. House under construction. Check these features: -- Cape Cod styling -- 15 x 27 Garden Kitchen -- Hardwood Floors -- 3/4 Acre Lot -- Oversized Double Garage -- $339,000. See it this weekend with Susan Bajari, : 852-6193; Res. 985-8728 SUMMERTIME FUN BY THE POOL P38. Bring your cheque pook. Superb family home in Greenbank - 1/2 acre lot. ae Custom designed rec room - inground pool with fenced : yard. Priced $249,900. Call Susan Bajari, 852-6193; Res. 985-8728. LIVING IN THE PAST! PUT YOURSELF IN OUR PLACE , in this Century House - 3 bedrooms with 1 bedroom May 10, 1989, to: i Lhasa Tasact Suissa. legal apt. - Sunderland - Assume existing tenants or live ONTARIO DHI CORP., schools, recreation, etc. Priced to sell at $160,000. Call in one, rent eer ay, you win at $165,000. PERSONNEL DEPT. (File No. B-66) th ar h £7.9 reevy, 1243 | oy 512, Sheilagh McGreevy, 852-6193; Res. 1-705-357-3317. 862.6193; Res. 1.705.357.3317. | 3 J3ngion pe, uke 1 LR Bw Kyle Woon WHA LEA, KERRY Li LR SE AS 2 ; wa AE FHRREN et me TBE A A ronan s | LARRAEAL CEAIATAMIAN ERR ERL KL RIES EE EE ARS AWE NR TEER LEER EY NS RAAR EN |